Hence for centuries the mystics have said that man is a bridge between two eternities: the eternity of the unconscious and the eternity of the conscious, and man is always moving between these two polarities. He is like a tightrope walker. Each moment is full of danger, but full of possibilities too. No possibility comes alone; it has its own danger. You can miss – you can fall from the rope into the abyss.
Man has been called by the mystics a ladder. Now, the ladder can do two things: you can use it to go upwards, and the same ladder can be used to go downwards. You use the same ladder for both the purposes, just your direction changes. When you are moving upwards your direction is different; when you are moving downwards your direction is just the opposite of it. But the ladder is the same, the result will be totally different. Man is a ladder between heaven and hell.
That’s why it is only human beings who repress, who manipulate, who kill, who try to conquer the natural flow in nature, who are stupid – because they can be Buddhas. Because man has intelligence, that’s why he can be stupid. Stupidity simply means you have not used your intelligence; it does not mean absence of intelligence. If there is no presence of intelligence you cannot call man stupid. You cannot call a rock stupid; a rock is a rock – no question of stupidity.
But you can call man stupid because with man there is hope, a ray of great light. With man, a door opens towards the beyond. He can transcend himself and he is not transcending – that’s his stupidity. He can grow and he is not growing, he is clinging to all kinds of immaturity – that is his stupidity. He goes on and on living in the past, which is no more – that is his stupidity. Or he starts projecting in the future, which is not yet – that is his stupidity.
He should live in the present with deep passion, with great love, with intensity, with awareness, and that will become his intelligence. It is the same energy: upside down it is stupidity; put it right, rearrange it, and it becomes intelligence.
Accept God, Accept Yourself by David Truman
True, or false? . . .
God is omnipresent.
Humanity is One.
God dwells within us.
8 vegetables that you can regrow again and again.
You can regrow scallions by leaving an inch attached to the roots and place them in a small glass with a little water in a well-lit room.
When garlic begins to sprout, you can put them in a glass with a little water and grow garlic sprouts. The sprouts have a mild flavor than garlic and can be added to salads, pasta and other dishes.
Why The New Age Movement Is Just Another Religion - Reclaim Your Empowered Self
Copied from: http://www.reclaimyourempoweredself.com/
I have been on a path of conscious 'spiritual awakening' for just over four years now, and while in many ways it has been a journey of learning new information, I have come to understand that it has been more a process of unlearning - of shredding the mind's many layers of 'knowing'. What remains at the core? Experiential truth. But that is something I will discuss a bit later on…
We are currently living in times of great uncertainty. The world is constantly changing at a rapid pace, and now more than ever humans are looking for answers - answers to their problems, to their true identity, to the real meaning of their existence and of life itself. For generations, religion has served as a key foundation in many people's daily lives - deemed as an authority of the highest order, and one that can essentially dictate to us what are considered to be the most 'Divine truths'.
There is, however, a phenomenal danger in empowering such a hierarchical structure of authority - the most critical one being the giving away of one's emotional, sovereign free will. For thousands of years, a large percentage of humanity have, to one degree or another, (unconsciously) surrendered their personal free will to religious and spiritual authorities in exchange for attaining what they believe to be promises of salvation or spiritual enlightenment. More importantly though, there has been an immense fear that humans have held concerning the idea of choosing not to accept and follow a religious or spiritual belief system of some sort - the fear of persecution and abandonment.
Being You - Cosmicmessages
The oneness we are referring to when we speak of unification with the source is not quite a loss in identity but a finding of one. It serves you to think of yourself as an individual because it makes daily life that much easier to stand. If you fully embraced the ones that is within it would be impossible for you to stand aside and allow injustices to take place all over the world. You would join hands with your brothers and sisters and end the madness.
Your identity as you know it to be is the icing on the cake. Danielle is the fingerprint but she is also the finger, so too is she the hand, wrist and so on. When you examine Danielle at a deeper level, you see cells, atoms, electrons and eventually particles so tiny and spaces between those particles. Is one nucleus of a cell still considered Danielle? Or is Danielle only Danielle when she is many, many cells collected in a specific arrangement? If we rearranged her cells completely or spread them far out is she still Danielle? If those cells spread out even further and began to multiply, what then? Where did Danielle go? What makes her essence? Is it the number of cells, arrangements, and collection of other physical aspects that make her? Or is there something more here?
