- HEAVEN #4105 ~ GROWING CLOSER TO GOD ~ 20.02.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff
- Open letter from HUmanity to MotherFatherGod: And Humanity said: “Sorry for being late!”
- Space Weather Current Conditions~ Wind Speed has Picked up~ 540
- ~Let us choose to hold our light and joy~
- "We are all Angels who have forgotten how to fly"
- White Hats Report #36.."From The House Of Lords - The Shot Heard Round The World"
- Montague Keen ~ 19 February 2012 We are Watching Over Your Planet
- Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/19/12
- ~Solar Update~
- 2~19~12~The Galactic Free Press ~Energy and Event Update~ Just Jump~
- SaLuSa 20~February~2012 We are AS Good as our Word~
- ~The Arcturian Group Update~ This is a New Time for Everyone~
- Soul Group Connection to Manifest Love by the Celestial White Being
- Visionkeeper ~ It’s Not Always About What You Give To Others (It’s About What You Allow Self To Receive)
- The manuscript of survival ~ part 89 This Period is the Most Challenging~
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Empower
- Oracle Report ~ Monday February 20 2012
- ~Synergy within the Garden!~
- Private Message SaLuSa to Me ~ Light Quotient
- UFOs ~ From The Legend To The Reality
- Listen with your Heart
- Volcano ~ Earthquake Watch Feb 20-25, 2012
- Seek That Peace - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins
- "I Am" poem by Matt Kahn -TrueDivineNature.com
- John Smallman ~ Jesus ~ Intend To Accept That All Humans Are The Divine OffSpring Of God ~ 19 February 2012
- What is “Ascension”?
- Spacemuffin ~ More Of What We Already Know But Must Keep Talking About ~ 19 February 2012
- Enlightened Beings ~ The Blue Room Revisited ~ by Jafree Ozwald
- Etheric Visualization ~ The Universal Torus
- New Energetic "Structures" Forming Out of the Void
- Symphony of Science - 'We Are All Connected'
- Lisa Gawlas ~ The Last Of The Muck Coming Up! ~ 19 February 2012
- Blossom Goodchild ~ 19 February 2012
- John Smallman ~ Saul ~ You Truly Are Greatly Honored ~ 19 February 2012
- Below the Surface ~ Finding Deep Strength
- Feb 20 ~ 26, Doreen's Weekly Oracle Card Reading
- Kauilapele ~ Is Any Of That “Stuff”That’s Supposed To Happen Really Happening Out There? Look At These Bank Resignations… ~ 18 February 2012
- 2/19/2012 -- Explosive eruption @ Sakurajima Volcano - Japan
- Twelve Insight ~ Why Would You Avoid Anything At All?
- I Surrender My Soul...to the GREAT I AM By unknownlightworker
- Hilarion's Weekly Message, February 19 2012
Greetings Love Beings~ Behind the scenes we are on the Move and working dilgently to push forward events as per the Divine Plan on Planet Earth=Heart. Maintianing focus on the Light is Key Right Now, as Energies continue to spin and transform, There is so much ahead to look forward to and every moment now brings us closer and closer. We will Have More about this In Our Next Update. WE Love You, Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff
HEAVEN #4105 ~ GROWING CLOSER TO GOD ~ 20.02.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff
Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff
Growing Closer to God
Heavenletter #4105 Published on: February 20, 2012

Infinite is My love. Infinite are the ways to express My love. Heavenletters are one way. Life is another. The ways are long-standing, and they are new, the same way that each day is new, and the same way that, each day, you are new.
Open letter from HUmanity to MotherFatherGod: And Humanity said: “Sorry for being late!”
Open letter from HUmanity to MotherFatherGod: And Humanity said: “Sorry for being late!”
Beloved Mother God,
Beloved Father God,
I write on behalf of Humanity as a Whole. Humanity asked me to. Ok, maybe not All of them asked me openly but I follow the 51% “rule”. And that percentage has indeed been reached.
I was asked to say “I’m sorry for being late God, signed Humanity”.
