Global Meditation for the Spiritual Drought of Humanity by Linda Dillon's picture




Global Meditation for the Spiritual Drought of Humanity
Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, and Archangel Uriel unite in this beautiful meditation for us that can be done daily as we move forward in the restoration and reconstruction of Gaia, of Nova Earth.
Archangel Michael has told us that the drought in California is actually the golden opportunity to heal and eliminate the entire issue of lack and limitation upon the planet. St. Germaine also tells us that this is us stepping forward to co-create Nova Earth not only with the Company of Heaven and our Star Brothers and Sisters but with Gaia herself, with the elements and the elementals and the kingdoms.
One of the best parts is that as we do this, as we heal the physical drought, we are also healing and eliminating the spiritual drought of humanity and we are doing this not merely for California but for the entire planet, for the Middle East, for Australia, for India, for every continent.
Archangel Uriel: Feel the connection to the heart of your beloved Gaia, my Sister, in many ways my best friend. Feel her willingness, our willingness to create the restoration. Yes, Nova Earth is intended and will always be the splendid diversity of Gaia herself. 
The mountains and the oceans, the plains, the trees, the kingdoms, the animals but the places that are and have been sacrificed on Nova Earth, these are restored. Temperate climates, temperate climates that enfold and embrace not only humanity but each of you, personally as well as every flower, every blade of grass, every pebble, every grain of sand. All of it!
It is held in the balance and that is the balance, not only of the elements, of earth and air, and fire and water, it is the balance of what those elements as they came together, atomic, sub-atomic fibers, molecules -- what they were intended to be. And they were intended to be the expression of Love. 
Drought -- spiritual, emotional, physical, mental -- is not of Love so, my friends, with me I ask each of you:
Throw out your arms and gather unto you every molecule of moisture, of water that is upon this planet and that is designed in its sacred purpose to be the gentle rain of renewal. Feel this gentle water come within your core, within your heart and let it fill you! 
Let this moisture embrace you -- become the silver bubble! And become in this moment of right now, with me not merely as big as Gaia but an orb that can encircle and embrace your beloved planet, my beloved Sister. Allow. Expand. Let me help you become the wonder of who you are, your creator self.