~Galactic Love Reporter Peggy Black and The Team~ ~Message 17 Collect Your Joy !~

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~Galactic Love Reporter Peggy Black and The Team~


~Message 17 Collect Your Joy !~


We would like you to sense and welcome joy. Let yourself examine the feeling of joy. When are you filled with joy? What are the conditions? What is the situation? We invite you to practice the awareness of joy-being in the vibration, the feeling, the emotion of joy. Your body chemistry will change when you bring an awareness of joy into your moments.


Over time, you will understand that joy is a natural state of being. It is a Vibrational way out of the mass consciousness grid. It is the ladder, the rope, the lifejacket. When you learn to feel, sense, experience joy as the dominant vibration in your life, you are free. When you hold a joy vibration more often than any other emotion, you are in a position of powerful creating. You are in the Divine flow.


We urge you to journey back in time and recall when you were taught to not express your joy... When did you shut down the avenues to your joy? When the events were emotionally painful, you closed down the vibrations of joy/appreciation/ gratitude/love and carried the denser vibrations of fear, rejection, and anger. Go back... and bring into memory one of the higher-frequency emotions. Go back and collect your joy, like a game of finding the golden egg.


And May The JOY BE With YOU Always In All Ways !

Share with me your experiences and insights of how these Morning Messages have served you, email me at: joyandgratitude@aol.com Thank you.
To make an appointment for your personal reading/transmission please
phone my appointment line 831-335-3145 between 9:00-6:00 Pacific time.
You can also e-mail your phone number and time zone to: apersonalmessage@aol.com

Copyright © Peggy Black, Transducer, Scribe and Witness. All rights reserved.
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