What's the issue on Planet Earth? Did Humanity forget that GOD IS EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING?
Table of Contents
- Exxon CEO: Don't frack in my backyard (other people's backyards are okay though)
- The manuscript of survival – part 400
- A Rock and a Hard Place
- Ask Isis
- S0 News February 26, 2014: Planetary Eruptions, Storms, Spaceweather
- Could Tree Bark Keep You Alive?
- The Creator Writings ~ Of The Universal Plan
- Weekly astrological journal ~ February 24 to March 2, 2014
- Karen Doonan ~ Chaos, anxiety and confusion
- All Is Divinely Timed
- Osho On Judgement
- Western spy agencies build ‘cyber magicians’ to manipulate online discourse
- Aliens Kidnap Human Leader
Exxon CEO: Don't frack in my backyard (other people's backyards are okay though)
If there's ever a contest for the world's biggest hypocrite, I'd like to nominate Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson. Here's more from rt.com:
The CEO of ExxonMobil – the top producer of natural gas in the US – has joined a lawsuit that challenges the construction of a water tower connected to hydraulic fracturing operations near his Texas home, given that it may reduce the property value.
CEO Rex Tillerson and other plaintiffs claim the hydraulic fracturing – or fracking – project will cause unwanted noise and traffic associated with trucking water from the 160-foot tower to the drilling site, The Wall Street Journal reported.
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The manuscript of survival – part 400
By Aisha North ~ http://aishanorth.wordpress.com/
As many of you have already noticed, these incoming energetic fluctuations have started to affect you in so many ways, and even if you at times will feel at loss to describe just what you are experiencing, we can only say that you are going through something that has not been previously experienced by any living being before. For you are pioneers in every sense of the word, and as such, you are already treading on virgin territory, and the remainder of your journey will take you even further into these uncharted waters. We know that this may sound unsettling to some of you, but again, you are not sent out on a wild and reckless chase for something that is elusive, rather you are being sent out on a journey that is taking you back to you, in every sense of the word.
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A Rock and a Hard Place
Uncertainty is a bitch.
- “Do I stay or do I go?”
- “Should I do this or that?”
- “Will I regret this?”
When we don’t have control over an outcome, we get a serious case of brain-drain, spiraling thoughts, and nagging feelings.
Most of us handle uncertainty in one or more of the following ways:
- We confuse ourselves even more. We have no idea what we want so we think more options will compensate for our lack of vision.
- We honor our inner-critic instead of our inner-guide, twisting our stress into “proof” that we aren’t good enough, smart enough, or whatever script your inner-critic likes to follow.
- We second guess, then triple guess our decisions. We seem to think that somewhere there is a perfect choice.
- We jump to the worst-case scenario and feel like the walls are slowly caving in. From that space, we feel trapped and forced to take whatever comes our way.
News flash:
The perfect choice, circumstance, or situation doesn’t exist. There are positives and negatives to everything. Life is about making choices and either making it work, changing our mind later, and/or learning from our mistakes.
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Ask Isis
Hello loves!! My name is Isis WhiteEagle and I know there is a lot going on in the world today, so I want to be here to help any of you that have questions or need help with ANYTHING! I will always be open and honest with my advice, and I am here to help you as much as I can with absolutely anything you need! You can e-mail me at isiswhiteeagle@gmail.com! Love you all! (Tambien hablo el espanol)
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S0 News February 26, 2014: Planetary Eruptions, Storms, Spaceweather
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Could Tree Bark Keep You Alive?
While eating a tree may not sound very appetizing, many types of tree bark are actually edible and quite nutritious. If you ever find yourself in a situation in which you’re lost in the woods or experiencing a major disaster without access to food, it could actually save your life.
Tree bark is considered safe as well as healthy as long as you’re using the right part of the bark, and from the right species. This layer of bark is referred to as the cambium layer, found right next to the wood. Many of our ancestors used this edible inner layer for food and medicine, and in many Native American cultures it was used as an important dietary staple.
