Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~
Greetings Love Beings, In Our Last Update We spoke about the Wild Energies of January and they certainly are not letting us down, Love is Here. For those Who are Awake and Flowing Within the Eternal Flow, the Oneness Energy, this Energy is Flowing through You and into Your Lives at a quick rate. These will Flow in and then you integrate and then more comes in. This experience is Like Electrical Currents or gentle waves of Light filled tingles. These Energies will Be Increasing Synchronostic Events, Joy, Connections, More Awakening's and More Joy. All of these Only Occur in the Present Moment of Now, where these energies are Completely Present with You. This is where the True Manifestation of The New Earth will Unfold.
EYE OF THE NEEDLE...inspired by Source
painted by D.M.Smith 12-15 12
Quoted from Doreen Smith "The energies since the beginning of this new year have been amazing. .... These energies are real and becoming stronger as the days progress. These are Divine energies allowing us to play in 5D and beyond...We tremble, we shake, we're suddenly hot or cold and then we breathe in and out...consciously breathing in Love and Peace ..blowing out and releasing LOVE and Peace and every good thing in ONENESS and for the greatest good of ALL.
The year 2012, with all the alignments and portal openings in 2012, and our own Ascension into awareness and full unity consciousness in knowing the Divine God Love Being we ALL are, and being ONE with ALL, was Divinely brilliant.
We learned so much. Felt so much. Released so much, we felt like we couldn't go on at times. Yet, it was, and is so worth everything we've gone through to be where we are in this NOW moment. We've gained so much LOVE bringing in this new Divine Age of Aquarius..the Age of Love. We did it for LOVE. For the greatest good, and the highest benefit of LOVE for ALL. For the Awakening and Ascension...
We are ALL awakening. We are ALL Ascending all the time. We are ALL going through the eye of the needle as we rise into full awareness in our heart, into ONENESS, into unity consciousness and into the next dimension of Love and Light and Heaven on Earth. As each of us pass through the Eye of the Needle, over the threshold into higher realms, the needle brightens and becomes radiant with more Love Beings (like you and me) crossing over into higher vibrations of LOVE, and into the endless vastness for creation to be brought into reality. Source is our inspiration. Everything in creation and everything humanity created in Love for the highest good of all, is inspired by God..Trust God...Trust Your higher self. God is self...You'll discover, everything is as it has been Divinely decreed. ...
...Hang onto your hat..The winds of change are strong and pushing us in directions we never thought we'd go and, because we are motivated by Love, we continue to step forward in LOVE for ALL.and the highest good for ALL. We've only just begun to Live and LOVE. I've got a feeling we're all going to have many yugen experiences in this Divine new Year 2013, New Age of Divine Love. WOOOHOOO..YEEEEHAAA!!!..." End of quote
Daily Sun: 08 Jan 13
Sunspot AR1652 has a beta-gamma magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class solar flares. Credit: SDO/HMI
For Many the Energies from Our Incoming Cme Came in Yesterday. You may be experiencing these as Bursts of Energy coming out of Your Heart Chakra. We Could See More Action as the Sun Is Covered In Sunspots and some are harboring M Class Energy.
CHANCE OF FLARES: NOAA forecasters estimate a 35% chance of M-class flares and a 5% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours. The most likely source would be sunspot AR1652; it has a 'beta-gamma' magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class eruptions. The active region is circled in this Jan. 8th image from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory:
Of greater interest, perhaps, is the large sunspot emerging just south of AR1652. Denoted by an arrow, the unnumbered region is crackling with C-class solar flares and, based on its size, could be capable of even stronger eruptions. We will know more in the days ahead as the sunspot turns toward Earth; a more direct view will reveal what kind of magnetic field the sunspot posseses. Solar flare alerts: text,
Earth Ally Rain With the Earth Report "There was a 7.7 mag earthquake 60 miles off the coast of Alaska three days ago. There were no reports of damage or injuries. Since then, quake activity has been stable.
Volcán de Fuego de Colima Mexico erupted on January 6 – The Day of Epiphany. A cloud of lava and eruptive material shot as high as 2 miles. Surrounding counties were evacuated but there were no reports of damage or injuries.
The ongoing eruption of the Plosky Tolbachik volcano on the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia sent gas and ashes almost 2-1/2 miles into the sky on January 7th. An orange aviation alert has been issued because the eruption could affect small aircraft but no populated areas are in danger.
