GFP Newsletter - 5/19/2014

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Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.

-Mark Twain

Daily Message ~ Monday May 19, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics


So many humans identify themselves through their old wounds and traumas. Even your society has labels for you based on your old stories – divorced, abused, cancer survivor, to name a few. We are not for a second saying you should deny your experiences. But we do encourage you to have the experience and once it has served its purpose, let it go and create yourselves anew.

How many of you are allowing your old painful experiences to colour the blank canvas of your Now? What if, instead of waving the flag of woundedness, you started waving the flag of wellness? Of wholeness? Of divinity? How different your Now moments would start to feel and how beautifully you would pave the way for your tomorrows!


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The Natural Order - The Creator Writings



People, places and things will flow in and out of your life. It is the natural order of your Earth-plane existence. The Universe will always provide what is in your highest and best during whatever moment you are in. ~ Creator


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Negating Negativity


So often there's talk of eliminating negativity. Really look at that approach, it's using negative thinking to try to get rid of negativity. Then there's the idea that we just focus upon positive thoughts, which at it's core is still based upon rejecting the negative. Then there's another approach, which is to combine the positive and the negative together, which is supposed to create a whole, though all I've seen it create is confusion in people. If you try to hold two contradictory thoughts in your mind, something most people's minds are already full of, it just creates chaos.


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New Green Pastures - Heavenletters


God said:

Every day you bathe in life. Life is a magic potion that cleanses you of the past. All that occurs in life is to wash over you, or, rather you are to wash over it. Wave goodbye to the past. Do not hold onto it. First of all, it won’t be held onto. You kid yourself that it can be.


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The Reign of Peace - Heavenletters


God said:

We are having a revolution. It is a peaceful revolution. It is not a strike. It is not even a sit-down strike. It is Being. Being is making its way through strife. In Beingness, what strife can there be?
You may have always strived for peace, yearned for it, fought against upheaval. Your fighting for peace didn’t do the trick. Your yearning for peace is coming true because peace within you is welling up, is overflowing the ego, surpassing the nonsense in the world. Your arrival at peace brings peace. Look not for peace from the world. The world will be what you want when you are what you want, and what you want is not a truce, not an abdication from war, but an arrival at peace, a concordance of peace, the reign of peace.


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