Tired of Speaking Sweetly
Love wants to reach out and manhandle us,
Break all our teacup talk of God.
If you had the courage and
Could give the Beloved His choice, some nights,
He would just drag you around the room
By your hair,
Ripping from your grip all those toys in the world
That bring you no joy.
Love sometimes gets tired of speaking sweetly
And wants to rip to shreds
All your erroneous notions of truth
That make you fight within yourself, dear one,
And with others,
Causing the world to weep
On too many fine days.
God wants to manhandle us,
Lock us inside of a tiny room with Himself
And practice His dropkick.
The Beloved sometimes wants
To do us a great favor:
Hold us upside down
And shake all the nonsense out.
But when we hear
He is in such a "playful drunken mood"
Most everyone I know
Quickly packs their bags and hightails it
Out of town.
Hafiz, translated by Daniel Ladinsky
Fed Up - Everything We’ve Been Told About Food and Exercise For The Past 30 Years Is Dead Wrong
FED UP is the film the food industry doesn’t want you to see. From Katie Couric, Laurie David and director Stephanie Soechtig, FED UP will change the way you eat forever. The film opened in theaters across the country on May 9th.
"Most people only think they’re healthy eaters, they believe that the reduced fat Oreos are a vast step in the right direction, even if they contain the exact same amount of sugar as regular Oreos. They think that diet sodas are utterly benign. They genuinely believe that they can walk enough steps in the day to burn off the calories in a Taco Bell combo meal. For those people, "Fed Up" could be an eye-opener."
Daniel Fienberg, HITFIX
"The movie that will change the way people think about eating."
Possible Meteor Shower May 23-24
May 23-24, 2014 Camelopardalids
Everything Is Exactly As It Should Be
From the Soul's perspective, from that place of Oneness, the thought that everything is exactly as it should be is completely true. You could nitpick about the "should", as the whole concept of "should" is rooted in the mind's judgments, but since we're talking about the Soul's perspective I won't get into that yet. To the Soul, everything is divine perfection, not a single atom is out of place. Everything comes and goes at the precise moment it is "meant to".
The Theme of Your Life - Heavenletters
God said:
Am I not your Champion? I certainly am not opposed to you. I am for you. I am right with you by your side. You may struggle with Me. I do not struggle with you. I engage you in love. I know not struggle. I do not hold on. I embrace.
What can you not let go of in life? Who is it that you cannot let go of? What is it that you object to? Whatever it is, you have to let it go. Otherwise, you bear a grudge, and a grudge is an obstacle to your blossoming. It is uncalled for you to bear a grudge. It is unbecoming, and it is uncalled for.
Quiet Miracles - The Creator Writings
As you move through your day, take note of all the beautiful, minute, quiet miracles that happen around you; the soft and secret smiles, spontaneous laughter or a moment of epiphany on a person’s face. Even though they are not loud thunderclaps from the sky or great feats of accomplishment, they are miracles in their own right. Take each one of them into your hearts to keep the Light of The Divine within you burning brightly. ~ Creator
Worship Our Becoming - Knowing Whispers
If we worship another, then we remain in duality. We have not fully entered the path within.
Through awareness, we learn to worship the essence of our nature and the truth of existence within the temple of our own consciousness. Our worship is a realization of truth and oneness. It is rejoicing within our being.
True worship is to fill ourselves with the awareness of eternity, to know our godliness as beings of light.
Worship no person, or image -- only the awareness of who you are becoming.