~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-07-2012 – Don't go back to sleep ~

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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-07-2012 – Don't go back to sleep ~





Greetings Love Beings,


All seems to sleep... interesting low EQs ratio today... volcanos sleep... weather is mostly quiet... sun is resting... and as I refuse to post man made disasters ment to increase fear rate (as if it was not already enought)... here’s you daily Galactic Earth Report. Thus, one recomandation... don’t fall asleep as well, you’ve already been asleep for so long, there’s really no need in going back, even in a day where energies seem to be low... keep on creating, keep smiling... and please, please, please... don’t be afraid! Of nothing, first of all, don’t be afraid of GOD. GOD=LOVE’s not here to judge you, or punish you, or show you all your mistakes... LOVE’s here to embrace you, hug you, share with All of You.


For that’s what it IS.

ONE, with ALL.

You’ve been asleep, and you’ve been asleep for if you had not been deeply asleep, then you would have not been able to experience what it meant to live... as if you were not part of GOD=ALL=LOVE. You decided to forget... to learn, to experience something otherwise impossible to do... And yes, Creation does his job well... and you did forget. But now... now it’s simply time to wake up... ALL... and start remember Who You Are.

To get out of the dream some are trying to keep you in as they are even more asleep than you... Look yourself around and think... where’s LOVE.

Where’s The Love you deeply remember must be somewhere... nope.

You can’t see it out there... first you have to start waking up... seeing the Truth... there will be no punishment, only embraces, reunions... LOVE, JOY. Is it not what you’ve been seeking all time long?

Let the Planet rest, let energies settle down... but stay awake! Stay in LOVE.

Thank You


and if you missed our last energy update http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/galactic-free-press-daily-update4612-we-have-now-pushed-acceleration-button







Incoming CME could spark bright auroras over Polar Circle

According to the latest WSA-Enlil Solar Wind Prediction track, the CME from Thursday may deliver a glancing blow late on April 8th. Only minor geomagnetic activity is expected as a majority of the plasma cloud will miss Earth. (Check this animation). NOAA forecasters estimate a 25% chance of strong geomagnetic storms around the poles on April 8-9 when a CME delivers a glancing blow to Earth’s magnetic field. The cloud was propelled in our direction by a solar filament, which erupted on April 5th.

Solar activity is currently low. Sunspot 1450 will be rotating towards the western limb within the next couple of days. Sunspot 1452 is struggling to remain visible. There is currently a chance for C-Class flares.






Nature silences wardrums in Kashmir- Up to 135 now feared dead and buried under 80 feet of snow

Posted on April 7, 2012 by The Extinction Protocol


April 7, 2012 – PAKISTAN - An avalanche engulfed a Pakistani army battalion headquarters near the Indian border on Saturday, burying 124 soldiers and 11 civilians, with no sign of survivors 17 hours later, the military said. The snow left by the avalanche was up to 80 feet deep over an area a kilometer wide, state television quoted army spokesman Major-General Athar Abbas as saying. The victims were trapped in one of the most unforgiving environments on earth, at an altitude of 15,000 feet near the Siachen Glacier in the Karakoram mountain range. The area is also one of the world’s most militarily tense frontiers, where the Indian and Pakistani armies have confronted each other over disputed territory for decades. Eleven civilian employees of the military were buried under the snow along with the soldiers of the 6 Northern Light Infantry Battalion, the military said in a statement. “This battalion headquarter (has been) situated at same place for the last 20 years and no incident of this nature has happened,” it said. Helicopters were deployed in a rescue operation. Troops used sniffer dogs to comb the area, said the military. Heavy engineering equipment was flown to the site from the garrison city of Rawalpindi, near the capital Islamabad. “This happened at six o’clock. Thes


e avalanches usually happen at night. It took them by surprise,” Abbas told Reuters. The army listed the names of the missing soldiers and civilians on its public relations website. The military has ruled Pakistan for more than half of its 64 year history, setting foreign and security policy even when civilian governments are in power, as is the case now. Siachen is in the northern part of the Himalayan region of Kashmir. The no-man’s-land of Siachen is 20,000 feet above sea level. Military experts say the inhospitable climate and avalanche-prone terrain have claimed more lives than gunfire. Muslim-majority Kashmir is at the heart of hostility between India and Pakistan and was the cause of two of their three full-scale wars. Siachen has been described as the world’s highest battlefield. Indian and Pakistani troops have fought at altitudes of over 20,000 feet in temperatures of minus 60 degrees Celsius. Between 10,000 and 20,000 Indian and Pakistani troops are stationed in the mountains above the glacier. -Reuters


