Project Camelot’s Livecast on YU~55~
I’ve just watched a very interesting conversation among Kerry Cassidy, Richard Hoagland, and David Wilcock on a Project Camelot broadcast.
Richard was saying that YU-55 has been targeted to hit the moon and is part of a plot to knock out low-Earth satellites with the dust debris, cause a blackout here on Earth, shut down financial markets, etc. Tomorrow’s ESA alert is also a part of it, he says. The whole thing is a Project Bluebleam, false-alien attack.
Here is a recent talk show in which I believe Richard discusses his theory of YU-55. 42 mins. I won’t have time to listen to the whole broadcast at this moment, I’m afraid.
He added that an alternative theory is that President Obama could “pull a Kennedy thing” and use YU-55 as a screen behind which he can disclose. Late in the program he asked David if David thought disclosure would occur tomorrow, to which David replied that he didn’t think it would, though it will be happening at some point.
Kerry presented the theory that the Chinese were planning to take over the United States and take over the world. And David countered that he didn’t think they’d be allowed to.
It was quite clear that no one among the group reads SaLuSa and Wanderer of the Skies.
Richard did respond that “another player in the game has intruded into this [nursery?] and is changing the rules.” At another point in the conversation he said: “Someone at a higher level has shut these guys all down and they don’t have a clue what is going on.”
Soon after David joined the call, David said that “there is someone steering the ship … that is ensuring that we somehow navigate through each of these little detours that we could have gotten thrown off on and for that reason I am resolute in my optimistic focus.” High-level ETs, David called them. “There does seem to be a very consistent X factor that keeps us from collapsing,” he said on another occasion. He believed that this high-level ET coalition was taking what he called “the old World Order” down.
“I feel, like David, that we’re on the precipice of something really wonderful happening,” Richard added. He predicted that something spectacular will happen on 11/11/11.
So my next comment is really difficult to say and I’m watching a primitive vasana of arrogance arise in me as I say it. (1)
But that X factor, those high-level ETs, that someone at a higher level, is precisely what we’re following here. Everyone has a piece of the puzzle and the piece we have is the “intelligence” that SaLuSa, Wanderer, the Arcturian Group, and all the other ET channels supply us with on a regular basis.
We hear channeled messages being attacked from time to time among lightworkers but here, in this very conversation, we see the benefit of those messages.
Kerry, David and Richard rely on insiders as well as their own observations and internal data and they are gradually arriving at a sense that something is preventing what David calls the “Old World Order” from winning. Their “insider intelligence” is very valuable to us and is one piece of the puzzle. But it doesn’t allow them to put their finger on what is happening.
Our channeled intelligence is another part of the puzzle and it does allow us to put our finger on what is happening. It doesn’t allow us the rich intelligence on what the terrestrial players, often cabalists, are saying and doing, which Kerry, David and Richard contribute. So I’m not saying their part of the puzzle is not a contribution. Just that it’s a different piece and has its limits just as our piece does.
To return to our piece of the pjuzzle, the extraterrestrial sources (plus Matthew Ward) that we follow here actually do explain these matters fairly precisely (as far as they can) and sometimes at some length. They tell us the plan, warn us against false-flag and other engineered operations that won’t be permitted, tell us how it will all work out, etc.
Watching Kerry, David and Richard struggle with something that is common knowledge to those who read channeled messages was an uplifting experience for me because it proved the value of channeled literature, which so many people pooh-pooh. And I may refer to this evening’s discussio0n of YU-55 as a good example of the usefulness of channeled literature so perhaps put a bookmark here.
OK, enough arrogant “I told you so” on my part.
Some of the other interesting comments included David saying that a general had told him that he had a few years back seen a briefing program for the evacuation of the White House in December 2011 in an attack attributed to aliens. He didn’t think this was going to happen. There was very good intel that says that the earthquakes were in fact the explosion of underground bases. And these and other operations had disoriented the cabal.
David went on to say that the universe is made of a conscious energy. It is governed by intelligence. And that intelligence did not create life here on Earth just to see it belched off the planet by a sunspot. He said he did think that this intelligence was protecting the Earth from disaster. Well, yes, that intelligence takes the form of the Galactic Federation and other space coalitions currently around the planet in cloaked ships. And yes, it is protecting the Earth from disaster.
So I personally have just seen a pro9gram that wonderfully affirms, though it did not set out to do so I’m sure, the value of channeled messages.
I’m not posting much on YU-55 because we’ve been told that any attempt at running Project Bluebeam or trying to cause a planetary disaster is doomed to fail. YU-55 may very well hit the moon tomorrow, but I also believe that the galactics will prevent it from doing damage to Earth in the way Richard described.
We’ve gone through so many disaster scenarios, and Richard himself knows this and spoke to it, and none of them have turned out. I don’t believe there is any sense in getting ourselves wound up around a fresh prediction. As our sources have said, there is no catastrophe that will overtake the Earth. The “X factor, those high-level ETs, someone at a higher level,” which we know as the Galactic Federation, will see to that.
(1) There is nothing one can do to prevent a thought or a vasana from arising. But one can do one of two things when it does arise. (1) Refrain from writing until it passes or (2) write from that space but declare the thought or vasana so that everyone knows about it and then write awaredly, not projecting the vasana and being careful how one phrases what one wants to say.
If I’m not careful in my phrasing here, my comment could come out like “I told you so.” I want to avoid that but I also thought it might be good to actually write while in a vasana of arrogance, to show it can be done, without projecting or lecturing.