GFP Newsletter - 3/6/2014

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Again, you have the idea that only certain people hold the key to the Kingdom of Happiness. No one holds it. No one has the authority to hold that key. That key is your own self, and in the development and the purification and in the incorruptibility of that self alone is the Kingdom of Eternity.

So you will see how absurd is the whole structure that you have built, looking for external help, depending on others for your comfort, for your happiness, for your strength. These can only be found within yourselves.
-J Krishnamurti

The Book of Knowing and Worth by Paul Selig and The Guides, A Channeled Text p271-272



Truth and Knowing

We will stop in a moment, but we have one more thing to tell you. When you have told the truth, you are in humility. You are not in your arrogance. And there is a difference here. You do not go out and tell the world what you think of them. That would be an act of arrogance. What you think of the world is your opinion. But to be in your truth in your true way is a humble state. You are aligning to truth as an aspect of the Creator that you are expressing through.


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The Desire-less Are Aware


The ego desires things, the aware desire life.

The ego and mind must satisfy their desire to exist. They need to have something outside them to prove they are worthy to be. The more they have, the greater their pride of ownership and the stronger the identity they create.

The aware require nothing other than to be and to be conscious in the being. To know the truth within that being and to feel the nature of existence as the blood of that being. They seek fulfillment within and to grow accordingly.

They know that the truth will set them free.


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Dr. John E. Mack - Close Encounter UFO landing 2 Beings seen by 62 School Children

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Balancing the Vishuddha or Throat Chakra


Also known as the 5th, or Throat Chakra, the vishuddha (or vishuddhi) is the centre that governs our speech and creative expression in the world. It’s balance will determine how honest you are, and how well you can express yourself with the people around you. It is through this chakra that we speak our choices and through this, we discover that our choices, no matter how small or unimportant that they may seem, have consequences. It is located at the base of the throat, in the V that is formed in the center of the collarbone.


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The Grand Illusion



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Daily Message ~ Thursday March 6, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics


There are certain times of year when humans like to give up things for their well being, such as in the beginning of a new year, or Lent. We would say if you would like to give up one thing, make it resistance, for it is resistance that lies at the root of all the discomfort that can occur during the human experience.

When you step out of resistance, you will naturally begin to experience the movement of energy in your life, (the flow we speak of so often), which will support you in the growth, healing and expansion your soul is always seeking.


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Perturbation, Oscillation, and Conscious Spiritual Awareness - David Karchere


One of the things that happens for someone who has lost their innate and intuitive connection with their own Being is that they are pulled off the central axis of their life. They lose that central axis around which a happy and fulfilled life revolves. They find themselves reaching after things, trying to bring things into their life that they deem important for their own satisfaction and fulfillment. That way of behaving takes a person off their center, off their axis.


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How Do I Stop Comparing Myself to Others? - Aligned Holistics



Hi Amita,

"As unhealthy as it is, I can’t seem to stop comparing myself to others. Whether it’s how successful they are, what they look like, or even how many “likes” they get on Facebook. I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t seem to help myself. How do I stop?"



They often say "Comparison is the thief of joy." In actuality, it's an act of violence.  We choose to believe that we are in lack and that others are living these amazingly abundant, kick-ass lives. But the truth is that we have no clue what’s going on behind their trendy Facebook check-ins and perfectly put together outfits. All we see is what others show the world, which is rarely their truth. 


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The Birth of Awareness


Depending on your level of awareness and detachment you will have to FEEL (suppressed emotions) first and then you can watch them after you have cleared the emotions. In some cases, for some people it can seem that you are losing control and that is ok. Let them come out naturally and don't be surprised at the depth and strength of the emotion. It is not unusual to cry yourself so deeply that you shake all over. When the dust settles you will understand the witnessing function better. You are learning the inner landscape of your consciousness and that is a foundation for deeper growth in awareness.


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The manuscript of survival – part 402 - Aisha North


Journey Through the Black Hole - Vision at Dawn - site


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DEAR FRIENDS- It is clear from observing the never-ending stream of remedies peddled by the drug industry, and the decades-long discussion on TV, over the internet and in magazines, that millions of us are endlessly searching for sexual satisfaction that we never quite find.

This is truly a mystery! How can something as basic to our humanity as sex be such a problem for so many people?

There IS a genuine explanation for the loss of deep sexual fulfillment that so many of us are struggling with. To see it clearly we must grasp the governing connection between our capacity for sexual excitement and the overall flow of emotional energy through our bodies.


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This Moment, Now, Is The Most Important For Us


Our suffering stems from ignorance. We react because we do not know what we are doing, because we do not know the reality of ourselves. The mind spends most of the time lost in fantasies and illusions, reliving pleasant or unpleasant experiences and anticipating the future with eagerness or fear. While lost in such cravings or aversions, we are unaware of what is happening now, what we are doing now. Yet surely this moment, now, is the most important for us. We cannot live in the past; it is gone. Nor can we live in the future; it is forever beyond our grasp. We can live only in the present. If we are unaware of our present actions, we are condemned to repeating the mistakes of the past and can never succeed in attaining our dreams for the future. But if we can develop the ability to be aware of the present moment, we can use the past as a guide for ordering our actions in the future, so that we may attain our goal.


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I Love Me!



Can you look at yourself and say, “I love me! I love my good and my not so good. I love my bright parts and my thorns.”? If I, as The Universe, can say that then so should you be able. It is not ‘difficult’ or ‘hard’, it just is. I love you just as you are. ~ Creator


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Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 5, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics


Many of you think that surrender is hard. We find that a curious sentiment. Unconditional love is hard? Assistance is hard? Being lovingly guided to your highest good with grace and ease is hard? The idea that surrender is difficult is a belief perpetuated by your ego self, the part of you that seeks to keep you small, is very invested in retaining control, and has no interest in your growth and enlightenment.


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Jesus: Peace enforced is not peace, it is but a temporary cease-fire channeled by John Smallman


March 5, 2014 by John Smallman


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Herbs Bring the Body, Mind and Spirit Back Into Balance By The Healers Journal


native american wisdom

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There is great wisdom in illness and disease.  When we leave behind the simplistic mainstream medical notion that our bodies are highly vulnerable to germs, bacteria and viruses and begin to understand that we only get sick when our body, mind or spirit are out of balance, we  then can begin to realize the true causes of our illness and treat them appropriately.  Seeing illness and disease from this perspective allows us to truly heal them at the deepest levels.


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