Australia is experiencing a blistering heat wave with record high temperatures. Numerous brush fires are burning, creating dangerous conditions and damage. Eighty percent of the country is under a fire watch.
France is also experiencing record warm temperatures and Switzerland is very warm and experiencing near record high temperatures.
China is experiencing its coldest winter in 30 years. Northern India is also having an unusual cold spell and at least 170 people have died from exposure.
A violent storm passed through Hawaii on January 5th, High winds caused a lot of damage and knocked out power for many people but there were no injuries reported.
Stormy weather continued in Israel, causing damage Monday throughout the country as more than 10 Israelis were injured by trees that were knocked down during the storm.
A “rare storm” swept through Lebanon Sunday and Monday, bringing rains, strong winds and flooding. The storm caused significant damage and at least two deaths.
A sandstorm moving at 80km per hour moved through southeastern Iran on Monday affecting the water supply, agriculture, roads, and traffic." End fo report
What is Occurring on this Planet within these Incoming Energies are the Atoms are Now being Super Excited by the New Earth Energies which is assisting us In The Manifestation of the New Earth, which has begun. AS Humanity Awakens the Atoms begin reconnecting into the Unified field, which is The HigherSelf and this is where Co~ Creation takes Place within The Unity Consciousness. This Entire Planet is Made Up of Atoms of Energy and all atoms are being effected one way or the other, there is no where around this as Love is the Most Powerful Energy in all of Creation and Creation is On the Move On this Planet in a Big way. We will see these as we move forward throughout this Year.
Quoted from Jelaila Starr "So, as I understand it we are moving through this magnetic outflow of high pro-evolutionary energy (the Nibiruans call it a galactic superwave) even as I write this. Have you noticed how the sun seems to be even brighter?...
....Why is this superwave important? I believe it is important because it is the energies that will help us transform our DNA and help us bring about the changes in our world that we seek. I’m also wondering if this superwave could be the energy of Christ Consciousness that so many have been speaking of. If so, it is certainly going to have a major impact on us and Earth, helping us evolve to the next level.
Regardless of what it is, we are literally being bathed in this energy each day....
What can we expect to see as a result of this energy? As I and many other teachers[Guides] have been saying, expect to see some amazing improvements in our world[Planet]…and don’t be surprised if they come at moments when it appears all is lost.
Yes, knowing about this energy (Christ Consciousness or not) is great confirmation of what I’ve been writing about for years. A welcome bright spot of hope that good things are coming and that I’m not completely out of my gourd after all. *chuckling*..."
No Matter what December's Events prepared us For NOW! The Shifting has truly begun and we cannot go back. We have many People Activating and this effects others around the Planet. We are already getting reports of increased Lightness or happiness around People still in the lower vibrations. This is excellent News as this Means already the Galactic Center Energies Flowing In are taking effect.
Quoted from Zen Gardner "So, here we all are in the afterglow of what should have been a celebration on a planetary scale, humanity’s coming of age party ..... Was it everything you expected, or were you disappointed? It depends. If you viewed things intellectually thru the brain, you may well have concluded it was just another non-event like Y2K, or a dozen other such doomsday scenarios of the last couple decades. If however, you viewed the recent pinnacle of the shift of the ages thru your heart, an entirely different reality was revealed, and is still unfolding around you.
Have you noticed that people are more polite and courteous just recently, and maybe even a bit happier? Have you had a really significant recent spiritual experience or vision when you least expected it? Has your inner voice been advocating a letting go or releasing of restrictive old interactions which no longer serve your growth? Have you been increasingly aware of this being the perfect time for new beginnings? Congratulations if you answered yes to some or all of those questions, as you are operating from your heart, and bringing the brain along for company: as it should be....
Another thing that’s becoming more apparent all the time is that we are now definitely out beyond the reach of history. What does that mean, you may ask, well it means that unlike the ‘before times’ we cannot look back to or fall back upon history to guide us in this new epoch we’ve entered. It really is the dead past! People everywhere are awakening to the harsh cold reality that all the old edifices are crumbling under the weight of their own corruption, at the precise time when those Piscean energies which supported them have disappeared under the brilliant dawn of the Aquarian age!
