Global Consciousness & The Noosphere

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Damien Lafont, Guest
Waking Times

If you read this article you are probably one of those people who feel the connections around us and who feel there is something greater, something much larger than ourselves. We are indeed in a world made of connections and that is what gives us more energy and what makes us feel alive. The connections exist at different degrees and have different dimensions. There are connections with our past and our ancesters, with Earth and Nature or with animals. But immediately we think of connections between people, their mind, their ideas, their thoughts and consciousness.

The idea of a higher level of consciousness exists in ancient to modern forms of spirituality and philosophy. Many phenomenons also raise the question of a higher level of consciousness. Near death experiences (NDE), chamanism, out of body experiences, all of them open new perspectives. However, if the Eastern world and the ancient cultures have never forgotten the link with a greater spirit, the Western world has only started recently to make more efforts in this direction...