But as I know that no one has to be forgiven for anything I asked HUmanity some more details about it, and the following is their answer (I’ll use the I on behalf of All of HUmanity):
Space Weather Current Conditions~ Wind Speed has Picked up~ 540
Solar wind
speed: 540.5 km/sec
density: 1.0 protons/cm3
explanation | more data
Updated: Today at 1436 UT
X-ray Solar Flares
6-hr max: C1 1127 UT Feb20
24-hr: C4 0509 UT Feb20
explanation | more data
Updated: Today at: 1400 UT
~Let us choose to hold our light and joy~
As humans there is always a tendency for us to analyse things with our mind and go by the stories that our mind tells us. Believing our mind stories we think that this world and its people are broken, and we try to fix people and situations, taking pity, trying to bring healing, and in due course forgetting to live our joy.
If we start witnessing these mind stories it is amusing to note that we started seeing the world with blind eyes.
The world blossoms in the light of joy and wellbeing. The Light of joy and wellbeing do not depend on things and situations. The Light of joy and wellbeing are the material we are made up of, and everytime we forget our joy we go into stress.
True healing happens when we stay in our light and hold our joy and through that help others find their joy.
JOY is a state of being that gets enhanced when we start noticing the gifts and blessings that we are endowed with. The more we notice this the more we hold our light, and when we are in our light we are able to bless others also.
We bring immense healing when we help people find their gifts and acknowledge their blessings. For through this we bring light into their space, and this light would help them begin to see possible solutions that could rearrage their life and bring them peace and harmony.
"We are all Angels who have forgotten how to fly"
Evolution is at hand as Earth and her children catch & ride the Christos Spiral
We are all Angels who have forgotten how to fly
To the trees and flowers and honey bees to every ocean, dolphin and lake.
Mountains, valleys, and all of the beauty between, in her we all have a stake.
We must replace indifference with kindness, and compassion, must banish hate.
We should honor our planet with gratitude for her abundance and forgiving grace.
When we share with others we can find our path & the purpose that shapes our dreams.
We can create a place of safety from knowing that we are angelic beings.
By trusting ourselves and our instincts and the voice of the human heart.
We will finally know who, in fact we are and that we have never been apart.
We must discern the truth of our heritage, and focus inward when we pray
White Hats Report #36.."From The House Of Lords - The Shot Heard Round The World"
Monday, February 20, 2012 - White Hats Report #36
From The House Of Lords - The Shot Heard Round The World.
Our beginnings could read like a Robert Ludlum spy thriller.
We selected with care a controlled-access, self-contained safe house in Fulham, Greater London, not overlooked but with a viable backdoor escape route to an unseen inter connecting alleyway in case of emergencies, and with a full visual overview of the wide scanning approach road to monitor any parked observers or perceived threat risks. Our emergency escape vehicle was permanently parked up on the connecting alleyway for a fast exit. The house’s sun blinds allowed us full vision of external areas, but blocked out vision of the interior from prying eyes. To even the most trained observer, it was a quiet, low-profile, unassuming neighborhood. It was the perfect location for a safe house.
The call went out and from the head count, the purpose and need for an immediate “sit down” was well received. The gathering included old soldiers, both civilian and military, always in the background, always keeping the balance and from all over the world. The subject matter was of concern to every person in the room. The meeting could not be further avoided as the image of the future was becoming clear. Enough was enough.
Most of us had been trained under former Administrations and Regimes and were becoming disillusioned and disgusted with what we were witnessing. Every member of the group came with an impressive background, a broad base of knowledge, vast years of experience and most importantly, intelligence networks.
We all take oaths. Our first oath started with the secret words to gain access to the neighborhood tree fort and graduated to a Code of Honor … a Code of Honor that, to this day, we gladly live and die for.
Montague Keen ~ 19 February 2012 We are Watching Over Your Planet
Montague Keen ~ 19 February 2012
My dear Veronica, as I told you this week, the Sword of Truth is cutting through all the corruption and exposing it. You received a copy of David Icke’s new book, REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE. This book covers everything you need to know, to help you to see and understand the prison you are living in and the methods used to keep you in this hypnotic prison that you had accepted as your lot in life. It is good to see many breaking free of it, finding their voice to say “NO MORE! We will no longer tolerate your domination.” The people of Europe will lead the way in this, quite soon. It will spread world wide. There is total support for this on this side of life, plus your extended family from other planets.
We watched your excitement, last evening, as the Andromedan spaceship responded to you. It completed some interesting manoeuvres to greet you. They will physically visit soon. They watch over your planet. They are doing much to restore balance. They need you to understand and accept that you need to learn how to re-establish and use your own power and energy. We look forward to Earth’s reunion with her fellow planets and your Universe being restored.
