GFP Newsletter - 2/28/2014

will's picture

Ignorance, apathy, hatred, cynicism, these are the great evils of the world. These are what lead to so much suffering. When we say that Love is the answer, we don't mean it in some airy-fairy spiritual sense, we mean it in a very real sense that applies to every person on this Planet. To the cynical, judgmental person, Love may sound cliché, but we only repeat it so much because it seems the majority of humanity hasn't understood the message yet. Love eradicates ignorance, destroys apathy, it leads to treating each other with respect and fairness. Love is precisely what the world needs the most right now. Love is the answer, it doesn't have to be complicated.

Heatmaps Reveal Where Humans Feel Certain Emotions On The Body


by Arjun Walia
Collective Evolution

It’s well known that attitudes, emotions and feelings affect our body in a variety of ways. For example, feelings of hopelessness affect the body’s hormone system and change the chemical flows within our brains. Different emotional states act as triggers that impact our biology in a variety of ways. Brain activity changes during different emotional states. The list goes on and on.


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It's Not Surprising That The Universe Is So Complex - It's A Gigantic Quantum Computer


Computer scientist Tomasso Toffoli once remarked that "we never perform a computation ourselves, we just hitch a ride on the great Computation that is going on already."

"To him this is no cry of despair," says Professor David Deutsch, a British physicist at the University of Oxford, "Quite the contrary. But critics of the computer-science-world-view do no want to see themselves as just someone else's program running on someone else's computer."

For the past 50 years, scientists have theorized that the universe can be regarded as a giant quantum computer.


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S0 News February 28, 2014: Planetary Eruptions, Storms, Spaceweather

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The 12 Laws of Karma

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Pivotal Point Is Seen as More States Consider Legalizing Marijuana


A little over a year after Colorado and Washington legalized marijuana, more than half the states, including some in the conservative South, are considering decriminalizing the drug or legalizing it for medical or recreational use. That has set up a watershed year in the battle over whether marijuana should be as available as alcohol.


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God's Movie - Melissa Chavez

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Daily Message ~ Friday February 28, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics


Do you have the courage to live your dreams? So many people, right when they are about to see their dreams come true, self sabotage from a fear of success or a fear of failure. Perhaps a new model of success could be not whether you succeed or fail, but whether you have fully embraced an experience. If you can understand that having experiences for growth, expansion, and further self definition is what your soul really seeks, it can make it easier to take the pressure off yourself about results, and start to truly, fully, embrace living the life expression of your dreams.

~Archangel Gabriel


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The manuscript of survival – part 401 - Aisha North


A long time ago, mankind came to these shores for the very first time, and with them, they brought instructions to go forth and make themselves a home on this planet. And this instruction, this blueprint if you will, has been with you all along through the ages, and it has been biding its time, waiting for you to find a way to find your way to the very core of your being. For when you did, you would enable the last stage of this whole plan to come to fruition, and now, you all stand before this very last stage of this evolvement. For even if mankind’s journey has been one that has taken many a detour on its way, you have not lost that inner spark, the one that has kept you going despite all of the obstacles you have encountered.


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Heavenletter #4844 - The Well-Being of Hearts


God said:

I do not carry ill will, not even for a moment. I certainly don’t hold a grudge. Why would I? And why would you, beloveds? Why would you hang onto negativity? If you hold it, it’s yours.  Negativity is not a virtue. Negativity may be a hanger-on, yet you do not have to hold on to it. You are not to hold anything against anyone, for then you affront yourself.


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7 Inspiring Reasons Why You Need to Follow Your Bliss



One of the first starting points to follow our dreams is to stop dreaming.
Yes, stop daydreaming about what you’d love to do, or who you would love to be and start giving small steps towards achieving your goals.
A long road is made of little steps, so no matter how small your efforts may seem to be… they’re leading you on the path to achieve what you want.


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1946 archive film proves despotism has taken over America By Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton


Are we now free? Examine the balance of power between individuals, endowed with natural rights by God, and government, Constitutionally bound to only limited powers, as well as the leading corporations of the private sector.

A 1946 national archive film released by Encyclopedia Britannica titled “Despotism” outlines several yardsticks for measuring the balance of power of a free society and that of an outright a despotism, according to scales of respect, power, economic distribution and information. Concentrated power and wealth, centralized information and monopolistic or oligopolistic control in any one of these areas tends to negatively affect the others, and renders freedom a mere illusion.


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The Oracle Report - Thursday, February 27, 2014


By The Oracle Report -


Balsamic Moon Phase: release, transformation, healing, compassion, forgiveness

Moon in Aquarius

Ruling Mahavidya: Matangi


Praise the Kali’s, Mercury stations direct around 9:00 am EST/ 2:00 pm UTC!  Mercury retrograde always does an overhaul of our minds, so it will be nice to slingshot forward once again, integrating the way we now see and understand things.  Masks, veils, shrouds, covers, and blinders were removed since Mercury’s retrograde on February 6, 2014.  Naturally these things were difficult to see or handle because they have been hidden for a long, long while.  Today we will definitely feel the shift out of that energy.


Remember that the day a planet stations retrograde OR DIRECT is usually hectic, especially retrogrades and directs of Mercury, which interfere with communications, electronics, or travel.  Extra patience is usually needed.  The jump out of Mercury retrograde is usually such a relief that it enables us to handle frustration better.


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The Creator Writings ~ Time For Growth


By The Creator Writings ~



You are ever-expanding beings of The Universe. When you choose to finish experiencing ‘negative’, the only thing you will be able to draw is ‘positive’. Allow yourself time for this growth and know that you are being watched over with loving eyes. ~ Creator


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