Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ Give From A Well That Is Full

Lia's picture

Everyday you honor the world with your prayers, with your words, with your intentions, and yet your personal life is falling apart at the seams.  Your energy is scattered. Your physical body is exhausted, and your sleep patterns are disrupted.  Your life has not been swept, cleaned or dusted because you are so busy giving your light away like a frivolous lighthouse keeper and not honoring your own needs.  Giving yourself as a sacrificial lamb, to every cause will not get you ahead of the game. Like a woman on a desert with a baby, she would automatically give the last water to the child, but she would perish. Who would then save the child? There is no future in giving until you are gone.

The ancient texts and mystery schools spoke of the energy of giving.  Giving from a well that was full, giving from a well that was cleansed and purified.  When you are full of love, and light– it radiates out touching everything in its path 360 degrees.  In this radiating there is a ripple effect, a multiplication of energy, touching everything from the blades of grass to the unfound stars.

When you are personally empty – no matter how many prayers you direct, how much light you radiate, how many affirmations and meditations you speak and pray – it will not reach its desired destination.  You can only truly give when you are full.

When you are continually focusing outward and not honoring yourself first, you do all life an injustice.  By not loving yourself enough, and giving only to external demands of you, you cause an imbalance in all of creation.  That imbalance starts and ends with each one of you. You assisted no one and nothing, by not filling yourself up first. The good thoughts, light, prayers, and healing that you sent just ran off, it did not meet its mark.  It ended up in the lost email department of life, because it did not have enough gas to get to its intended destination!

Every one of you at some point has received a phone call, an email from someone asking for help or prayers.  You may have just come in the door from a hard day exhausted, barely able to think, and then you are asked to give what little life force there is left.  All you wanted to do was sit down, rest, or eat a little to refuel yourself, but you did not.  The ‘god of guilt’, within you insisted you send love or healing immediately into the situation.  You did not fill your gas tank first, so you are running on empty trying to put out fires with an empty water truck, your prayers, get zero results!

You are spending way to much time and energy pouring the gas outside of the gas tank –missing your mark. Imagine yourself going to the gas station and filling everyone else’s car around you.  They all are grateful and thankful and wave as they drive off and leave you.  You sit there on empty waiting to be filled by someone, but alas, there is no gas for you.

On the seventh day of Creation the Universe/God rested filling up again, getting ready to create more.  God honors himself/herself first.  Everything that is created is created from a point of fullness or not created at all.  Everything that is given is given from a point of fullness or not given at all. link to original article

