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Deserve~ To be Worthy of, Have a Right too Accept. Example~ We Share with You, that All Worthy in the "Kingdom Of Heaven". All Deserve Everything because, You are Everything, Therefore you Deserve Everything.

Responsibility~ One who is Answerable, Therefor, ethically Accountable. Example~ Our and Your Responsibility, as Awakened Beings, is to Spread the Truth all Over the Planet Via any means Possible. To all Your Brothers and Sisters on Planet Earth=Heart. This is the Ethics Train, With Truth and Love as it's Fuel.

One~ Characterized by Unity, Undivided, every person, everyone, everything. Example~ The Whole Human Race and Your Entire Family of Light, are ONE Big Happy Family.

Service~ Duties and Responsibilities, work done for others, an act of assistance or benefit for others, useful. Example~ We, Your Family of Light, are In Total and Complete Service to Your and Humanity's Awakening!

Liberty~ The condition of Being not subject to restriction or control, the right to act, in a manner of one's own choosing, not in confinement or under restraint, FREE, Not in slavery. Example~ Your True Freedom, Your True Liberty, Liberation, Is Your Awakening into the Love you Truly are.

Respect~ To Feel For, to Honor, Willingness to show consideration or appreciation for, Right Conduct, Right Action. Example~ We Respect Your True Being of Love and Light, because We Really Love you, We are family.

Dark~ absence of Light, characterized by gloom, dreary, unenlightened. In a state of ignorance, uninformed, unintelligible. Example~ The So~called "dark ones" are Getting the Door opened on them. As the Door Opens, the Light Shines in.

Beliefs~ the mental act of thinking something is true. Mental acceptance, opinion. Example~ What keeps many of you from moving forward along your Awakening Path are your taught beliefs. Let go of everything that was ever taught to you, because Love has no beliefs or rules. Beliefs was a lie told to you by your controllers, and you were so naive you believed the lies. This is Now changing as You receive the Highest Truths and Accept them into your Being.


Perseverance~ Tenacity, The Holding to a course in action or purpose, continued Strength and Patience. Example~ It Takes Perseverance to get out of the Program, and You can DO IT!

Persevere~ To Persist in, Remain Constant in Purpose in the Face of all Obstacles. Example~ We, Of the Galactic Federation of Light, "The Kingdom~Company of Heaven", Creation, and Love will Persevere On Planet Earth=Heart, Guaranteed.

Dedicated~ To commit oneself to a particular course of Right Action. Example~ We, Mother and Father God and Your Family of Light are Dedicated to Planet Earth=Hearts Awakening into Love Everywhere Present.

Let Go~ To grant Permission, To Allow, To Free from Confinement, To Allow to participate. Example~ By letting go of the old paradigm, the program ego mind, You set Yourself Free to Be the Love you Truly are. Its Simple "Let go"!

Compassion~ The deep Feeling of sharing the understanding of suffering, and to Then give aid and Support, to Show Mercy. Example~ We Have Deep Compassion for those still inside of the program, still being controlled and still within fantasy. We also have Ruthless Compassion in the face of ignorance, which We Address Directly.

Persist~ To be repetitious, insistent, or tenacious. To Hold Firmly and Steadfast in Purpose, Despite all obstacles or setbacks. To continue in Existence. Example~ Love will Persist within your Hearts until you Open, yourselves to LOVE, and afterwards as well!

Persistent~ Refusing to Give up, enduring, retained permanently. Example~ Love and Light are Persistent and Alive on Planet Earth=Heart.

Illusion~ An error in Perception of True Reality, a delusion, the state of being deceived. Example~ You have been in illusion for over 13 Milena. Your Awakening is out of illusion and into True Reality!






