After his wealthy neighbors opposed his effort to build another studio, George Lucas decided to build affordable housing for the poor instead with his own money. Now they’re enraged.
In 2012, the Star Wars creator wanted to build a studio on Grady Ranch in Marin County, California. But the project failed after Lucas’ rich neighbors opposed the effort, citing “environmental and traffic concerns” according to the Washington Post.
In fact, the wealthy community opposed the plan so much that they threatened to file a lawsuit against Lucas to stop. So, Lucas decided to drop the plan, and his LucasFilms company released a statement critical of Marin County residents who fought it.
“We love working and living in Marin, but the residents of Lucas Valley have fought this project for 25 years, and enough is enough. We have several opportunities to build the production stages in communities that see us as a creative asset, not as an evil empire.”