GFP Newsletter - 3/25/2014

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You see, you are not educated to be alone. Do you ever go out for a walk by yourself? It is very important to go out alone, to sit under a tree—not with a book, not with a companion, but by yourself—and observe the falling of a leaf, hear the lapping of the water, the fishermen’s song, watch the flight of a bird, and of your own thoughts as they chase each other across the space of your mind. If you are able to be alone and watch these things, then you will discover extraordinary riches which no government can tax, no human agency can corrupt, and which can never be destroyed.

-J Krishnamurti

Why Does Taxpayer Money go to a Big Meat Lobbying Group? -


We don't report about this stuff too much on the Galactic Free Press, but just in the interest of awareness of what needs to change, here's a good example. In the US, millions of taxpayer dollars go directly to a "big meat" lobbying group. The group supposedly works for the "little guys" too, but their actions speak otherwise. It's really a group that represents factory farming and everything that's wrong with the meat industry, yet my tax dollars go directly to supporting them! Just shows some of the biggest criminals in our society are actually the ones writing the laws. From

Each year a trade group representing the beef industry collects more than $40 million in tax dollars to promote its agenda and battle political opponents. It’s an unusual arrangement, considering that most lobbying organizations rely on private funding to fund their activities.

It all began in the 1980s, during efforts to help the plight of farmers who were struggling to stay in business. Legislation adopted by Congress that decade created the beef “check-off” program, in which cattle ranchers were forced to pay $1 per head to state beef councils. These councils in turn give money to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), which winds up distributing around $40 million annually to promoting the beef industry.

The recipient of this promotional money is the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), which buys ads to encourage Americans to eat more beef and pays lobbyists to fight off efforts by animal rights groups and others advocating policies the NCBA opposes.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 25, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics


Dear Ones, do you keep yourselves small and play it safe so you don’t risk disappointment? What a curious thing to do! You think, I won’t go after what I really want, because if something happens that I don’t get it I’ll be disappointed. So I will consciously choose to not have the thing I want in case I don’t get the thing I want. You are choosing disappointment to avoid disappointment. Do you see? You are choosing the very thing you don’t want!

You are sabotaging so many wondrous potentials in your lives by such thinking. Every great thing that has every happened to you, that has ever happened on your planet, has come from an opening to potential. If you do try to go after something you really want and it doesn’t work out, all that has happened is you have created an opportunity to adjust your course to get to your end result. You have gathered more information on your quest. And you have been living fully and honouring the nudges of your soul in the process.


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Won't Get Fooled Again - Pete Townshend

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She took down her walls - Katerina Edwards


She took down her walls.

Barriers, blocks, and fortress walls enclosed her within herself, so much so that the light of the day couldn’t reach inside of her soul.

Year after year, the light had slowly diminished from her life, and the scattered attempts at fixing the problem fell by the wayside.

You know, It’s a cold place inside a closed heart. Assuming nothing and noone can understand or hear you based on past evidence that may or may not be truth…. can lead you to question your own thoughts and beliefs about reality.

After many long cold years, something BIG happened to stir up her soul.


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How to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone: 3 Helpful Habits - The Positivity Blog


Thanks to Expanded Consciousness for discovering this article:

“Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.”
Brian Tracy

“A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.”
John Augustus Shedd

People often get stuck in mostly discussing or reading about making positive changes. Instead of spending that time and effort on actually making the changes they want in life.



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Judgment - Rachel Naomi Remen


The life in us is diminished by judgment far more frequently than by disease.  Our own self-judgment or the judgment of other people can stifle our life-force, its spontaneity and natural expression.

Unfortunately, judgment is commonplace.  It is as rare to find someone who loves us as we are as it is to find someone who loves themselves whole.  Judgment does not only take the form of criticism.

Approval is also a form of judgment.  When we approve of people, we sit in judgment of them as surely as when we criticize them.  Positive judgment hurts less acutely than criticism, but it is judgment all the same and we are harmed by it in far more subtle ways. 


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Whenever you experience an event, interaction, or interchange that is loving, acknowledge it and the person who caused it - John Smallman


As you observe the news being reported on the mainstream media you cannot help but be aware of the enormous changes that are occurring across the world. In many countries people are refusing to continue accepting the authoritarian control and repression that their “so-called” democratic governments are attempting to enforce on them through the police and military, so that the reasonable demands of the governed to be heard, acknowledged, and discussed can be suppressed and ignored.


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The Art of the Whispers - Knowing Whispers


The whispers are not mine, yet they are a part of me. I can feel them inside waiting to be expressed and molded into something that reveals the truth within.  They connect me with my source.
I do not argue or debate them.  It is my work to feel them and then follow where they lead me as they seduce my heart and take me on an inner journey of self-realization and discovery.
The whispers began years ago as I was reading a post from someone in a Facebook news feed.  Not understanding why, I suddenly felt compelled to respond.
Whispers are more real to me than the “me” that is my ego and mind. They feel permanent, unlike the mind or ego. They do not change with the winds of time and space. They are me and yet it seems they are not. I am perplexed at times and amazed as I channel their content through me.


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The Most Beautiful Illusion


Here at the Galactic Free Press we normally focus on breaking down illusions, but today I'm going to defend an illusion. Illusions are not evil or wrong, all that stuff is an illusion in itself, it's just that issues arise when you believe an illusion is real. In fact I would say this is responsible for all the mental suffering on the Planet.

Look at a horror movie, the actors and the people watching know it's a movie, they're well aware it's an illusion. To get more emotionally involved, they pretend it's not an illusion for a while, but part of them still knows it's all an illusion. Now imagine how traumatic it would be for everyone if they forgot it was all pretend! A little change in perception can transform fun & games into a very frightening experience, and vice versa.

So which is "the most beautiful illusion"? Well from my perspective it's forgiveness. You may not have thought about forgiveness as an illusion before, but look at it, what exactly are you forgiving? If you forgive another, do you change something in them? Something may change in them as a result of the forgiveness, but that's up to them, not you. When you forgive another, what you're really doing is transforming something within yourself.


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A successful life - Positive Thoughts


A successful life is one that is lived through understanding and pursuing one’s own path, not chasing after the dreams of others.

You have to do what’s right for you; no one else walks in your shoes. 

 Accept the things you can’t change.

What you resist, persists.  If you are resisting something, you are feeding it.  Any energy you actively fight, you are feeding.  If you are using negative energy to push something away, you are inviting it to stay.

Choose to accept what is, be positive and proactive, let go of the need to control every tiny detail, and embrace peace in the process.


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