Our hearts are full of this wonderful buoyant new energy which at times can give the impression of being ready to just burst out a set of wings and take flight…
It is no longer just a brave new world we are living in; it’s a brave new universe as we begin to understand that indeed, we are the universe. The atoms that comprise our bodies and brains were created billions of years ago in a supernova explosion, so in every sense of things, we are star stuff, as Carl Sagan put it. To put it another way, we are the universe trying to understand itself by expressing as human life.....
That is the Heart of Unity Consciousness.
Welcome to the World of the Fifth Sun.
…and please be good to each other!" End of Quote
Last Year was when the Truth Became Known to Many, this Year begins this Truth into Physical Manifestation. When We Speak of Truth we are Speaking Of Love and Unity, As this is The Only Truth. 2013 is Embarking Us On this Journey this Year towards a collective Energy Bringing this all Forward, as Well As, The New Earth.
Quoted from Taryn Crimi"....We would like to begin with the energy of the overall year, 2013. We will call this year the year of truth. You are amidst the largest transition this earth has ever experienced. This will be a year of many ground breaking events. We mean this in both the individual sense as well as for the collective. Much that has remained hidden and allowed to exist within your world will be brought to the collective’s attention. There will be a strong demand for the truth, this will manifest as a strong impulse to find your own truth on both an individual level as well as for the collective as a whole. The number 13 brings with it the energy of purging and cleansing that which no longer serves you; and therefore much will surface this year to allow for another large leap in consciousness. You are transitioning from a world whose primary focus was based in the energy of service to self, to a world that works as a collective for the good of all...." End of quote
All Who Are Ready Are About to Connect their Energies to The Unified Field which will trigger major transformation on the Planet and will continue for the Next 2 Years. The days of the old paradigm are over! The old will be dissolving quickly in these intense energies and Your Missions will also become clearer then Ever.
Quoted From VisionKeeper "2013 is here and I think we will be seeing our purpose for being here pick up speed. As the old paradigm begins to disintegrate quickly beneath our feet, the newly awakened who are beginning to question the old way of being are now desperate to find new ways to keep the foundation beneath them together. They are now sensing and slowly learning about the lies they have been spoon fed forever and their whole world is beginning to unravel. How well we all know! They are scared and feeling very vulnerable and are in dire need of finding answers to all of their questions. We knew this time was coming and now it is upon us. The world is falling apart in the sleepers eyes and there is panic, and yet the new world is strong with a solid foundation, but they are not fully aware of it, they just know they need something that works and quick! It is our time to come forward and guide the hopeless to the new world.
As the truth of the old paradigm tumbles out on a daily basis and people begin connecting the dots, they realize they can no longer trust the world they have been a part of. ...
I think for the most part we have all gotten over our 2012 let down because we now can see the bigger picture that change really is in progress and we truly are now part of a new world. It is time gather up all of our knowledge and begin spreading it far and wide so people are able to grasp the importance of waking up! Not only do they need to wake up, but most importantly they need to understand WHY they need to wake up!!! Along with this awakening we also need to hold in our hearts and vision, people waking up. See them suddenly having ah ha moments, see them finally getting the message, see them hungering to know more and see them being willing to change! We are creating what we desire don’t forget and we want this process to speed up and complete itself! We now have our new assignments to be of assistance and so it is time to go forth and do what we do best! Carry on troops." End of quote
Everyone's connection to the Oneness Energies will Bring True Community and the Co~ Creation of the New Earth, this is Inevitable. WE are Ready For Lift Off! The Web Of Light is About to Shine Bright On Planet Earth=Heart, Through the Hearts of The Many Connected In the Unified Field and Have heard the Call.
~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~
Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronostic Events!
~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~
We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.
If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:
Thank You For Keeping us Going!
We are currently behind for the Month, Thanks For sharing!
Total Donation Needs 3000$
Total Donations Received for January:330$
If everyone shared a simple 5 or 10$ Share we make our Funding Needs Quickly!
Universal Government Staff~The Universal Government is a Network that Serves the Whole Truth, Light, and Unconditional Love Across Planet Earth=Heart. THAT IS OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE, AND BY THE PEOPLE! WE are Now in the Beginning Stages of this First Step AS THE ENERGY IS Now READY. Besides Gathering Together in Support of this, our Goal is taking the power away from those who have been abusing their powers, We ARE HERE TO ASSIST THE ENERGY TRANSFORMATION. We Accomplish this By Being a Flow of Energy, that Gives to Love in Support of Love and The Greatest Good in all Moments. This will begin with a monetary Change. Money Now will be used to support Love and Truth, until all money dissolves. The illuminati’s manipulation of the cash flow was their current power over method that kept Humanity struggling in survival and competition. We Have already Begun changing this energy flow to the direction of equality and abundance for all.
simply By asking Each of you To Make a Donation In Support of the Divine Mission.
