GNOSTIC'S VISDOM: Where that name HEAVEN came from?... By Georgi Stankov

AnaShyNa's picture

By Love Reporter Georgy Stankov

excerpts from Astral News

January 3, 2012

Hey George,

I was wondering where that name "heaven" came from? Was it from the people on earth that they used it from their perspective or is it from your higher self or astral beings from higher dimension?

Second question: "How is it that the 4th dimension has the same problems as us? Is it money related or some kind of domination over magic like resource or something like that?

Henry Tu 

Dear Henry Tu,

The word "heaven" is different in different languages. In Bulgarian and other Slavonic languages it is called "nebesa", in German "Himmel" - both words stay for "sky". So "heaven" is in many languages simply the sky. The English word comes most probably from the verb "to heave" (to lift to a higher dimension). I often use this word for ascension as it is associated with heaven. it is a composite word for all dimensions beyond the 3d-reality that are integral part of the Source = All-That-Is. Language is often a poor substitute for higher dimensional realities. This aspect is the most neglected and poorly understood one in the current esoteric scene. 

The fourth astral dimension is very similar to the 3rd dimension, especially with respect to emotions, which are an integral part of the 4th astral dimension. These emotions can be positive, loving, harmonious, and in this case the 4th dimension, predominantly the higher levels of  it have a better contact to the Whole. 

However, when the emotions begin to evolve to fear-based patterns, as it has been the case on this planet for the last 13 000 years, then the astral plane can be even more separated and distorted than the 3d-reality. All the so called "evil forces", known as "Luciferian, Satanic, Rhyee" etc. represent collective fear based patterns that dwell in the lower 4th-dimensional astral plane and project their negative impulses predominantly on the incarnated human beings on earth. 

As the Luciferian, Satanic and Rhyee beings are completely separated at the mental and emotional level from the Source and their over-soul (which is still part of the Source as they cannot be wholly severed from it, otherwise they will not be able to exist), they do not have that much energy at their disposal. For that reason they always sponge on the emotional fields of the incarnated human beings, who have still a direct contact to their higher self and soul and thus enjoy much more powerful energies than the dark entities from the lower 4th dimension, to which the Greys and the Reptilians also belong. 

This is the reason why for instance three such dark entities (I called them the "Unholy Trio") enter the field of each new born star seed after partition and accommodate themselves perfectly in his emotional and mental bodies and sponge on him for the rest of his life, unless he gets aware of them and sends them away by consciously declaring this firm wish. In such a case the dark entities are obliged to leave his fields - they are expelled by higher angelic forces. 

This is all part of the game called "Separation and Karma" on this planet. I have written on this topic in my last book "The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction" and in some other publications. This energetic dependence of the dark forces, such as Greys and Reptilians, from humans is in the core of the current debased Orion/Reptilian order that has been established on earth - beginning with the Orion monetary system and ending up with the strict hierarchical military order that still dominates most countries and nations on this planet.

This is the chief reason why the dark ones can only survive if they sponge on incarnated human entities and in order to do this, they try to dumb them down in order to forget their creative potential as this has been the case on earth for the last 13 000 years. This is the famous "Fall From Grace" as discussed in religions and esoteric teachings. In this way the dark entities gain full control over the energies of the humans which are "God's sparks". This aspect is also very well presented in the basic gnostic books of Cosmic Awareness. This mechanism is also in the core of the current End Times and determines the battle of the forces of light against the dark forces. 

This interdependence is not well understood by most esoteric gurus and especially by most channeling "trash ladies" as I call them, that populate the Internet in the last years and are the chief source of the current massive confusion among most light workers.

I hope that I have addressed some of the major aspects regarding your questions, which harbour indeed a lot of stuff for gnosticdiscussion.

In love and light
