GFP Newsletter - 4/30/2014

will's picture

You have an unbreakable connection to Source at the center of your Being!

Mother's diet modifies her child's DNA


A mother’s diet before conception can permanently affect how her child’s genes function, according to a study published in Nature Communications.

The first such evidence of the effect in humans opens up the possibility that a mother’s diet before pregnancy could permanently affect many aspects of her children’s lifelong health.

Researchers from the MRC International Nutrition Group, based at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and MRC Unit, The Gambia, utilised a unique ‘experiment of nature’ in rural Gambia, where the population’s dependence on own grown foods and a markedly seasonal climate impose a large difference in people’s dietary patterns between rainy and dry seasons.


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Is There Scientific Proof We Can Heal Ourselves?


Whether you’re battling a life-threatening illness, saddled with a “chronic” health condition that Western medicine hasn’t been able to cure, or battling nuisance symptoms that decrease your quality of life, or just hoping to optimize your energy, vitality, looks, and longevity, there is scientific proof that you can heal yourself.

As a skeptic herself, Dr. Lissa Rankin makes an irrefutable case, documenting with cold, hard science that the medical establishment has been proving that the mind can heal the body for over 50 years.


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It's Light and Takes Up No Space Bernie Siegel (excerpted from Prescriptions for Living)


What will we take with us on the ultimate journey?  It's fairly obvious that we cannot take material things with us wherever we go.  Just as airlines restrict your luggage and the trunk of your car has a limited capacity, so, too, heaven has space problems.  Love is the only thing I know of that has an unlimited capacity, is weightless and takes up no space.

I believe love does go with us wherever we go.  It is the one thing that is immortal and not limited by the physical body's existence.  When I say it goes where we go, I mean when our bodies no longer exist our love continues on.  Our love goes with us wherever our spirit, soul and thoughts go, but it also stays in the lives of those we have touched.  Love is energy and is not limited by the laws that apply to material things or are associated with time.  Thus you can take it with you and at the same time leave it behind.  Love is the bridge between the land of the living and the land of the dead.


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Judgment Day - Mayan Messages


None will be lost; all will return to Source. Can you imagine a Creator who purposely creates a magnificent Being just to destroy it? Be creative with your life and release any thoughtforms and belief codes that leave you feeling less than another. You are all children of Source, pure Beings of light arriving on the Earth, for a time, to experience just one small piece of God’s creation.   Selamet! Men 5

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 135 at: Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others. Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree


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Looking into a Mirror of Truth - Heavenletters


God said:

There is no finality to your life, though often you may think so. When you are going through a rough time, you may feel that this is all there is. On Earth, you weather the hard times, and good times return and flow in and out. Everything is in flux in the extant world. You are, and your life is. Just as a sunrise changes before your eyes every minute, so do you. Beautiful is the sunrise, even as it progresses swiftly. What is not changing in the outer world? And your surface changes rapidly as well.


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The Distortion of Truth - Knowing Whispers


The mind and imagination distort truth by creating images, or symbols, to represent truth, but they cannot embody it.

Truth is a revelation within our consciousness that enlivens us totally. It fills us to the point of “knowing”.

You cannot doubt truth, because nothing stands against it. It is the final expression of our being, radiating love, fullness of being, totality and existence.

Each of us are cells of love within the body of existence. The only distraction from realizing truth is our mind and imagination.

**If you enjoyed this whisper, please share it with others.

C.J. and Robert


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The Happiness Inside You - The Creator Writings




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You Deserve Happiness


Let us seek to give up all prejudices, and not just things like sexism and racism, but all of our preconceived notions about how things are supposed to be. Let us give up all judgements. Let us allow life to be what it truly is instead of just seeing the stories in our minds. Let us find wonder and adventures, let us find Love, and all of the things that make life worth living.

Begin Now, don't put it off for one more day, don't put it off for one more minute. Don't push it away, you deserve genuine happiness in your life. Why keep that from yourself?


The Galactic Free Press
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