Global unrest spreads as Uranus heads into second of seven exact 90° squares with Pluto

Lia's picture

 By Ann Kreilkamp



On this day when the Moon conjuncts the Sun in Virgo and heralds a new lunar cycle, we now recognize how the eleventh anniversary of 9/11 was memorialized: with the sodomization and murder of Chris Stevens, U.S. Ambassador to Libya. This attack presaged protests, some violent, in what the NYT says is now 20 countries, in part inspired, so it’s said, by a slapstick anti-Muslim movie that might not be real.

Is this unrest spontaneous, or is it designed? I have no idea. In any case, no matter what the surface phenomena, on the energetic level, the precision is breathtaking, since Uranus and Pluto are now heading into their second of seven exact 90° squares (2012-2015).

This Uranus/Pluto square, which furthers the evolutionary/revolutionary aims of the Uranus/Pluto conjunctions of the late ’60s, will continue to undermine and ultimately disintegrate (Uranus in Aries) the global power-structures (Pluto in Capricorn), as sovereign individuals and sovereign nations world-wide scream their need to be free of enslavement to the globalist corporatist state.

This coming week is key. Uranus and Pluto hit this exact square on Wednesday, the 19th, at 6°57′ Aries/Capricorn.

And, what will increase the potency of this already fulminating square is the fact that Pluto will turn from retrograde to direct motion on Tuesday, the 18th, the day before the exact square hits.

Hold on to your hats. Stay centered and grounded. Energetically release all that keeps you enslaved to whatever systems you no longer believe in. Be the change we are waiting for.



all lies

shelly's picture

The story is that he was killed at the US Embassy in Benghazi,right? Well, there is no US Embassy in Benghazy! We are being lied to hear again,look into it,tnere might have been murders yes but not at any US Embassy in Benghazy because the US Embassy in Libya is in Tripoli,soooo its my belief that this was designed to start a massive uproar in the people and start a racial war with the Muslim countries in order to gain support for attacking a war on a country who hasnt started a war in over 300 years,Iran!


Dont get me wrong,by no way am I attacking your article,I love them,lol...just sharing some info Ive researched. I agree with and enjoy your work very much



Namaste & thanks for your awsome and accurate reports!


Ra-Raela's picture

My boyfriend looked into this for me, and he says, that there is an article that states that the Embassy was moved from Tripoli to Benghazi in 2006, because it was becoming too hot to stay there. My question is, why haven't they changed the Embassy list? The Embassy is still listed under Tripoli on the net. Weird!


I would encourage everyone to go to a site called "Operation Terra" and read the messages in sequence. It may or may not be your timeline, but the information given will bring you succor and support in the coming days! It absolutely stresses to find the calm center within and to stay centered, grounded and in the moment. Stay in the Now and intuit what your next step should be. Don't follow the herd!!! You can also buy the book!


if there is any "civil

william's picture

if there is any "civil unrest" it will probably be staged and planted by the cia so don't worry about astrology. also don't believe what you read in the media-it's all lies.