Gaia Portal Update~ Energetic Undulations are Currently Experienced

Lia's picture

gaia_energy1Energetic undulations are currently experienced by many of the Higher Ground Crew (HGC), due to multilevel coordination of dimensional energies as well as continued intertwining and alignment of multiple so-called “positive” timelines.

Undulations, gradual rising and falling of sensed energies, are not sensed by majority of humanity, although a general awareness that “some things seem different” is admitted. Hue-manity HGCs ride these undulations with ease due to understanding of the Higher Purpose and Higher Mechanics involved.

Those anticipating rapid and/or “explosive” transformations may feel disappointment when such does not manifest. Yet all will (and many are) sense the Higher Vibrations this undulation process is bringing forth.




Ra-Raela's picture

I always feel a tremendous amount of energy in my crown and third eye, when I read these posts. It feels like the words themselves are charged with energy. Interesting!