Join us Live Every Saturday and Wednesday for the Internet Love Party. Beginning at At 10:30am Pacific on Wednesdays[ Council Meeting] and Saturdays at 1:30 pm Pacific. Participating in these, you are participating In your role in the Divine Plan To Help Bring in the Higher Energies into the Planet. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~ You can Join us Via this Link:
At this Same Link We will have a One Hour Staff Meeting Every Monday at 10:30am Pacific. All are Welcome! We are also in the Planning stages for a Live Room for people to come into to receive Love and Support.
If You Would Like to Submit Your Artwork and Photo's You can Download them on Our New Site Here:
If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:
If You would Like an Amazing Awakening Session with US You can Email us At
~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~
Artwork Thanks to
(Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”, Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.
~WE are Going Home~
~We Mother and Father God, Represent the Atoms you are made of. Our Pineal Glands are Completely activated and opened. We are of "Divine Intelligence", and Represent the 2 becoming ONE. We are also the Very Essence of the Unknowable, which Equals Source, Equals Love, Equals Truth, Equals God, and Equals LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT=YOU.~
Quoted from Doreen Smith responding to Bill Ballards Video."no one is better than anyone else...That's the beauty of Love..equal..We are All Equal. this...Every One...God...I'm so in LOVE with Every ONE and every thankful for MotherFatherGod, You[Bill Ballard] and Everyone knowing Every one is awakening and coming into realizations..Divine interventions and guidance everywhere....There is much clean up for us and Gaia..Cleaning up's great.Let it Shine!! You're so right on..I'm just Divinely magical...fricken awesome!! :) Anyway, ..this whole life is frickin awesome and magic..Love You.
Quoted from Sandra Walters
The Shift just gets more and more brilliant, doesn’t it?
The brilliance of Mastering one reality while another dies off – I absolutely love it. Think of our experience here, Masters. Why in this realm would we create something as dull as make it clear to everyone on the planet that something huge has occurred to begin this fantastical journey of merging with all that we are? It is brilliant to have dramatic Earth changes and Solar activity subdued at the moment. It is brilliant to have no drama during the initial weeks, because it challenges our Mastery of choices, wisdom, ...and fortitude.
With the veils gone, we now have the opportunity to fine-tune our perception and capabilities to abolish all illusionary nonsense. January may get intense energetically, and it certainly proposes some thrills and chills to those walking between worlds, but we are receiving many days to adjust, rest, integrate and decide what our experience will encompass. Brilliant, and I appreciate the self-imposed downtime while so many are clutching at what to do next.
Your choices are still the same
5D Ascension began on the 121212 when Gaia fully ascended and created the platform for us to experience her as a 5D planet. ...
As we said years ago, the entire Universe is being rewritten, galaxy by galaxy. (all hail science for catching the burst of the bubbles at the galactic center last week, and Suspicious Observers for backing up the absolute diminishment of our magnetosphere and changing solar interaction. Always good to witness science waking up to light intel bit by bit ~ don’t expect any nod in our direction, wayshowers. Just keep moving ahead, that’s what we are here for.)
No one with a connection to their Ascended 5D and beyond expression has any fear regarding the dissolvement of the old paradigm. It may get challenging to witness the old collapse, and it is fine to feel it as long as it doesn’t suck you into the quicksand. Detached compassion is so present in my lifestream that it even applies to me witnessing myself; I watch my own journey from my collective consciousness, making choices based on the highest good of all. My lower levels have been trained well, and I AM grateful to experience this bizarre – yet normal – state of transcendence. All is well, even when people, places, situations, things are falling apart.
I wish everyone a good shattering of what was this month. The Sirians said it would be a rough initiation into 2013, but I feel prepared with neutrality, love and enthusiasm for any challenge. Flow and presence are normal states of beingness which allow new ideas, lessons and connections to be integrated at light speed. Fly when you can, ground when you need to. Your progress to being a pure conduit is unique....