Go within, go within, go within, we're always told to go within, and it's excellent advice, but after going within take the beautiful things you find there and share them. Through words, through music, through art, through simply loving, the more you share it, the more the beauty of your Uniqueness grows!
Table of Contents
- S0 News February 22, 2014: Planetary Eruptions, Storms, Spaceweather
- UFO Encounter with a US Navy Submarine (1989)
- Quadruple-strand DNA Discovered By Scientists
- How Rejuvenation Could Bring Freedom To Humanity
- Astronomers find solar storms behave like supernovae
- Health Benefits of Guava by Organic Facts
- Satan and Christ
- S0 News February 21, 2014: Planetary Eruptions, Storms, Spaceweather
- Medical marijuana sparks hot debate in Louisiana By Gerry May
S0 News February 22, 2014: Planetary Eruptions, Storms, Spaceweather
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UFO Encounter with a US Navy Submarine (1989)
"The UFO was not perpendicular to our ship but at about a 45' angle. This huge vessel was over a half mile across. The UFO made a half circle around our ship then passed across the stern causing our electronics systems to go crazy. We had permanent damage in communications and the sonar room. As the craft flew over the stern, I could see the rain stop under its red glow. The water seemed to rise almost a foot as the UFO passed over silently. When the UFO finished its swing across the stern it paused - the sky got brighter red and it simply moved off at tremendous speed inside 15 seconds. When the UFO left our boat returned to normal with the exception of the radio and sonar. We did a quick system check and the captain ordered us to return to reactor power and get underway. "
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Quadruple-strand DNA Discovered By Scientists
This was discovered over a year ago, but we haven't seen any widespread media coverage, so we're posting it again.
Forget double helix. ‘Quadruple helix’ DNA discovered in human cells
In 1953, Cambridge researchers Watson and Crick published a paper describing the interweaving ‘double helix’ DNA structure – the chemical code for all life.
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How Rejuvenation Could Bring Freedom To Humanity
**Discernment is always recommended when reading any posted articles**
By Michelle Walling, CHLC
What would the world be like with no illness or disease? Would humanity be free from control if everyone on the planet was healthy? Are our cells in our body changing toward a state of perfection and rejuvenation?
Medical control and Big Pharma
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Astronomers find solar storms behave like supernovae
Researchers at UCL have studied the behaviour of the Sun's coronal mass ejections, explaining for the first time the details of how these huge eruptions behave as they fall back onto the Sun’s surface. In the process, they have discovered that coronal mass ejections have a surprising twin in the depths of space: the tendrils of gas in the Crab Nebula, which lie 6500 light-years away and are millions of times larger.
The 7 June 2011 solar storm, seen by the Solar Dynamics Observatory. Credit: NASA/SDO, Acknowledgement: Helioviewer
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Health Benefits of Guava by Organic Facts
The health benefits of guava include the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, cough, cold, skin care, high blood pressure, weight loss and scurvy.
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Satan and Christ
I'm going to present a much different version of this conflict and instead of externalizing it, I'm making it deeply personal. Christianity is supposed to be based upon Judaism, yet if you look at the Jewish ideas about Satan, you see something vastly different than how it's portrayed in Christianity. While different Jewish sects has different views on Satan, I'm going to focus upon their interpretation of Satan as our "temptation to do wrong".
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S0 News February 21, 2014: Planetary Eruptions, Storms, Spaceweather
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Medical marijuana sparks hot debate in Louisiana By Gerry May
SHREVEPORT, La - Will Louisiana join 20 other states that have approved medicinal use of marijuana? Actually Louisiana already did that more than 20 years ago, but did not allow it to be dispensed to patients.
That could change this year when the legislature meets.