~Galactic Love Repporter and Astrologer Rebekah Shaman~
“With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.” ~ Martin Luther King Jnr.
“I believe that the very purpose of life is to be happy. From the very core of our being, we desire contentment. In my own limited experience I have found that the more we care for the happiness of others, the greater is our own sense of well-being. Cultivating a close, warmhearted feeling for others automatically puts the mind at ease. It helps remove whatever fears or insecurities we may have and gives us the strength to cope with any obstacles we encounter. It is the principal source of success in life. Since we are not solely material creatures, it is a mistake to place all our hopes for happiness on external development alone. The key is to develop inner peace.” ~ Dalai Lama
“You know a dream is like a river ever changin' as it flows
And a dreamer's just a vessel that must follow where it goes Trying to learn from what's behind you and never knowing what's in store Makes each day a constant battle just to stay between the shores And I will sail my vessel ‘til the river runs dry like a bird upon the wind These waters are my sky I'll never reach my destination if I never try So I will sail my vessel ‘til the river runs dry Too many times we stand aside and let the waters slip away 'Til what we put off 'til tomorrow has now become today So don't you sit upon the shoreline and say you're satisfied Choose to chance the rapids and dare to dance that tide.” ~ Garth Brooks ‘The River’
Contents of this Lunascope
FULL MOON in GEMINI: Saturday 10th December @ 14.36 GMT + Ritual for GEMINI FULL MOON WINTER SOLSTICE: 21st-23rd December
GEMINI FULL MOON TOTAL ECLIPSE – Saturday 10th December 09.36 EST / 06.36 PST
We are reaching the last full Moon of 2011, and the final push to really let go of any emotional baggage that needs to stay in the past. 2012 is almost upon us, and it will bring a totally new energy and vibration. We will not have the space or time next year to deal extensively with our ‘emotional’ stuff so use the next few weeks to make the changes you know will serve you in the future.
I am already feeling the shifting in energies as we approach the Winter Solstice. It is a powerful time on the planet, as we can no longer hide our heads in the sands and pretend the status quo is working for us. This auspicious Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini will illuminate the fear and anxiety that we are all feeling on both an emotional and soul level.
Gemini highlights the need to serve the planet and humanity and if we don’t have meaning or are not serving the highest good, we will feel rudderless and abandoned. There will be a rise in suicides as people lose faith and hope in the future both personally and planetary. Next year will be even worse if we are not clear and focused on our purpose and the reason for why we are alive and on this planet.
Fortunately, over the last two weeks we have been receiving a deeper clarity and understanding of the path we have been walking, who we are, and why we are where we are. The Mercury Retrograde has helped us review, revise and re-examine some of the choices we have made so that we are more aware of the choices we have now.
This Gemini Full Moon, which is ruled by Mercury, will dissolve the sluggish energy of Mercury Retrograde and give us the boost we need to really get our projects and creative endeavours moving. Use these last few days to really get clear what your intentions are. The more clarity you have about where you are going and what you want to achieve, the easier and effortless it will be to manifest your desires, once Mercury goes forward.
Gemini Moon tells us: “During this eclipse keep your head and your heart in harmony. Let go of trying to work it out rationally using your mind and allow your heart to guide you to where you need to go. Breathe through the fear, and find the courage to dive into the unknown. The more calm, clear and focused you are at the depth level, the easier it will be to surf this Moon and manifest what you need to realise your goals.” Under this Mutable air sign we find that our creative thinking increases, enabling us to communicate and share our ideas clearly and concisely. Many of us are feeling the urge to transform what is happening on the Planet and be part of the growing movement of change. This Moon inspires us to get more involved in what is happening at a local level and joining groups and movements that motivate us to feel we belong.
