GFP Newsletter - 5/4/2014

will's picture

When there is love, there is no duty. When you love your wife, you share everything with her-your property, your trouble, your anxiety, your joy. You do not dominate. You are not the man and she the woman to be used and thrown aside, a sort of breeding machine to carry on your name. When there is love, the word duty disappears. It is the man with no love in his heart who talks of rights and duties, and in this country duties and rights have taken the place of love. Regulations have become more important than the warmth of affection. When there is love, the problem is simple; when there is no love, the problem becomes complex. When a man loves his wife and his children, he can never possibly think in terms of duty and rights. Sirs, examine your own hearts and minds. I know you laugh it off,that is one of the tricks of the thoughtless, to laugh at something and push it aside. Your wife does not share your responsibility, your wife does not share your property, she does not have the half of everything that you have because you consider the woman less than yourself, something to be kept and to be used sexually at your convenience when your appetite demands it. So you have invented the words rights and duty; and when the woman rebels, you throw at her these words. It is a static society, a deteriorating society, that talks of duty and rights.

-J Krishnamurti

If We Act Now, We Can Stop The FCC's Horrific Proposal to End Net Neutrality


If we act NOW, we can ensure a free, open and equal Internet for the 21 st Century. On Wednesday, May 15 the FCC will vote on a proposal to end net neutrality and impose class-based Internet discrimination, but we have the power to stop them.

To ensure the Internet we want, we must take action today; and people need to plan to come to Washington, DC beginning next Wednesday to join in a series of escalating protests that will undermine the legitimacy of the FCC leadership and force them to pay attention to the public interest rather than the interests of mega-corporations.


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The First Step - Knowing Whispers


The first step toward awakening is to ask the question, “What am I feeling?”
The second step is reflecting inward on what we are feeling. This is the door to knowing self.
Our feelings reveal the harmony or discord we have within ourselves, and also the harmony or discord we have with existence.
Our lives are an expression of the harmony or discord we have with existence. It is also true to say that our lives are a reflection of the harmony or discord we have within ourselves.


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How to Hear God for Yourself - Heavenletters


God said:

You are always close to Me, as close as close can be. Only in the world can it seem to you that We are closer or further apart. How you feel makes all the difference in the world to your life. Of course, if you feel abandoned, that doesn’t feel good. It feels much better when you sense Our closeness. Even if you don’t believe in Me, and you doubt Me, don’t think well of Me, would there not be something for you to gain in coming closer to Me?
If We were talking about chocolate or cherries, wouldn’t you prefer to have chocolates or cherries close by, available to you?


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Iceland is killing fin whales for Japanese pet treats


TOKYO: Today the Animal Welfare Institute (AWI), Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC) and the Iruka & Kujira [Dolphin & Whale] Action Network (IKAN) expressed dismay at the sale of Icelandic fin whale meat dog treats in Japan.

Although the use of Japanese-caught whale and dolphin meat in pet food in Japan has been well documented, the discovery that Japanese pet food company Michinoku Farms is now producing dog snacks using meat from endangered North Atlantic fin whales, killed by the Icelandic whaling company Hvalur hf, is alarming.


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Daily Message ~ Sunday May 4, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics


Dear Ones, trying to “figure something out” rarely works. The reason for that is when you try to figure something out you have stopped all movement. Your mind is spinning around and around in the same energy. It likely does not have enough information – if it did, a decision would be easy.

When you are trying to figure something out, you are using your mind. Your mind is the operating system of your ego self, the part of you that wishes to keep everything the same. Your ego does not embrace growth, expansion or enlightenment. It seeks to keep you small.


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Reincarnation and Past Life Memories - Avatar


It’s hard to say how many people worldwide believe in reincarnation but in 2009 the Pew Research Center did a survey and found that 24% of the American population and 22% of Christians believe in reincarnation. With near death experiences being so prevalent today I believe more and more people will start believing and accepting of reincarnation and past lives.

Here are some famous people who also believed in reincarnation...


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It's Okay To Be Weird


I'm not sure I've ever fit in properly with society. For a long time I made the attempt, but I don't think I ever fooled anybody. Going along with societal norms was always rather awkward for me, and even my attempts to fit into the countercultures didn't really work. I was perpetually stuck in some sort of cultural limbo where I never really fit in to any specific groups. Individuals I could connect to, but I always had difficulty with groups.


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