GFP Newsletter - 4/20/2014

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Nobody is born as a Christian or a Hindu or a Mohammedan. You are simply born as a pure consciousness with no adjective attached to you. You are brought up as a Hindu, as a Christian, as a Mohammedan; that is another matter. That has nothing to do with your birth; that is conditioning by your parents.


The Best Way to Predict the Future


     Throughout human history, there has always been a fascination with predicting the future. Whether it was through ouija boards, psychics, magic 8 balls, pendulums, mayan writing interpretations, and the list goes on, they all can serve the same purpose: predictions.


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Self Love - Mayan Messages


SELF LOVE   Choose acts of kindness, not of servitude, for that places you in a position of insubordination or “less than.” Seek ways to enlighten yourself by overcoming fears and obstacles that keep you from moving upward. Focus your attention on ways you can move forward, leaving behind those persons, places and events that keep you bogged in the mire.


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Journey into Hell - Knowing Whispers


The mind cannot forgive itself, because it is both judge and accused.
It has no place to escape to, but the unconscious, and that can be a journey into hell.
Only through transcending the mind, ego, and unconscious, can we find the forgiveness that accepts all of our experiences, without judgment.

When we see life through the heart and with awareness we can rise above the guilt and self-judgment that make us prisoners of our minds.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday April 20, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics


Acceptance is the antidote to judgment. Allowing is the antidote to control. Practicing both acceptance and allowing gives others the space to make decisions based on what is best for them and their unique path. It supports them in having authentic experiences for growth and self expression.

While practicing acceptance and allowing for others is highly recommended, you must also extend those same energies to yourself. By doing so, you will stop berating yourself with the negative self talk so many of you abuse yourselves with. You will start to support your own authenticity, and acknowledge your own innate capability and goodness.


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Free Will Is Yours! - The Creator Writings




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Saving Jesus From Religion


Did Jesus create the Christian religion? And if you believe that, which Christian religion did he create? Is it Catholicism? That's the version all the popular modern churches are based upon. There's millions of people who believe that Jesus directly helped to create the early Catholic church. Is that really Jesus' legacy though? He once said to judge a tree by it's fruits, what are the fruits of the Catholic church? Recently there was a pope who stepped down after it was revealed the church was protecting child abusers and even helping enable abuse (source). They helped to kidnap babies from their parents in Spain (source). They helped with the destruction of the indigenous culture in Canada (source). And that's just a small selection of what they've done recently.

And this is supposed to be Jesus' legacy? Was Jesus an evil bastard or something? I don't believe that, nor do I believe such a wicked organization represents him. I don't believe the protestants are much better either, they just haven't had the same level of power that the Catholics have. They simply haven't had the same level of opportunity for abuse yet.

Jesus gave two commandments, you might think they would be the whole basis of the church and what it means to be a Christian. Nope! Jesus two commandments are largely ignored. The vast majority of christian religions are based upon an interpretation of Jesus' teachings called the Nicene Creed. So a most Christians don't even really have faith in Jesus' words, they have faith in a series of councils, originally organized by a roman emperor and where the main opposition, Arius, was assassinated. Jesus' actual commandments, which had little to do with belief systems and everything to do with Love, come secondary.


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