GFP Newsletter - 4/23/2014

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Once upon a time, I, Chuang Chou, dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was Chou. Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man.

What Are the Symptoms Of Not Being Grounded?


Author: Inaya Ved Ashtarie


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3 Steps to Regain Your Happiness - Aligned Holistics


Do you ever feel like things are spiraling out of control? Like there are a million things to do? Like you hardly recognize yourself?

Last week I struggled with a painful soul assignment, feeling a loss of control, and a disconnect from my higher self.

While I’m not Catholic, I celebrated Easter with my brother’s family. (Any excuse for cute dresses and ham!) During the sermon, a light bulb went off.

I need a resurrection. I need to bring love and light back into the places where I thought there was only darkness.

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Confession is the key to Love - Knowing Whispers


The path to inner healing is a continuous confession of all that we carry within us.
The ego says it’s okay to protect different parts within – that we should hide them “for our eyes only”.  It uses fear and the memory of real, or imagined, pain to hold onto, knowing confession is the key that opens the door to the heart and our healing within.


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Like Godwriting, Love - Heavenletters


God said:

There is only one thing that you can know, really know, and that is love. Love is the only thing you can really know because it is the only real. Love is the binder of the Universe. Love upholds everything. There would not be gravity on Earth without love. Not one flower would bloom without love. The sun would not shine. Even through what are called hard times on Earth, flowers bloom and sun shines. The tide keeps its tempo. The Earth lifts its head and proclaims love. Love does not stay to itself. Love is the nourisher of Life on Earth. Love is IT. What else is?
You can try to make other frequencies seem true, yet you can’t fool yourself or anyone forever. Despite what you may see as less than love, love is the mirror you shine in and look at yourself in. Love reflects, and love outshines everything else. Of course, it does. There is nothing to equal love. There is nothing that comes near it.
What do you carry in your heart? Love. What is it that lasts forever and is never undone? Love. Despite what anyone may say, love is all you want. Love is all you can have. Love is your environment. Love is what pulls you. Love is your evolution. It is your path. There is no other.
Love is a magnet, a powerful magnet. Nothing equals the magnet of love. You were born to love. You were born for love.


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Daily Message ~ Wednesday April 23, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics


Open your heart and dance in blissful unity today as a breathtakingly beautiful note in the divine symphony of the universe. ~Archangel Gabriel


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Hidden Strength - The Creator Writings



As frail as you may feel at times, there is an indomitable strength within you; a depth of understanding in The Universe that has always been there.

Release yourself and explore an existence that has no boundaries or limits. ~ Creator


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The Astral Realm


The astral realm can be a rather complicated place, and as such it has many different names. It's called 4d, the mental realm, the void, limbo, purgatory, and it's where all the religious heaven/hells "exist". Some people also call it the etheric realm, though that's a term we often use for 5D. Some people call it the "spirit realm", though I'm hesitant to call it that as well because the astral can be completely devoid of Spirit.


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10 Natural Remedies To Instantly Reduce Nausea


Nausea is very difficult to predict, but it helps to have the right ingredients in your kitchen to ease the pain and discomfort. Whether or not you see it coming, nausea and vomiting is never pleasant. Here are ten effective and natural home remedies for preventing regurgitation.


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Selection from The Unfoldment by Neil Kramer


Delaying fundamental inner work until another time is a common practice. It can be tempting to falsely supplant doing the inner work (particularly dealing with emotional patterning), with the arrival of a particular event or achievement. When I get that new job. When we move to France. When I lose 30 lbs. When the kids leave home. When I find the perfect partner. “Then I’ll be ready!” If and when these events do occur, another event is summoned up to once more project the time for self-examination into the future. When I’ve retired. When I’ve read the complete works of Shakespeare. When I’ve got $250,000 in the bank. When I’ve learned to play the glockenspiel. And so the years roll on. This is untruthful. The time for the inner work is always now.

Continued deferment of the organic unfoldment of one’s spirit eventually results in a significant diminishment of self-esteem. The void sucks it out of people. Buried deep within the subterranean caverns of the psyche, a little voice repeats, “You are not following your true path.” This is the most terrifying murmur conceivable. To drown out these fateful tones, a persistent and sizeable over-riding pain is required. And this is exactly what people create, albeit subconsciously, by maintaining a highly dysfunctional element in their lives. It usually takes the form of a relationship, but it can take other forms, too, such as a particular environment, ongoing manipulated dramas, magnetized ill-fortune, or a psycho-somatically induced disorder.

With the dysfunction in place, all the resentment, anger, and pain that have accumulated from years of spiritual renouncement can be channeled into the object of dysfunction—the bitch, the bastard, the chaos, the pointlessness, the sickness, the soulless job, the evil empire. This distorted logic gives license for heedless self-indulgence.

This is perhaps the most insidious avoidance technique, and it can have ruinous consequences. As Nietzsche observed, “He who despises himself nevertheless esteems himself as self-despiser.” This gives a further insight into the mechanics of this ritual self-harming.



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