Kenyan landslide: A landslide killed at least eight people on Wednesday and trapped others in a slum in the Kenyan capital Nairobi, officials say. Huge boulders reportedly crashed into houses in the Mathare area at dawn, following torrential rain. Several people are still thought to be buried under the rubble, residents say. At least four people were pulled out alive, but the rescue operation was being hampered by rain and mud, the Kenya Red Cross says. Earlier, police spokesman Matthew Iteere said four people had died; several hours afterwards the Kenya Red Cross said another two bodies had been retrieved. A Red Cross official said more than 40 houses were destroyed by the landslide, the AFP news agency reports. “The main challenge was the accessibility thus the appropriate machinery for rescue could not access the scene of the tragedy. At the time of the tragedy, rescuers were using hoes and axes in the rescue efforts,” the Kenya Red Cross said in a statement. Another police official, Aphiod Nyagah, said he could hear trapped victims calling for help, but that it would be difficult to rescue them. –BBC


What’s melting so many glaciers in Antarctica? Searching for hidden volcanoes under the ice

April 7, 2012 – ANTARTICA - Mount Sidley, the highest volcano in Antarctica, may have a lot of company lurking out of sight. Scientists are using seismographs to hunt for hidden volcanoes in Antarctica. Scientists have used radar and other imaging technology to uncover some astounding finds under the East Antarctic Ice Sheet: A vast mountain range that rivals the Alps, and Lake Vostok, one of Earth’s largest lakes. Finally, seismographs can reveal hidden sources of seismic activity — little earthquakes that could be the signatures of active volcanoes hidden under the ice. “It’s really the first time we’re able to look at the interior structure of the mantle,” said Andrew Lloyd, a WSLU Ph.D. student who traveled hundreds of miles by snowmobile to help retrieve some of the seismographs — and the reams of data they recorded. “It will enable us to say something really definitive about the tectonics and geology of the region, which is something nobody has been able to do before,” Lloyd said. Wiens said that the data are already revealing a tantalizing picture of what is going on beneath West Antarctica, a place that is, in the words of one scientist, “hemorrhaging ice. We do see these big variations in the temperature in the mantle across parts of Antarctica that will have a big effect on the ice sheet,” Wiens said. However, he added, many months of work lie ahead, and it will be some time before scientists are ready to announce to the world what lies beneath the ice. –Live Science






5.0        2012/04/07 20:37:52        CENTRAL MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE

5.2        2012/04/07 20:09:40        BANDA SEA

5.8        2012/04/07 11:58:08        NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA


Santa Clara County rattled by 13 earthquakes in seven days

April 7, 2012 – CALIFORNIA – Thirteen earthquakes, averaging a magnitude of 1.9 on the Richter scale, struck Santa Clara County this week. The largest quake, with a magnitude of 2.9, occurred just nine miles north of Morgan Hill at 2:42 a.m. Thursday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey website. Three tremors rocked the county on Friday alone, with a 1.8 magnitude quake striking three miles south of Los Altos and 20 minutes from Campbell at 5:11 p.m. A slightly smaller quake, registering at 1.5, hit three miles from Los Altos the day before at 11:59 a.m. Multiple tremors shook the South County area, especially in Gilroy and Morgan Hill. In Gilroy, a 1.8 magnitude quake hit four miles south of the Garlic Capital at 4:08 p.m. Thursday, and three more hit Gilroy Wednesday. The first struck a few miles from Gilroy at 2:29 a.m. with a magnitude of 2.0. The second, a 1.2, hit three miles away at 4:28 p.m. and another 2.0 quake hit the Garlic City about 10 minutes later in the same area. On Tuesday, a 1.2 magnitude quake hit five miles from San Martin at 7:19 p.m., along with additional smaller quakes striking near the same area. To view the quakes that sent trembles through the county in the earlier portion of the week, view the UGSG earthquake list. –Gilroy Patch


‪ Love Youself and Love as ONE. With All The Love I AM~




~And MotherFatherGod, The Galactic Free Press Staff, Earth Allies, GroundCrew Staff ans Earth’s Transitory Government~


~We’re looking for inetlligent God that would like to be part of our GroundCrew Team… inquire within~


~Thank You for Keeping the Press Going and Supporting Your Earth Allies~

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Way to Go and way to Show Your Love Humanity! We ask you to share IF you can for this very divine mission.


Many have been working for many, many years sacrificing everything and working behind the scenes on Behalf of Humanity for all that is now unfolding. All of this will be revealed to Humanity. Thank You For honoring those who work tiresly for Humanity's Freedom.


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