The key to not being offended is to stop taking yourself so seriously. Be aware of people who can't laugh at themselves.
“Broken Wind believed that we are traumatized as babies by intestinal gas or colic. The great shaman invented a technique called "gastral projection" to help release these traumas. His philosophy was simple: "To air is human ... but to really cut one loose is divine.”
― Swami Beyondananda
Table of Contents
- Trusting After The Hurt - The Creator Writings
- Native American Tribal Leaders Vow To Stop The Keystone XL Pipeline
- How Inactivity Changes the Brain
- Do not give up, be patient! be positive
- THE TORCH OF FAITH - Brain Schulz
- Daily Message ~ Saturday March 8, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics
- You tell me I'm God, but what do you mean?
Trusting After The Hurt - The Creator Writings
I know that after you have been emotionally trod upon, betrayed, lied to or treated badly it is challenging to trust again. You may feel that to even entertain the thought of trusting another is the last thing that you want to do. My beautiful, loving child; The Universe asks that you open your heart and know that your experience can change! Even if you have to start slowly and take baby steps to work your way toward trusting fully, you can do it. I have faith in you! ~ Creator
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Native American Tribal Leaders Vow To Stop The Keystone XL Pipeline
![Native American Tribal Leaders Vow To Stop The Keystone XL Pipeline](
More on the ongoing rape of our planet and their incessant infringement on and decimation of Native lands. – Zen
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How Inactivity Changes the Brain
A number of studies have shown that exercise can remodel the brain by prompting the creation of new brain cells and inducing other changes. Now it appears that inactivity, too, can remodel the brain, according to a notable new report.
The study, which was conducted in rats but likely has implications for people too, the researchers say, found that being sedentary changes the shape of certain neurons in ways that significantly affect not just the brain but the heart as well. The findings may help to explain, in part, why a sedentary lifestyle is so bad for us.
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Do not give up, be patient! be positive
Every single experience holds an important lesson. Quit going through them and decide to growing through them.
Resisting and complaining doesn't change the problem , if you don't get it right the first time the same challenge will again present itself to you . So do not run away from your apparent obstacles, they may be painful for a while but eventually , you will realize, they are blessings in disguise.
In every challenge lies an opportunity , it is in you to see it.
Do not give up, be patient! be positive.
The life you live is ultimately the life you choose. Choose to focus on the negative, and negativity will indeed surround you. Turn your focus to the positive possibilities, and these possibilities gradually become realities in your life.
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DEAR FRIENDS- Our inner journey toward lasting freedom and genuine happiness is often a long and exhausting road. If you wonder sometimes- or maybe even every day- how you keep facing the pain inside you, how you continue to love and nurture yourself, how you continue to crawl forward on hands and knees when your doubt and despair tell you to give up- I promise that you are NOT ALONE.
Many millions of your brothers and sisters- the sacred fellowship of brave and heroic souls who dare to dream of being free, of healing their Real Selves, of claiming their birthright of happiness and the joy of simply being alive- are feeling what you feel. And fighting that often lonely inner battle right alongside you.
So it once was for me. For many years I needed every last drop of courage and devotion- every single minute of every single day- to keep turning inward, keep feeling and coming alive, keep expressing my truth, keep opening my heart to myself. Learning to love and believe in myself- unconditionally!- was both the hardest and most blessed thing I have ever done.
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Daily Message ~ Saturday March 8, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics
A lovely practice you can pick up, starting today, is to spend some time in connection with your sun. The sun is incredibly healing and supportive to your body. It is cleansing to your energy body and holds many powers of rejuvenation. The light codes from the sun are profoundly supportive and essential to your lightbody and your enlightenment process. On every possible level: physical, emotional, and spiritual, the sun holds energies of assistance. It can be a deep and sacred practice to connect with the sun in acceptance of the many gifts it provides. Adding in the energy of gratitude will make it feel even more divine and personal. Just as plants cannot grow and thrive without the sun, just as animals know to instinctively seek out the rays of the sun to bask in, the sun is an essential ingredient to your own wellness, as a living being on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel
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You tell me I'm God, but what do you mean?
We created the Galactic Free Press with one main goal at Heart, to let everyone know that They Are God. We don't want to create followers, or leaders, or teachers, or spiritual authority figures, or anything like that, we want everyone to be Free and Equal. Things like teachers and followers represent the old dualistic paradigm, while we intend that everyone step up to their own Divinity. We'd like to see every single human being take a deep personal responsibility for their Life, to realize their own Divine Creative Nature, to realize the beauty (or ugliness) that they see in the world is a reflection of what they hold Within.