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/19/12
You want answers. Please quite yourself for a moment. There will be certain events unfolding within the next few days that will alter the course of your lives on Earth. The mass arrests we have spoken of will begin in earnest, and we would suggest you prepare yourselves for this. We see some disruptions to some services, but not many as these beings are taken into custody, and we would like all of you who have informed yourselves of the importance of these events to share this information far and wide and also educate others as to their relevance.
Be on the lookout for the initiation of these arrests that shall begin very soon. Our Earth allies are in place and are prepared to undertake this massive endeavor. Large numbers of men and even some women will be taken out of your society and into custody where they can no longer interfere with your lives and the proceedings of the events set to unfold in your world.
~Solar Update~
Solar wind
speed: 496.1 km/sec
density: 0.5 protons/cm3
explanation | more data
Updated: Today at 0055 UT
X-ray Solar Flares
6-hr max: B4 2009 UT Feb19
24-hr: C1 0851 UT Feb19
explanation | more data
Updated: Today at: 2359 UT
2~19~12~The Galactic Free Press ~Energy and Event Update~ Just Jump~

SaLuSa 20~February~2012 We are AS Good as our Word~
From one day to another circumstances in your world are changing very rapidly. The facts may not be readily available to you, but as the purge of the dark Ones continues you will learn more about it. Our allies along with our backing are progressing very well, and nothing will prevent ultimate success. For example although many attempts have been made to start a Third World War, they have been dealt with and as we have promised you all along, there will not be another war. That message is getting home to those who are the warmongers, and they realise that we are as good as our word. There have been a number of false flag incidents that have been controlled by us, so as to prevent the likelihood of a major confrontation. Some have been too big to be fully concealed, and some details do leak out. Be observant and you will undoubtedly pick up on some unusual reports.
~The Arcturian Group Update~ This is a New Time for Everyone~
Dear ones, we greet you in these times of tremendous activity taking place all over the world, although you are not always aware of it. We see much happening with regard to the exposure of events that have been kept from you. Many are speaking out and many more are trying to speak out. It is a new time for all. Do not get discouraged as you read about the many works of negativity, but instead realize that these issues are coming to mankind's' awareness as a preparation so to speak for more information to come. Many will be shocked to find out how they have been deceived by those pretending to have the peoples' best interests at heart while instead holding only to their own best interests.
Soul Group Connection to Manifest Love by the Celestial White Being
Soul Group Connection to Manifest Love by the Celestial White Beings
through Natalie Glasson- 20-02-12
Much love flows from our consciousness and source of light into your being and reality as you exist on the Earth. We wish to honour you as you exist on the Earth and thank you for the wonderful achievements and wisdom that you are collecting and creating through your incarnation. We feel it is most wonderful for you to contemplate this often during your life time upon the Earth, realising that you are achieving so very much for your soul group.
You are an extension of your soul group, it doesn't matter whether you are aware of the name or energy of your soul group as you simply need to be aware that there is an energy source that you extend from and belong to, that loves you unconditionally. This source of light is an expression of the Creator. If we understand energy sources as separated energy from the Creator, we see that your soul group is a separated energy from the Creator and you are a separated energy from your soul group. Of course separation doesn't truly exist only when understanding is needed.
Visionkeeper ~ It’s Not Always About What You Give To Others (It’s About What You Allow Self To Receive)
Visionkeeper ~ It’s Not Always About What You Give To Others (It’s About What You Allow Self To Receive)
One World Rising | February 20 2012
I am going to repeat a picture again in this post. I find it so beautiful and so touching it truly makes tears come to my eyes. It shows the act of giving I want to explain.
I am finding tears occurring more and more these days as my heart softens and seems to grow arms of its own with which to embrace the world. It seems to shoot out of me in an attempt to embrace whatever it is I am being moved by (which is a lot these days). I feel like a giant heart walking around thudding like a drum and dripping with emotion. It is a strange feeling because it is new to me. It is also a wonderful feeling.
The manuscript of survival ~ part 89 This Period is the Most Challenging~
The manuscript of survival ~ part 89 This Period is the Most Challenging~

Let us begin this missive by confirming that although on the outside much seems to be very quiet, underneath there is much turmoil at the moment, and we think you have all picked up on this one way or the other. You see, you are so connected to everything now, you cannot help but be exposed to all that is transpiring not only in your realm, but also in the rest of creation. For many, this will take the form of a deep unease, a feeling of disconnection and a feeling of longing. This longing may be very unspecific, but it will be strong, and the reason for this is easy to explain.
