GFP Newsletter - 3/3/2014

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Today will never come again. Be a blessing. Be a friend. Make a difference.


If you want to awaken happiness in the world around you, start by living a life that makes you happy, and then radiate your happiness outward.  If you want to eliminate suffering in the world, start by eliminating the dark and negative parts of yourself, and then radiate your positivity outward.  Truly, the greatest power you have in this world is the power of your own self-transformation.  It starts with the one in the mirror. 


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You Are Loved ~ Joylin Hall


You are loved.

You are beautifully and wonderfully made.

You have feelings for a reason. Your body and your feelings and everything in your reality are messages from your Soul. If you choose to pick up the phone, you empower your Soul. If you choose to ignore its calls to you, you are telling the truth of your Soul No, and you are disempowering the very life essence from which you spring forth. You are giving your mind the message that you are not worth listening to, that you are unimportant, that you are not truly made in the image of the divine, that your life expression is not valid. This is a lie.



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What Is Enlightenment?


Greetings Everyone,

Recently I have been in a couple of conversations on Facebook and with other friends, where the topic of conversation included, in some sense or another, becoming“Enlightened”.


Personally I have found this word “Enlightenment” can often pose a problem in conversation because it has such a broad definition, and I find the term means something different in each conversation dependent upon what the conversation is about.


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Daily Message ~ Monday March 3, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics


We encourage people to dream big and to follow those dreams. Your fondest dreams are the most intimate, sacred and perfectly matched desires to your life expression. That pull is there for a reason! Think of your dreams as a pre-set program for your inner guidance system. You come into the body with those interests and desires to help you live your highest life expression.


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Beauty…..Light…..Love - The Creator Writings



How can I begin to explain the Love that The Universe has for you?! Within the confines of human understanding, it can be challenging to comprehend. The width and breadth of Unconditional Love is endless! Even in those moments when you feel flawed, imperfect and incomplete, know that The Universe sees you as you were before you chose to incarnate on your Earth-plane. You are Beauty, you are Light and you are Love in its purest form. ~ Creator


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Astronaut Leroy Chiao Opens Up About His 2005 UFO Sighting


In 2005, astronaut Leroy Chiao was commander of the International Space Station for six and a half months. During a spacewalk with cosmonaut Salizhan Sharipov, the two were installing navigation antennas. They were 230 miles above Earth, traveling at over 17,000 miles per hour, when something unusual caught Chiao's eye.

"I saw some lights that seemed to be in a line and it was almost like an upside-down check mark, and I saw them fly by and thought it was awfully strange," Chiao told The Huffington Post.

Read the full article (


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Uncovering Belief Codes: Day 77, Caban 12 - Mayan Messages


UNCOVERING BELIEF CODES  “Many belief codes are set up as a form of protection or a reaction to unpleasant events. They may not be relevant to your life today. When these buttons are pushed by others, it sometimes leads to confusion. You wonder to yourself, why did that bother me so much? Pay attention to these thoughts. When they arise, take time to go within and try to find when this feeling first started. You may need to uncover layers of codes and negative thinking as you go.


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You Are God...Now Relax and Be - Duane Townsend


What a concept, huh?
I came to this way of being, seeing myself and everyone/everything I encounter as 'God' by simple observation...of myself.

I don't view this as an 'increase' in my personal being-ness, it is more a change in perception. The common quote - "A rising tide lifts all boats", comes immediately to mind. If I come to the discovery that I AM One with all there is, One with creator and creation, then everyone that I encounter and everything I touch is of the same cosmic/esoteric substance as I. This is regardless to what anyone else 'believes', this is regardless of how anything else responds to my touch. My encounters with others and 'things' rises to the sacred, the divine. We may not always get along, or see things eye to eye; all my encounters may not be peaceful and transparent. But, I will look to myself first when those encounters don't reflect peace or feel sacred. What am I not seeing in the antagonism? That instant of Self reflection first has many times been the catalyst to 'let it be' and review my ego/mind attachment and posture in those situations. No, we may not 'agree' on things, but we don't have to either.


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Are the American People FINALLY Starting to Stand Up to Those Who Are Trying to Take Away Our Liberties?


Are Americans Starting to Stand Up and Resist the Increasing Encroachments On Our Freedom?

Americans are starting to wake up from our fear-induced haze:


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Forgive Yourself First - Rev. Iyanla Vanzant


Nothing in life causes more pain and suffering than the judgments we hold about and against others and ourselves. I think Byron Katie says it best: “When you argue against reality, you will suffer.” Judgments are the thoughts or arguments we hold about or against what is, what was, and what should be. All judgments create suffering and need to be forgiven.

Releasing Judgement 

Every interaction and experience in life offers the opportunity to become aware of those things that we do not recognize and/or do not accept about ourselves. This is the foundation of all judgments. It is very easy to point out in others the things we deny, dismiss, avoid, excuse, and resist acknowledging that we actually believe are true about us.


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Message from Matthew -- March 3, 2014



Message from Matthew




March 3, 2014




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