~GALACTIC LOVE REPORTER Denise Le Fay: What Is Unity Consciousness?~
Denise Le Fay: What Is Unity Consciousness?
Denise Le Fay | 9/25/2011 | Transitions
In super simplified terms, pre-Ascension polarized awareness, focus, and frequency range emanated from the three bottom chakras. That was mass humanity’s singular lens to perceive “reality”; straight from their crotches and solar plexus gut! Is it any wonder why things have been so dark for so long if the bottom three chakras are a species only lens upon “reality”? How repulsively easy it’s been for some to mind control, manipulate and heard the human species through these bottom three chakras in duality!
But, via the Ascension Process this frequency range and level of function and perception is ascending/evolving into the upper chest area. Not the old lower physical heart with its Heart chakra, but the Thymus gland which sits higher in the chest above it and is what I call the High Heart or what others call “Unity” Consciousness. Now don’t you just know that reality is going to change dramatically because of this elevation of our focus point?
We all know what lower frequency polarized consciousness was all about. It was an endless tug of war back and forth between one side, one person, one family, one country, one group, one religion, one belief system etc. against all others. And of course, from the opposite side or group or country or religion or belief system it looked exactly the same! Them against us, us against them, him against her, her against him, endlessly back and forth like mesmerized idiots incapable of escaping their limited, polarized brains and matching frequency reality.
Ascending individuals with blossoming High Heart or Unity consciousness have resolved duality/polarized emotional energies and projected junk in themselves to the point where they’re able to escape the endless back and forth tug of war of duality consciousness and reality. (This was the start of individuals experiencing the beginning of the Separation of Worlds over the past few years.) These individuals are increasingly existing and perceiving from the High Heart area in their upper chests spherically, as opposed to the bottom three chakras within the frequency range of duality.
The main way I know I’m existing within increasing High Heart “Unity” consciousness now is that lower frequency stuff has much less effect on me in those old lower chakra gut/solar plexus ways. I see something horrible and seemingly wrong in the world but I have a higher perspective and knowing about it with greatly increased emotional neutrality. My High Heart easily understands why things are happening and I have great compassion for all the players playing their individual roles and lives, yet, I’m finally emotionally neutral and unaffected by what is happening around me. This is one easy to recognize trait of increasingly functioning, existing and perceiving from High Heart Unity consciousness. It exists vertically and vibrationally (as integrated position number 3 in my diagram) above the lower frequency of horizontal duality (the number 1 and number 2). It’s perspective is radically different from the lower tug of war of duality consciousness and reality.
Another clue that you’re existing and functioning within increasing High Heart Unity consciousness is that you FEEL and KNOW much more but it doesn’t imbalance you mentally, emotionally, psychically or physically at all. You feel, you know, and you know you are connected to All (ascended 5D Aquarian group) and yet you are still a unique individual (ascended 5D creative Leo). You know things but not through the brain in your head or your egoic intellect, but through your integrated High Heart FEELING KNOWING 5D brain center in your upper chest.
Your physical body talks to you too informing you of all sorts of things, but again, this all happens not in your head, brain or intellect but through body consciousness, cellular consciousness and memory, feeling, sensing, and knowing information without having it be an intellectual, linear thought process. You FEEL and KNOW because you are in a more unified frequency using a higher, more unified range of perception. The “We are all One” statement means something very different to you once you are consciously aware of and can feel the fact that it is a fact but not loose your important individuality at the same time.
The new Unity, High Heart consciousness is vastly more about FEELING and KNOWING from this new Center without lower head thinking, which I know sounds to some like an impossibility or just plain crazy. But after a lifetime being a psychic in polarized 3D Earth reality, I can tell you that what I’m experiencing of High Heart Unity consciousness so far is tremendously more advanced and comfortable than being a “psychic”—clairvoyant, clairaudient, claircognizant, empathic etc.—in lower duality! There is no comparison actually.
Be ready to KNOW and FEEL as the new ascended primary way of perception from a very different place in yourself and your body than your pre-ascension head, polarized brain hemispheres and intellectual ego self. Unity or High Heart consciousness and Center (as I’ve experienced it to date but I expect I will evolve much further into it) is so much smoother, easier, gentler, faster, wiser and far-seeing and with no intense trauma and drama. Pay attention to the new ways that you are now receiving/perceiving information/reality through your body and energy field instead of only the brain in your head. You’ll be surprised at what you discover.
September 25, 2011
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