Likewise, this Gemini Moon will also illuminate any hidden fears that are stopping us from manifesting our dreams, or feel helpless about what is happening around us. Under this Moon we can fall into a victim mentality that does not serve us or others. If you see yourself falling into the fear, do something positive; go for a walk in nature and connect with Mother Earth, pray for what you want, go dancing, join a gym or a night class. Use the sparkling social energy of Gemini to get you out of your rut and meet new people.
Just as we can attract the people we need to help manifest our dreams and find that we can effectively multi-task, during this time. We may also find that we are flitting from person to person, with no focus and clear awareness, wasting both ours, and others, time and energy. Be aware of being influenced by the opinions of others and losing focus during this Moon. You may find yourself going off on a tangent that can use up resources of time and money.
You may feel restless and agitated if things are not happening as fast as you would you like. We cannot push the river of life, and at these times we can only trust that everything is happening perfectly. Just keep your intention strong and focused. Let go of trying to control the external world, so you can experience the effortless manifestation of your dreams and desires.
I will end this Lunascope with the wise words of Tori Amos: “I think you have to know who you are. Get to know the monster that lives in your soul, dive deep into your soul and explore it.”
Love and Blessings Rebekah Shaman xxx
The first ritual for this full moon Lunar Eclipse is to go out and honour the Moon. Stand under the Moonlight. Sink your feet into the earth, feeling rooted, strong and supported by the Earth. Close your eyes and become aware of your body. Exhale all your stresses and release all your frustrations, breathing them right out of your body. Repeat this process three times or until you are feeling relaxed.
Feel the pulsating energy of Mother Earth entering up through the soles of your feet and flowing round your body. Now absorb the Moons silvery rays into your body until you feel as if you are a conduit between the energies of the Moon and the Earth.
Send out your prayers, hopes and dreams with clarity and commitment. Next send out your gratitude for everything that has happened, is happening and will happen. Really feel the gratitude flowing from your depths in to the world. Finally send your love and harmony out into the world. Like a ripple it will add to the love and harmony that is being sent out by others and create a current that will spread throughout the world.
The second ritual helps us focus what we want. Create a vision board with your dreams and ideas. It doesn’t have to be big or beautiful, it just has to have your clear intention weaved into it. Have fun finding the images that correspond with your deepest desires and feel the energy of it being manifested as you create it. The more focused and clear you are the more powerful this ritual becomes. Put it in a place that you can see every day and feel the sensation of your dreams being realised.
The last ritual is to go and do something different, challenging and sociable. Use the sparkling Gemini energy to break through your comfort zones so you can discover more of who you really are. Go to a party even if you don’t know anyone or join a social group, a gym or a night class, and meet more like-minded people.
Since Samhain (31st October) we have been travelling through the inner realms and rooting our dreams and visions, just as nature is growing roots under the cold, winter earth. Now we have reached Midwinter, the moment when the day is the shortest it can be, and the night the longest. This is the time when the cycle changes and we again start welcoming the sun back into our lives, as the days become longer and the nights shorter.
This cycle reminds us that everything is changing and that there is always a balance between the dark and the light. We need to bring this equilibrium more into our lives, as life is constantly fluctuation between light and dark, good things happening and bad things happening. We must learn not to get too attached to any one experience, accept it is the cycles of life and embrace each situation with gratitude and joy, knowing that it does not last forever.
Winter Solstice is the time to come out of hibernation and begin sharing your inner journey with others. It is a celebration of life, love, and connection when we welcome the warmth of the Sun and the start of a new cycle. The old year is ending and the New Year is ready to be entered, a rebirth, and a time of new beginnings.
Make an effort to watch the sunrise on 21st December. It is very powerful and magical. As you see the first rays of the sun send your prayers, dreams and visions out into the universe and see the arrows you have shot in the air finding their destination in the coming months.
The oldest of all solstice traditions, is the burning of the Yule Log. The log represents a year of health, fertility and continuation. In ancient times it was burnt in the fire to provide warmth, as the celebrations and festivities lasted throughout the longest night.