Trees that have edible inner bark include:
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DEAR FRIENDS- Are you- or is someone you love- struggling with ongoing sadness and depression? Have you tried method after method- from chemical antidepressants to psychotherapy to religion to meditation- and still have not regained the gladness to be alive that you know exists but you cannot reach?
If so I hope you will keep reading and deeply consider what I am about to share with you. The insights and perspective I will offer may prove to be a turning point in your quest for the healing and life-long happiness you deserve!
In my decades of work with people who reached out to me in a crisis of depression and/or despair, I have seen a common history shared by almost all of them. The vast majority of my depressed clients grew up with Mothers who had also suffered from a significant depression of their own. And this had painful consequences for the vulnerable, developing child my clients once were.
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The Creator Writings ~ Of The Universal Plan
by The Creator Writings - http://thecreatorwritings.wordpress.com/
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Weekly astrological journal ~ February 24 to March 2, 2014
By Pam Younghans ~ http://www.northpointastrology.com/
NorthPoint Astrology Journal
February 24 to March 2, 2014
Highlighted Aspects this Week
MON: Saturn sextile Venus; TUE: Pluto sextile Chiron, Uranus square Jupiter; FRI: Mercury direct 6:00am PST, Jupiter trine Sun, New Moon 11:59pm PST; SAT: Mars retrograde 8:23am PST; SUN: Saturn retrograde 8:19am PST, Mars square Venus, Sun sesquisquare Mars
CHANGE is more than "in the air" -- it is very tangible now, and demonstrated both literally and symbolically by planetary activities this week. Three planets change direction in the next seven days: Mercury completes its retrograde (backward motion) phase on Friday, Mars goes retrograde on Saturday, and Saturn goes retrograde on Sunday.
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Karen Doonan ~ Chaos, anxiety and confusion
By Karen Doonan - http://truthcodes.wordpress.com/
For many of you the last linear 72 hours or so may have seen various chaos, anxiety and confusion begin to unfold in your outer waking life. Many of you may be having a challenging time “switching off” to that which is unfolding and many of you may be in need of a decent night’s sleep. ALL is working at this moment to release you from the lower dimensional frequencies, the teachings of the old 3d earth so deeply anchored within the human race that the influx of super high dimensional frequencies is the only way to illuminate these teachings.
As with all teachings of distortion they seek to CREATE DRAMA, this drama may appear to come out of nowhere and at times it may be intense, and as with all teachings of distortion the drama is DESIGNED to blind you to what is actually playing out. The drama NEEDS your emotional input in order to try to manifest, the difference of course being that as planet earth is now in the UNIVERSE of 3 which is a supportive and expansive dimensional space ONLY TRUTH is supported. This will see the drama try to take hold but then start dissolving which may confuse you and cause more anxiety as your logical human mind will pull out previous “experience” as ” proof” of what will then unfold. As ONLY TRUTH is supported then the drama will not go anywhere indeed it is but a 3d overlay to allow you to illuminate that which is seeking to keep you contained and suppressed. Dissolving the teaching will see the drama dissolve completely and allow you to gain a clearer understanding of what is happening allowing you to clear your vision.
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All Is Divinely Timed
Greetings Dear Ones!
Today we wish to speak to you of Divine timing. There is a cycle and a pattern to all things in the universe. Just like a symphony when each instrument has its moment of joining the chorus, so too are events and happenings orchestrated to create a perfectly timed, beautiful, event.
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Osho On Judgement
Whenever you judge, you are doing something foolish. It does not apply to the person at all, it can apply only to the act. And that act too is taken out of context because you don’t know his whole life.
It is as if you tear a page from a novel and you read it and you judge the novel by it. It is not right; it is out of context. The whole novel may be a totally different thing. You may have taken a negative part, an ugly part. But you don’t know anybody’s life in its totality. A man has lived for forty years before you come to meet him. Those forty years of context are there. The man is going to live forty years more when you have left him.
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Western spy agencies build ‘cyber magicians’ to manipulate online discourse
Secret units within the 'Five Eyes" global spying network engage in covert online operations that aim to invade, deceive, and control online communities and individuals through the spread of false information and use of ingenious social-science tactics.
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Aliens Kidnap Human Leader