It’s not that Danielle isn’t her cells, it’s that she is more than just her cells. She is more than a unique arrangement of parts. If that is the case, then where does Danielle end and Anthony begin? If she is not just her physical body but more than that, what separates her and Anthony? Her and a plant? Her and the rest of the world?
Danielle is a unique pattern of energy moving in and out of form at all times. Her energy knows no bounds nor does it ever cease to exist or move. Her pattern is her essence but when the pattern is looked at close enough, it too is made up of smaller and smaller parts. This pattern is as infinitely big as it is infinitely small. Again, where does it end?
The answer: it doesn’t. Each and every infinitely large and infinitely small part has the same core, energy. This energy can and has been called many different names over time. We call it love.
Read the rest here... (cosmicmessages.wordpress.com)
All Persons Are Unique - Rajneesh
All the religions become just institutions, and if you fit in these religions then something is wrong with you. No alive person can fit with a dead ritual.
The supply sergeant handed the new army recruit a pair of trousers, and the soldier put them on. They fit perfectly. Then the sergeant handed him a shirt and cap. They too fit perfectly.
”We have a problem here,” the sergeant finally said. ”You must be deformed.”
The True State of Love - Heavenletters
God said:
When anything weighs heavily on your heart, you may think the weight is about love. A loved one ditched you, in life or by death, and your heart is heavy. Yes, of course, you miss the loved one, and, yet, basically, your question is:
“How could you leave me?” Or, “How could God allow this to happen?”
No matter how much you loved your loved one, it is not love that asks these questions. It is not love that feels bereft. Love doesn’t get thrown for a loop when a loved one leaves. There is more going on here.
Attachment, of course, sense of loss, a sense of helplessness are going on. Feelings of attachment, loss, helplessness are not love. You feel lost. You feel that love has been lost, by will or by chance or for any reason or no reason all, and you are put out.
The physical presence may be gone, yet love is not lost. Whether you are the object of the other’s love or not, love had its day in the sunshine. I do not make little of your heartache, yet you make too much of it, as though a crime has been done, a wrongful act, a grievous error, an impossibility. Well, it is impossible for love to go away. If you had a love, you have the love still. Where have you put it?
Daily Message ~ Saturday April 12, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics
A great many human beings spin their wheels waiting for the perfect external circumstances to happen to make them feel good. They base their happiness on other people’s behaviour to make them feel satisfied and whole. They wait for the perfect partner to arrive to make them happy. They try to create an experience of wholeness from a base of emptiness and, sadly, that cannot be done.
It would amount to going to a bank and attempting to collect the interest on a million dollars from an empty bank account and then being disappointed when you were not successful. It would not make any sense.
Please Stand By - The Creator Writings
Sometimes, you have to stand by and watch another’s truth unfold. Your involvement in it might dilute, distort, influence, change or dis-create it for them. This does not mean you love them any less, have no desire to help or do not want to share in the experience with them. It shows that you, in all your perfection, want the other to attain theirs in their own way. ~ Creator
Transcending Duality | How To Read Our Messages
With everything I write, I try to go beyond dualistic thought altogether. It's a rather challenging thing to do, as I'm limited by a dualistic language. It seems I'm doing a decent job at this though, because I've noticed an interesting thing with people's reactions to my writings. Some people believe I'm being negative, while others see my writings as positive. Let me go into an example:
I wrote about forgiveness previously, and while I mentioned how wonderfully healing forgiveness is and encouraged it, I also mentioned it's an illusion (if you don't judge someone as having wronged you, what is there to forgive?). Well some people took this as me saying forgiveness is a "bad thing", which is not what I said, nor is it how I view forgiveness.
It seems people want to define the things in their life as either being "good" or "bad", and they're looking for spiritual messages to assist with this. Yikes! Reality doesn't fit very well into the narrow confines of duality. We certainly don't encourage people to judge everything in their lives as either "good or bad". I posted this story a few days ago on our site, and it directly applies to what I'm talking about here: