Gemini Solar Eclipse Part 1 with Kelley Rosano

Lia's picture


Response to "ALREADY OWN IT"

Guest's picture

Zen has a saying that goes like this.

If we wish to establish a trait of character, we must form a clear distinct, mental imagine, of the person that we wish to be. Let our imagination see ourselves as possesing the desired trait now and act it out. Act' AS IF" we already are that person. NOT THAT WE WILL BE!!

You say declare it. That you are going to be successful, or going to be strong.

Remember Kelly. If we're going to act it out. We're not GOING to be. We ALREADY are that!!


Steve Antal


Well, hell's bells, people

grailheart magi's picture

Well, hell's bells, people DON'T ACT IT, DUDE! Check back with her when you are living Zen and not just talking about it.