~The Galactic Free Press~ 2~22~12
~Bringing Humanity Home~
~Energy and Event Update~Universal Staff have Taken There Positions~ The Separation of the world and the Planet Continue's~
Art work By Father God Amon Ra
Greetings Love Beings~ We are BACK!~ During the last 24~48 hours, there has been huge energetic movement, this came with it, alot of processing of the older dense energies so that we could arrive at today with another Upgrade for Everyone!!! Now, those that do not know whats going on may not experience anything, however, for those that are sensitive, are feeling these energies.Some may experience this as a flip, as if you were down and now right side up. This song says it well about what has actually occurred !
On 2~18~12 the world and the Living Planet begun their separation. Because of this, much movement into alignment has taken place. We have entered some challenging moments for many in this facet of what is unfolding. There is clearly only one choice, but many, will not know or understand this. For them, these upcoming moments will appear as turmoil, upheaval, confusion, and despair. This is the reality many will face.They don't know who they are, Love and that Love is Here and Real. We say to our Lightworkers, Planet Servers, All Love Beings, let go of the dead and lets move forward. Everyone has now made their choices and all has been noted. Final plans are now Underway. No one, is here to save another, but everyone is Here to Be Love and Serve Love. We have compassion for those remaining to keep themselves in the illusion, but there is a Divine Plan in Full Action, take your places in Love, this Moment has Come. Everyone Is Coming Home~ Thats the Bottom Line.
If we look back and see how long humanity has been in illusion, 13.000 years and now its being yanked from underneath them, wow.. Huge Wake Up call for them in whatever its going to appear Like.
Behind the scenes, we are on the Move and working diligently to push forward events as per the Divine Plan on Planet Earth=Heart. We Keep saying to Maintain focus on the Light, as The Energies of Truth are what is carrying everyone through. Be aware of distractions from others egos or outbursts, send them Love and keep the focus on The Truth.
As Energies continue to spin and transform, There is so much ahead to look forward too and every moment now, brings us closer and closer to the inevitable.
Humanity and Mother Earth=Heart, as A Graduated Blue Star Nation, that is Completely in Love with Each other and All of Creation, this is Inevitable for this Planet as this is a Done Deal .
Artwork By Father God Amon Ra
Twin Flames in Complete Unified Fields are manifesting Now in The Physical and walking across this Planet in complete Unconditional Love. They are Completing the energies needed for the last push forward, that will spiral those ready for 5D Life and Living into complete Alignment.
~When ever 2 or more are gathered... There is Love. The Unified Field is strengthing and Unstoppable on this Planet Now.. and We cannot go Back~ Lights ON, EveryBody! As Each Twin Flame Connects, the Planet Just Gets Brighter and Brighter and Brighter... Incoming~
The Earth Allies, which are also Humanity's Transitional Universal Government Staff, have now taken their positions and roles to assist Humanity into 5D Reality of Love Everywhere Present and to distribute the Prosperity funds Via LOVE.
Today is the Day of~
222 Doreen Virtue 222 ~ Our newly planted ideas are beginning to grow into reality. Keep watering and nurturing them, and soon they will push through the soil so you can see evidence of your manifestation. In other words, don't quit five minutes before the miracle. Your manifestation is soon going to be evident to you, so keep up the good work! Keep holding positive thoughts, keep affirming, and continue visualizing.
~Keep Breathing~
We The People of Planet Earth=Heart~ Say Yes, to Universal Government, Yes to Equality for Everyone, Yes, To Love Being Everywhere Present, Yes, for Humanity's Joy and Wholeness of Being. Yes, To Humanity's Freedom, Happiness, and Abundance of Everything that is Real. Yes, to Humanity's Star Brothers and Sisters Decloaking.. Yes To All Dreams of Love coming TRUE~
Amen, Amon RA
~ End Transmission in Love Everywhere Present~
The Wonderful Curing and Healing of Coconut Oil
Our Family Thank You for Sharing and Honoring Our Service in Love To YOU and All of Humanity~
Our Last Press Release we recieved 2 Love shares. Thank you Boo!
Total Love Shares for February 910$
Funding Needs and Costs for Site and Team 2000$
~ Its Our honor to Be Here for Everyone of You Everyday, Humanity's Awakening is Our Greatest Joy, and Its our Pleasure to Be of Service~ Thank You for Sharing, to keep us in service everyday without any interruption~A Simple 5 or 10$ share adds up.
~We are Here to Assist In Humanity's Complete Freedom into The Present Moment of NOW~
We are looking for Artists and Photo's to Donate to the Galactic Free Press. All Artists~Photo's will be recognized, with each post! You can download these in our Image Gallery or send us your Website! http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/contact
If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/contact
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Love Mother and Father God Amon Ra and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff
your flip
MFG....It would be appreciated if you would tell what the last 48 hrs process meant for you...specifically...out of interest. It seem you flipped the responsibility for interepreting the inuendo over to us, the reader. yes, I go thru the same frequency assults that you do, but I don't post and leavce itr up to the readers to intuit what I am experiencig. Please, in the interest of clarity and growth for all who visit here, I ask, be more specific as to what you interpret the experience we are all(as One) having.
Will I am
We felt the Song and Words would Be felt and Understood Upside D
The Separation between the old and new has begin. You experience this in the Moment of Now, and those that are Present also are experiencing this. Its, like being down, and then sunny side up. To Explain 5d is challneging within the 2dlimited thought. We are aware you require referance points, which is what we feel the music assists us in. The Moment has clearly arrived. Choose love or fear. whatever your choice is your experience. Love Mother and Father God and The GFP Staff
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!
The choice is
The choice is clarity.....some times we have to be drawn to it kicking and screaming.
Will I am
I have found that clarity
I have found that clarity comes through certain experience...sometimes not exactly when and how you want. That's why you can either jump on board and be consciously aware of what you are assisting in manifesting. Or you can be drug along your spirit still going with the flow yet the body and mind still "unconscious" in what is occurring.
Intuition...Great idea master William!
Why do you see that leaving it up to others intuition is not approproiate, is this not where telepathy comes from? Intuition! Leave ALL things to it, Practice it and encourage your readers to practice it as well, give them what you know to be true then let go and let their GOD mind(intuition)do the rest for them. From my perspective the last two days where tremendous! Much was brought to the surface for many, but perhaps many would not see this as a blessings if they ARE NOT using their intuitions. Fine tune your intuition until it is more refined than even your seeing eye and then trust that intutition even MORE. This time that we are in is just such a time to grow into yourself, this must be done through your FEELING/intuition center and you must trust it if you are to succeed in cultivating your higher self.