Gaia Point Activation Angelic Human Star Seed Upgrade~528 HZ Miracle & Love
Divine Dispensation to the Source Codes of Creation through Shekina Rose in the 528 Hz Miracle, Love & DNA Repair frequencies Ancient Solfeggio scale
The "Gaia Point" from the "God Code Meridians" is divine dispensation through Shekina Rose from the Blue Ray and Shekinah linage of Source Creation. This energetic upgrade balances your Electromagnetic Frequency in your body to the Christ Heart Grid of Gaia~earth though your sacred linage and Source connection so you may ascend through grace and ease It is an upgrade to stabilize, balance and empower the energies of the ultra sensitive empathic Star Being and Angelic Light Bearer through the continuous shifts of ascension and earth changes.
The Gaia Point" act as a powerful protection as the veils become thinner through 2012 and beyond as it strengthens your core essence to your connection to Source.
Listen to the Shekinah Dispensation from "Language of Light" 528 HZ Miracle & DNA Repair Transmissions and watching this video is a sacred powerful activation that will open you higher heart and start an a accelerate process of your Codes of Light, your "Divine Original Blueprint".33
To hear and purchase the full Shekinah Dispensation Transmission from the "Language of Light" 528 HZ Miracle & DNA Repair Transmissions CD through Shekina Rose click HERE:
Personal sessions: Gaia Point activation check out Master Heart Frequency Upgrade
Concerts of Souls Sound Concerts
~ 528 HZ Miracle Language of Light CD's
Personal sessions: Gaia Point Master Heart Frequency Upgrade Activations 13~33~333
~Soul Readings
Contact: Shekina Rose at:
For: Artist Montserrat for
Cover art CD ~Language of Light & Invocation Picture
Mary Angelico Soul Portrait at:
With special thanks to Stefanie Miller for her wonderful editing and care of this video
UN Copyright Please share in LOVE with link credits Contact: Shekina Rose at:
This Video was made through the greatest Love I hold dear in my heart for humanity, the earth and You". Blessings Namaster & AhnaGodes Shekina Rose