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Empower
It is safe for you to be powerful
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright© 2012
Listen to this message on YouTube
Oracle Report ~ Monday February 20 2012
Oracle Report ~ Monday February 20 2012
Oracle Report
Balsamic Moon Phase
Remember that we are are now working on honing our skill of going with the flow of the Universe (see Saturday and Sunday’s posts in the Archives for more information). To do this, today, we need to get out of our own way. Under this energy, the best sides of ourselves are able to come out if we come out.
The dominant undercurrent of the energy tempts us into feeling insecure or threatened in some way or by something that happens, prompting us to want to hide away. But we are not here to hide our light and doing so will lead to missed opportunities today.
~Synergy within the Garden!~
~Synergy within the Garden!~
Every single day seems to be so energetically different than the previous one. For the last several weeks the “field” seems to be in a constant state of change. Granted, life is always changing… but not this fast!! No where near this fast.
I know for me personally (and I share it because I am sure many of you are feeling this too,) I feel like internally I am changing to beat the band. Externally tho, it is as if the world has come to a stand still. I think instantly of the gyroscope energy. I cannot say I understand it, but it feels so purposeful.
by Galactic Love Reporter Aruna
Monday, February 20, 2012
Private Message SaLuSa to Me ~ Light Quotient
Private Message SaLuSa to Me – 15 Feb 2012 - Light Quotient
Laura: Please read all channeled messages with discernment, all messages can be interfered with by the channelers’ mind or by lower dimension entities.
Message channeled by Laura Tyco
There is a great deal of concern at the moment within the great human soul. Those of you who are awakening, are beginning to realize how easy it is to be one. There are literally no barriers between you by now. You are all within each other’s reach no matter what the distance is. The internet has made it possible for many of you to come together, but also as Ascended Beings, you are beginning to become aware of your own place and role within the universe. You are exploring new possibilities for you individually and also collectively, as part of the bigger picture. You are also beginning to realize the implications of your coming together at this time.
Listen with your Heart
Feel their LOVE...Connection..to ALL!
Volcano ~ Earthquake Watch Feb 20-25, 2012
Targeting Coronal Hole (CH501). With associated solar disturbance and significant Pc3 spike indicate a strong seismic event in the coming days. After analysis I have isolated (1-9°N Latitude). Solar symmetry to earth indicates best fit regions for a possible 6.5-6.8 Magnitude Earthquake are:
Nicobar Islands-India Region, Northern Sumatra-Indonesia, Molucca Sea, Moro Gulf-Philippines, Mindanao-Philippines, Costa Rica, Panama or Colombia . Likely Time Frame Feb 20-22
Targeting Coronal Hole (CH502) indicates a strong seismic event for the end of this watch period Feb 24-25. After analysis I have isolated (22-27°S Latitude). Solar symmetry to earth indicates best fit regions for a possible 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake are:
Loyalty Islands, South Of Fiji, South Of Tonga or the Kermadec Islands Region.
Realtime Ionospheric Anomalies this week are: Fiji, Tonga, Samoa in the Pacific Islands, Hawaii, South West Indonesia and the Ryukyu Islands Japan.
Excellent information websites for solar watchers and researchers
Earthquake Reporting Channel
Seek That Peace - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins
Seek That Peace - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins
Seek That Peace
Seek that peace.
That peace that awaits all whom be but still and at rest.
Seek an inner sanctuary.
That springs forth as a breathe.
John Smallman ~ Jesus ~ Intend To Accept That All Humans Are The Divine OffSpring Of God ~ 19 February 2012
John Smallman ~ Jesus ~ Intend To Accept That All Humans Are The Divine OffSpring Of God ~ 19 February 2012
Photo by Dawn Christine~
Love binds us together, gently, sweetly, and eternally, because it is the field in which all of creation has its existence – at one with God. In the illusion hate, violence, conflict, suffering, and disagreement are endemic – a consequence of the choice to be separate from God. Choosing to be separate from God is also a choice to be separate from one another, and that is why those experiences occur; they could not occur if you were at one. But, of course, you are all one, and so choosing to engage in those damaging behaviors directed at others is inevitably a choice to damage yourselves. You think that by attacking or defending you are protecting yourselves against the attacks of others, but it is really only you attempting to protect yourselves from yourselves by attacking yourselves. It makes absolutely no sense at all!
