GFP Newsletter - 4/29/2014

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Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.

-Carl Jung

Release Time Constraints - Mayan Messages


Many of you are feeling a quickening, as though there is no time to get things done, wondering where the hours went at the close of your day. There is a shattering of time as you begin to ascend to higher frequencies of vibration.

Time is relative to your interest in an activity, as well. All of you have experienced performing a chore that you disliked and it seemed to take forever. Yet, when you spent the same amount of time involved in a task that was of high interest, you exclaimed, “Where did the time go?”

Each of you has within you the ability to warp time so it benefits you, without harming anyone else.


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Off-Stage - Heavenletters


God said:

Know this: An answer will always come. An answer, a solution, is always waiting in the wings. You do not need to know an answer ahead of time. Life is easier for you when you do grasp that an answer will always come to you, dawn on you, or arrive even when you are not looking.
Does a response have to be the one you desire? Of course not. Yet, if you could see all the unweaving, you would stop fussing, for goodness and mercy do follow you all the days of your lives, even when you are sure you have been knocked about.
Winning isn’t always winning. Losing isn’t always losing. You must have a clue to this by now.  The fact is that you are always on the winning team. There is only winning. You don’t always know this because you have your heart set on a certain outcome, and you cannot quite see beyond your disappointment. You do have to dis-appoint yourself from foregone conclusions you make. You may have thought you were to climb Mount Everest, and life tells you that you are to climb Mount Killimanjaro or sail a boat on the Indian Ocean. Life is like that, yes? Life is unpredictable, yet you predict it with a finality. You are so sure about what is supposed to be. Your very surety is a sure sign that you don’t know. 


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See it! Photos of partial solar eclipse of April 29


While it is a total solar eclipse today, it's only fully visible from Antarctica. From

On Tuesday, April 29, 2014, Australia and parts of Indonesia had a partial eclipse of the sun. As for those of us who couldn’t see it, our Australian friends really did us right with some awesome photos. Enjoy!

See more images here... (


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Sharing - Knowing Whispers


In a relationship, we must trust ourselves and the other person, so we can discover our true self through the other.  It is a mirror through which we can see ourselves and, ultimately, heal through sharing.
Fear stops healing by building up the ego and the unconscious fears we carry.  Fear protects the ego and prevents us from facing our unconsciousness.
Intimacy is the destroyer of fear, because it reveals the love hiding beyond the fear, like a shade that hides the warmth of the sun.


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Spring Cleaning - The Creator Writings



Your Earth plane process is about honoring yourself and your feelings. On occasion, you may sweep how you really feel under the rug and attempt to ignore it. Now is the time to get in there and clear that space….. think of it as an emotional spring cleaning. You deserve this, you are worthy of this and it is your birthright to be bright and shining so you can continue your work in the best way possible. ~ Creator


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An Occupy founder says the next revolution will be rural


Rural towns are where it’s at for White, “a clean slate” for building real social change in places still reeling from the economic and environmental impacts of exactly what people were protesting during Occupy. Among his plans for Nehalem, White wants to start a food bank for veterans, convert vacant properties into housing for the elderly, and start a loyalty card program that keeps local prices low for residents and high for tourists.


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New Study Finds Laughter Has Similar Effects to Meditation on the Brain


We've mentioned this many times before on our site, how incredibly healing laughter and joy are. Nice to see that modern science is catching up, from a recent press release associated with the study:

“What we have found in our study is that Humor Associated with Mirthful Laughter sustains high-amplitude gamma-band oscillations. Gamma is the only frequency found in every part of the brain. What this means is that humor actually engages the entire brain -- it is a whole brain experience with the gamma wave band frequency and humor, similar to meditation, holds it there; we call this being, ‘in the zone’,” said Lee Berk, DrPH, MPH, principal investigator of the study and associate professor School of Allied Health Professions and associate research professor, pathology and human anatomy, School of Medicine, at Loma Linda University.

“When there is mirthful laughter, it’s as if the brain gets a workout because the gamma wave band is in synch with multiple other areas that are in the same 30-40 hertz frequency. This allows for the subjective feeling states of being able to think more clearly and have more integrative thoughts. This is of great value to individuals who need or want to revisit, reorganize, or rearrange various aspects of their lives or experiences, to make them feel whole or more focused,” Berk said.

Subjects who engage in joyful laughter produce substantial brain gamma wave band frequencies (30 to 40 Hz), which, according to other published research, are now known to be similar to those experienced by people who meditate and reach a state of contentment and happiness, the study said.


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The Age Of Aspartame May Be Coming To An End As More Health Risks Are Confirmed


GFP Note: This article only mentions aspartame, but I wanted to add that the research paper it cites found harmful effects from diet drinks in general, not just the ones containing aspartame. We highly recommend avoiding Splenda, which is also deceptively called sucralose, so people confuse it with the natural sugar, sucrose.

Aspartame has been on the debate block for years as time and time again independent research reveals dangers associated with aspartame consumption, while industry funded research reveals no dangers. In a new study observing over 60,000 women, diet drinks containing aspartame consumed at 2 or more per day increased the risk of heart related illness by 50%. This is added to the list of studies that have shown aspartame causes fast paced kidney decline, brain and neurological damage, and is linked to increased rates of leukaemia and lymphoma and more.

The interesting part is, aspartame was once illegal. It was banned twice by the FDA because public cases and research showed a serious link between aspartame and serious health effects including brain related tumors. The aspartame legalization fiasco of the 1960′s and 70′s triggered the first ever criminal investigation into a food and drug manufacturer for shoddy testing practices. It didn’t become legal again until some corrupt political work had to be done to overturn the boards initial decision to keep it banned. More about that here.

The study completed by The University of Iowa confirms that: 

“…[C]ompared to women who never or only rarely consume diet drinks, those who consume two or more a day are 30 percent more likely to have a cardiovascular event [heart attack or stroke] and 50 percent more likely to die from related disease.

Read the full article here... (


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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology - Cathy Lindsey


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