Giselle Koy ~ The Reign of God ~ November Update

Giselle Koy's picture

The Reign of God is upon us, showering us, surrounding us, penetrating us in every way.

After the transformative November 3 eclipse, there is a clear pulse. One not littered with disharmonic frequencies but here for all individuals to know and feel their spiritual evolution, their place within divine order and their role in the Ascension Plan.

Sit in Your Holy Beam Daily.

Declare Your Presence On the Ascension Team.

Roll Up the Safety Net and Go For It! You are ready!

Eons of evolution are culminating in this moment. The transforming eclipse helped put some finishing touches on many especially in the area of ego attachments and disruptions. It was a shaking loose of all energies needing to be shaken of.

So now what?

A fresh start, the awe inspiring moment of a New Life. Even for those quite content with their 3D life and physical reality a change has taken place.

This light that has been reigning steadily and consistently on us will now begin to show up in our life in ways we can see. New and Easier Manifestations.
New Locations, New Soul Initiatives. More Knowing of what you are here to do.
More access to soul’s purpose and souls’ desire.
This reigning light will serve as a map with clearer direction than ever before.

This is a spiritual sling shot opportunity. Let the Universe know your are ready!

A Message delivered through Giselle Koy
November 2013
