Giselle Koy - The Ancients: A Letter of Introduction from Light Systems

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In a way, we exist much like potential timelines. Here and ephemeral, constantly glimmering in and out of your frame of existence–but here nonetheless, for we are The Ancients. That might be the first name for us in a list of many.


For we are giants.
But do not try and put a measurement on us for you cannot. We do not bother to maintain the shape of beings, for we are Star Systems—
Like a blaze of the borealis—
But infinite in size.
But specific nonetheless.
Of the Borealix Clan

Creator Gods swim in our vibratory waters for refreshment and light infusions. We are the flow, cause and effect of light. Its creation, its beam, its landing site. We hold sway over energetic influence in the cosmos. We are “play” to its highest destiny because at some level—existence is purely for the joy of itself.

And joy is always available to any dimension—we make sure of that.

We stream, we infuse, we blast, we sky write and we sky right.

We look forward to introducing ourselves and welcome the high level ambassadors doing the honors of introductions here on Planet Earth Now. We have much to tell you and show you and code to you!!

Blessings for being in our midst and our ancient mist.

We are the Beloved of Ancients
The As Yet Named
The Brothers of Boreli
The Knights and Overlords of Empirical Data Streaming
The Grand Guardians of Unlimited Potential
Sacrosanct in Service
To the Precious Earthlings

Let us help bring you home on the flight sponsored by the Awareness of Us.
Time for a new word for Holy—time fore many new words. As many new “frequencies” are arriving on the planet for various Ascension protocols and tasks.
Stay tuned,

The Ancients

Transmission Channeled by Giselle Koy, May 2013