Make a yule log, by covering a large log with evergreens such as, ivy, mistletoe, pine and holly and then burn it on an open fire. Reflect in the fire light the last six months and as you gaze into the flames ask how you can prepare for this new cycle. This magical ritual was believed to protect those who used it’s warmth from evil and witchcraft. The ashes were spread over the land to bring fertility and made into talisman to protect cattle from disease.
This is also a time to celebrate and connect with each other. Bring together friends and family to share in a party of abundance with music, singing, storytelling, and poetry. Each light a candle and speak your desires and wishes for the New Year letting them burn to the end. A new cycle is about to begin and with it comes rebirth and new growth…
I wanted to add this festival to the Lunascope because it is all about miracles. Chanukah tells the story of when the second Temple was destroyed by the Greeks and there was only enough olive oil to light the Temple's eternal flame for one night. The Rabbis prayed for a miracle and the olive oil lasted eight days (enough time for more oil to be pressed and prepared). Every year Jews all over the world light candles for eight days to honour this miraculous event. Participation in this ritual reminds us that miracles are happening at every moment. It also represents the miracles that help us through our trials and tribulations and give us hope for the future.
A lot of the time, we are too attached to experiencing miracles that have huge impacts on our lives. This month become aware of the myriad small miracles that are continually happening in your life.. It's easy to miss the wonders all around us; a breath-taking sunset, dinner with friends, laughter and sharing, good food, a hug from a loved one. A constant tide of mini miracles magically shapes our lives, enriches our experience and reminds us of how good it is to be ALIVE....
We are still deep in Mercury retrograde until 13th December. For those of you who are not familiar with Mercury Retrograde, Mercury is the planet of Communication and every four months it goes retrograde (meaning it looks as if it is going backwards from the perspective of Earth) for about three weeks.
This can have a detrimental effect on any electronic devices, with malfunctions, breakdowns and quirks appearing in the system. Likewise, written communications and signed agreements can often look very different after Mercury goes forward again, so it is advisable not to sign anything important or make any decisions until after 13th December.
Mercury Retrograde plays an important part in our yearly cycle as it slows things down, enabling us to have a breather from the intense flow of the river. It gives us the opportunity to re-examine, reflect and revise what we have been working on over the last few months to make sure we are on the right track and clear with our visions and goals.
Mercury retrograde under the sign of Sagittarius can also flag up some of the meaningful connections we have made over the last few months. If certain people come to mind, follow it up by contacting them, even if you are not sure why. Magic happens when we trust our intuition and reconnect to a person who is in our thoughts, however random they might be.
Some Info About Me….I wrote my first Lunascope on the Gemini Full Moon 2006 and over the years it has helped thousands of people to navigate and utilise the Moon cycles for their growth.
This Lunascope is inspired to help us to become realigned with the Rhythm of the Planet, through flowing with the natural cycles of the year and the eight Ancient Festivals of celebration that mark and define our annual cycle. The more we live within the natural flow, the more magic and harmony we will experience in our lives.
We have been bamboozled by a corrupt calendar and even more corrupt concept of time. Through concepts like ‘time is money,’ we have gradually forgotten our symbiotic relationship with the Earth and natural environments. Indigenous communities, since time began had a higher vision for humanity and the Earth.
In 1998, while working in a hotel in Machu Picchu, Peru, things fell apart and I was called by a Shaman in a vision that he had the answers to why I was on this planet? So I flew to the Amazon and found the Shaman nestled in a tiny village deep in the Amazon Jungle. While living with him and his family and taking the Sacred Ayahuasca Medicine I experienced first-hand that we are a part of, not apart from, Mother Earth and all life forms and Nature is a symbiotic partner for our survival. By destroying our natural world, we are destroying ourselves, and quickly.
Check out my website to hear more about the experience
I have also Self-Published, ‘The Shaman’s Last Apprentice,’ about my experiences in Peru that contains messages from Ayahuasca and my teacher Don Juanito. More information and to buy online at