Galactic Free Press Update- The New Power With in Equality Has Begun

glr_Andrea's picture


Pubblicato in data 26/ott/2012 da GalacticCentral

The Following are recommendations as the release of all the old programming is coming up to the surface for many. Make sure you breathe, Be Patient with yourself and with others and stay focused in the Present Moment. This is going to be uncomfortable for Some as this clearing takes place. Let us Love Each Other and Support One Another

To read the full Update:



Thank you so much

BrigetteBowler's picture


Your beautiful narration of the now combined with the current rotation of earth+heart planet was so satisfying. I have a wonderful life bringing and living in the light of love . To come home from a beautiful evening of seeing an Albanian woman sing sound and speak of the sheperdesses and their freedom and then get to watch this.


Wow I am blessed. may the golden flame ray come come come frome the ascended master retreats over north america and descend descend descend through the heads the throats and the hearts of all beings bringing divine wisdom in this cosmic grid initiation rite of divine intuition.


so mote it be

