The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~23~12
~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Prepare for Increased Intensity of Energies~
Fleet of Scout Craft with an Angel directing Traffic~ How many do you see here? Photo Taken By Earth Allie Will Harader
Greetings Love Beings~ AS Much Light, as there now is on the Planet, everyone is remaining calm. This is A Good Sign. Our Highest Intentions are a Smooth Transition from the old to the New, which is Humanity out of illusion and into The Real Reality of Full Consciousness, Love. In the Next 12 days we will be experiencing an Intense Period of Increased Energies. All ego which is unconsciousness within this period are going to be all coming to the surface. We Are Seeing this occur across the Planet already. This will appear as chaos for many, and for those centered in the Love Energy and have dissolved ego, will experience an increase in Magical Synchronistic Events and True Miracles. This will bring you Lots of Overflowing Joy. Get your Kleenex's out. Love is going to show up on Humanity's Doorstep and Say Hello~
Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report:
Earth Allies Report:
Right Now, The Sun is heating up, the earthquakes are quiet, and we have severe weather in the United states. AS we have shared, Be Aware and Awake, as we very well could see some major events energetically occur for density to release, as we Head into April. We are In Fiery Energy, meaning events could heat up very quickly so stay alert.Some are saying this is the calm before the storm and this is exactly what it feels like to us.
If you have any remaining ego left we suggest sitting by a tree and having a funeral for your ego. It simpy will not survive these incoming energies. The ego is just a program and serves no purpose, but increased pain and suffering. We are not here to bring increased pain and suffering. We are Here to Bring the Joy of Reality.
~Painting of Our Scout Craft wrapped in Full Consciousness Energy of Love~ By Father God
A Quote from Yesteray's Update~"In 12 days the starships are going to be broadcasting to Humanity a wake up call. All ego's are not going to Like this At all. All ego's are going to fall to their knees and fall away and the Being will be standing in Oneness Energy. Humanity as well as Planet Earth=Heart are going to Be Bathed in Love. Don't forget your Towel"~ Your Unconditional Loving Earth Allies
We would Like to Clarify with everyone what this Means. What will occur is that within 12 days our Craft will begin a series of broadcasts~announcements energetically to Humanity. They will not be decloaking as of yet, However, this will be a catalyst to Prepare Humanity and Mother Earth for our Craft To decloak.Thank You for Being in joy and Spreading the Good News.The 12 days is not a decloaking date, although the ships from now on could decloak at any moment.
We don't ask you to believe us or believe in what we share with you. We are Not a belief system, we are Real. We are Here to Serve The Real Reality of Love on this Planet. We are Your Earth Allies, responsible for sharing the Highest Truths with you and have a constant connection to our ships. We are In Full Consciousness as Our Higher Selves, Physically walking amongst Humanity and Most have no clue. Our Unified Energy Brings Wholeness, Joy, Love and Truth.
~ We are For You~ Thank You for Spreading the Message to others~and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned IN~
~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~
If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:
We Love You~ Love The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, and First Contact Ground Crew Team.
~Help Keep the Press Going~ Share if You can!!~
We are Honored to Be of Service, Thank You for sharing~
Total Love shares for March 1756.77$
Total Costs for Team and Site 2000$
and 200$ behind from last month.
A Simple 5 or 10$ share adds up.
Our Last Update we received 2 Love Share's
Thank You For honoring and sharing with those who work tirelessly, and endlessly for Humanity's Freedom.
We are working 24~7. NO KIDDEN'!! WE are Here to Give You Everything.. Thank you for SHARING. Its Our Honor to Be of Service, Help Us Continue to Help You and All of Humanity~
Every Wednesday we are Now Having our Council Meetings for the Transitionary Government. All are welcome, however there is only a 10 limit at the moment, due to the limit of Skype. We do have a Core Group of 10 Now, but will be able to rotate others into the meeting to share in the Energy. We are asking only those that are ready for this experience with complete service to Love, to contact us. We are looking into alternative ways to get us all connected as a Family group. This could be in radio format. If you are interested or have any suggestions as to how we can better accomplish this email us at and we will give you all the details. For the Moment connect with us via skype at father.mothergod.amon.ra
We are looking for Artists and Photo's to Donate to the Galactic Free Press. All Artists~Photo's will be recognized, with each post! You can download these in our Image Gallery or send us your Website!
If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:
~WE are Going Home~
We Love You, Love Mother and Father God Amon Ra
WE are Here~ Its US~
Today's Angel Numbers Doreen Virtue 999 ~ Completion. This is the end of a big phase in your personal or global life. Also, it is a message to lightworkers involved in Earth healing and means, "Get to work because Mother Earth needs you right now."
~Thank you to Holly Irene Cardoza for sharing this~"The Mothership Connection is HERE"~Gina Hall
Art: "Mothership Connection" by Scott Cranmer