What is “Ascension”?
What is “Ascension”?
Reposted from Oct. 23, 2009
As we near 2012 and the end of the present cycle of duality, “the stage is set for a grand finale,” according to Atmos of Sirius, “a glorious time of enlightenment, and the spreading of much love and harmony. The Light is reaching into people’s heart centers and awakening them to greater possibilities than they have [ever] previously considered.” (1)
Spacemuffin ~ More Of What We Already Know But Must Keep Talking About ~ 19 February 2012
Spacemuffin ~ More Of What We Already Know But Must Keep Talking About ~ 19 February 2012
Humanity as a collective cannot stop or halt in this process of awakening, neither should they hesitate to reveal vital information, nor hinder its release and distribution. The truths have been hidden for long enough and they can be found hidden in the vaulted chambers of the Vatican, from sacred Astrological texts, to Mayan calendars, to the wealth of plundered nations. Hello beings of planet earth: that’s why they have vaulted rooms, and secret libraries, so that nobody knows what they’ve got hidden in there. And guess what? You and I don’t get to go in.
Thirty years ago when I began to study Astrology, I asked my teacher, Brent Henderson, which books I should buy. He gave me a list and laughed, and said ‘But if you want the really good stuff, try the Vatican.’ I was young and impressionable, and he would never know how many times his offhand comment would echo in my head over the balance of my years.
Uploaded by danielofdoriaa on Feb 18, 2012
Enlightened Beings ~ The Blue Room Revisited ~ by Jafree Ozwald

Etheric Visualization ~ The Universal Torus
Etheric Visualization ~ The Universal Torus
Photo cs.berkeley.edu
Thomas Pafe | Science Of Ascension | February 17 2012
Ether (scientifically-speaking) is known to be the stuff between spaces – a hypothetical substance supposed to occupy all space. Some traditions have called it the God Particle – the underlining infinite universal force (spiritual energy), the substance/intelligence that keeps things in harmony/balance in all of creation hence responsible for all ESP phenomena. We are permanently immersed/surrounded by an infinite encompassing field called the God wave aka the Universal Torus.
New Energetic "Structures" Forming Out of the Void
With the increased cleaning and clearing of our perceptions, beliefs and physical bodies that so many are performing on themselves lately, there is also an increased change taking place in the foundational structure of energy itself.
By taking a look deeply into energy itself, you’ll see that there is something akin a net or mesh that sort of exists in and around everything we consider to be our reality. It could resemble a fishing net in how it’s woven together. It holds the information and structure together for our existence and I’m sure has been doing so since the beginning of existence as we understand it.
Symphony of Science - 'We Are All Connected'
ft. Sagan, Feynman, deGrasse Tyson & Bill Nye
Lisa Gawlas ~ The Last Of The Muck Coming Up! ~ 19 February 2012
Lisa Gawlas ~ The Last Of The Muck Coming Up! ~ 19 February 2012
It seems, since the moment my rock man Jorge came to shake me awake, I have been deep within my own processes… ummm… gunk ever since. For the last couple days I have been flipping between just crying (yes those sad tears) and then moving into a place of melancholy until the next wave of tears came.
Those fears and worries laying deep at my ocean floor, completely disturbed and moved up to the surface!
Funny how we don’t notice the sediment at the bottom. Those tiny specks that fell to the bottom of the emotional ocean thru all the clearings.
Yesterday within me was the most intense, I suppose. My own energy field must have been pinging to beat the band, my computer kept completely turning off. Finally, I checked the plug to see if something was the matter, it was so freakin hot. I decided, not going near the computer for the day. I took myself to the couch, put on Netflix, picked up solitare on my phone… and purged for the entire day (well, after my appointments of course…smile.)
Blossom Goodchild ~ 19 February 2012
Blossom Goodchild ~ 19 February 2012
Greetings! I FEEL its fine just to let you go straight ahead. So … off you go … full steam …
We choose in this excerpt to willingly acknowledge that which has come to pass over the communications that we have had with you, to be something that is allowing ones calibre of knowledge within themselves to be opened up and brought forth … so that the constant vibration of Love that has always been within the self , can now be considered to be that which shines out on a Higher frequency. This naturally prevents measured undertakings to pull this vibration under, from achieving its purpose. This is of such great value to the Earth and those upon and within it.
If we may point out … stimulations to the soul are activating such rapid progress. We would ask you to ‘take on board’ also the fact that the energy that is now emitting from each individual that has ‘seen the light’ is coercing in a magical dance with Higher energies that our coming through . This, added to the mysteries of what unseen energies are capable of … that are now merging with your particular energies … is indeed causing an effect that is nothing short of Enlightening.
John Smallman ~ Saul ~ You Truly Are Greatly Honored ~ 19 February 2012
John Smallman ~ Saul ~ You Truly Are Greatly Honored ~ 19 February 2012
Photo By http://jeffschauss.com/9.html
Humanity’s intention to awaken is intensifying as the divine energy field enveloping the planet continues to spread its loving influence among all nations, all races, and all religious persuasions. The rhetoric that is reported on the mainstream media does not reflect what is really happening, nor does the constant attention being paid to the areas where war is being waged. Wars are obviously ongoing and extremely painful for those involved in them, but the growth in love planetwide far outweighs the negative energies that wars support and encourage. Focus your attention on the growing influence that this love field is having on humanity, intend that it continue to spread its influence, and make a point of being loving yourselves at all times. You cannot see how effective you are when you do this, but I assure you that the effect you have when you behave lovingly is huge, and it is felt by and influences everyone on Planet Earth.
Below the Surface ~ Finding Deep Strength
When we look back on our lives we see that we have survived many trials and often to our own amazement.
We have all faced moments in our lives when the pressure mounts beyond what we feel we can handle, and we find ourselves thinking that we do not have the strength to carry on. Sometimes we have just gotten through a major obstacle or illness only to find another one waiting for us the moment we finally catch our breath. Sometimes we endure one loss after another, wondering when we will get a break from life’s travails. It does not seem fair or right that life should demand more of us when we feel we have given all we can, but sometimes this is the way life works.
Kauilapele ~ Is Any Of That “Stuff”That’s Supposed To Happen Really Happening Out There? Look At These Bank Resignations… ~ 18 February 2012
Kauilapele ~ Is Any Of That “Stuff”That’s Supposed To Happen Really Happening Out There? Look At These Bank Resignations… ~ 18 February 2012
I[UPDATED 2-18-12 2000 HST] I found this on an “unrelated” site (seemingly unrelated, but thanks to that person who uncovered this in-the-public-domain news). I did verify the links. Now, I absolutely spend extremely NO time watching banks. And the most I’ve ever read about the “banking system”, is with David Wilcock’s Financial Tyranny articles (article 1, article 2). But this series of articles, none of which I fully read, but the titles give the gist, indicates to me that there really is a lot happening along the lines that David (and others) have talked about. Whether it’s arrests or resignations, it appears to be a pulling apart at the seams of the old (cabal) system.
So I am just going to list these articles. No particular order. Date of publication, then the title (with link). So here goes. (I’m leaving comments open 2 days on this one; feel free to add your own links and comments)
2/19/2012 -- Explosive eruption @ Sakurajima Volcano - Japan
Caricato da dutchsinse in data 19/feb/2012
Twelve Insight ~ Why Would You Avoid Anything At All?
Twelve Insight ~ Why Would You Avoid Anything At All?
Photo by http://jeffschauss.com/5.html
Twelve Insight | February 18 2012
Guest: On this topic of accepting what is, I have a question. I see other people trying to avoid things they don’t want. So if it’s really all for the good, why do I avoid things I don’t want? If everything is well, as you say, then why would I avoid anything?
I Surrender My Soul...to the GREAT I AM By unknownlightworker
I am no longer able to straddle two worlds…to ground two worlds…I read the same information…going in circles…There are some great changes that are going to happen(month or two) I see it…I can’t explain it…This blog (statement) is for my advisors or my “invisible assistance” they have been with me before I came to this world…and they will be here until I leave…They ask me to write something…I told them I didn’t want to because…”Actions speak louder than words”…They say but you wish to say something…I say “yes”…but what I am is beyond words…what I know is beyond words…They say…just write….So I did…This is my declaration of independence…I am no longer a soul that dwells in the 3rd density…The longer I hold on to it the more it strains me…I am no longer a soul of the 4th density…The longer I remain the louder my souls screams…I make pea
Hilarion's Weekly Message, February 19 2012