Go Beyond the Normal Reach of Complacency

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Message from Ascended Master, Serapis Bey ~ December 14 ~ 21, 2012
Received by: Julie Miller
December 14, 2012

How many habits have been created just because you gave into a whimsical desire? You can receive instant satisfaction when you allow yourself to indulge, but how often does one indulge before a habit is formed that causes issues when you try to break that habit? It is essential to show yourself love and compassion as it benefits you and those around you. But when you take that precious energy you have provided for yourself and create a habit that can all-consume you it can most definitely cause a developing pattern of unfulfilled happiness and stagnation to occur in regards to your Spiritual and Personal growth.
Self-Indulgence when gone to extremes will create negative energy to be attracted you, thus causing negative results for the choices made that are extreme in order to satisfy your desires. Moderation has always been a term to apply when you feel the need to indulge. Too much self-indulgence can lead to sickness, grief, sometimes pain, or another form of misery and harm. Self-indulgence is the same as being selfish. When you go to extremes to satisfy yourself to the point of a habit being created, you are demonstrated only your needs is important and consciously and sub-consciously the needs of others becomes forgotten. This creates a Lose-Lose situation no matter what satisfaction you have gained from the need to over indulge.
We encourage each of you to take a moment to reflect, to think back to a time you indulged to the point where you may have made yourself ill, or caused upset somewhere else. Some people indulge when they are in emotional distress, they turn to food, alcohol, drugs, sex, sometimes there is an expressed need to shop excessively and sometimes violence occurs. How each person deals with stressful situations is entirely individual and unique. Even though you may have been facing a horrendous situation, maintaining control of your emotions and behaviour is essential. We know this can be very difficult. There are so many distractions out there for you and their presence is a test of your resistance. Always think well before you choose dear ones. All choices you make are your responsibility. You may make all the excuses you want, but honestly and truthfully when you choose to indulge beyond moderation remember and think what harm can be caused by your actions. Who else could be feeling the negative impact of your self-indulgence in your life?
If you allow yourself to stay within the habit of a self-indulgence lifestyle you are giving up certain responsibilities to yourself. You are responsible to look after you. Even if you have children, maybe older family members to care for, it is you that must take care of you first. If you are too focused on a habit instead of eating properly, getting enough sleep or not keeping your physical body clean what happens is those people that depend on you begin to become less important and in turn can begin feeling unloved, that they are the cause for your distress, etc. Some excessive self-indulgences can create a reduction in your standard of living, negative feelings can erupt and words can come spilling out that are sharper than any knife. Happiness is not a result of over-indulgence.
When you are faced with difficult decisions or hard challenge make an effort to not surrender to your anger, sadness, frustration, etc. Yes make note of it because your emotions are natural in response to certain events and situations. Surrender your worries and concerns to God. Let God cradle you within His comforting presence, free your worries to the angels that surround you. Every day make an effort to always bring a positive change into your life. Positive changes do not have to cost any money. Positive changes could be as simple as saying hello to your neighbour, bringing flowers from your garden into your home, creating a delicious dish, looking at whimsical animal pictures, watching children play, the list is endless. When you choose to not surrender to the negative emotions you are providing yourself with opportunities to bring in more happiness, love and light.
Sometimes dear ones, during a time when you allow yourself to over-indulge you may forget the problems you are running from; maybe for a time you can escape the feelings, but in truth the issues never go away. When you are finally done indulging yourself, those issues are still there and more often than not, more issues have been created due to the allowance of over self-indulgencing. We know facing certain circumstances can be extremely difficult. But we encourage you dear ones to face them as soon they are presented in order to heal and grow and to bring relief to yourself and those most affected by all outcomes. Any instant gratification is never long lasting, the habit that grows must be fed continuously and this in itself creates a great strain on your whole person.
We suggest and recommend that you quickly remove what is causing you the unhappiness that has been the driving force to your self-indulgence. Once you remove the negative factor, you then are able to begin to let the clarifying light in. A more positive state of mind becomes fixed and focus again slowly returns from the love provided from your precious hearts.
It is up to each of you to always keep your mind active with new things to learn and your body alive and vibrant feeling. Personal Growth is about taking risks, expanding your boundaries beyond your normal reach of complacency. Risks always involve trying new things, discovering what you like and what you clearly do not, and sometimes you can discover a happy medium. When you allow yourself to be drawn healthfully into areas that will benefit you, your loved ones and society on a global scale then dear ones you know you are being selfless and acting from the love that is deep within your heart. Satisfaction does seep in and it does warm your entire being from the inside out.
For the many people that share your lovely Earth that are overcome by their self-indulgencies they must be encouraged to master themselves through discipline, control, patience, objectivity and practice applying a positive attitude that requires commitment, fortitude, decisiveness and perseverance. To gain self-respect dear ones you must apply the effort to make changes happen within your life. Some of the changes may be a little painful at first, but once remove yourself from the clutches of negative living; soon you will feel good about all things, especially yourself.
Once you learn to control your need to self-indulge, many advantageous opportunities will present themselves to you. You will be guided to many decisions that will positively affect your health, well-being, happiness, personal growth and development. Remember dear ones your choices can have powerful repercussions and even greater rewards, depending on how or what you choose. Always think what will bring you the greatest of good. How will my decision affect my family and/or friends?  
What we see happening dear ones is the troublesome Ego likes to get in the way. It will try to encourage you to continue to do what brings you pleasure in the form of excessive self-indulgence. Your ego will step in just when you are thinking about doing something that you know is for your best interests. The Ego will tempt you by raising objections to persuade you to change your mind and to bring you back into excessive self-indulgences that you have worked so hard to remove. When you find yourself arguing within yourself dear ones, we suggest you to be firm and follow your heart. Always follow the path of the light and allow your heart to guide you to you making the best possible choices each and every time. Your heart will never mislead you. This does not mean you will never have another difficult challenge to face because challenges are opportunities to express your God Presence and Love in all you do. They don’t have to cause a negative reaction if you choose to be accepting and happy instead.
We know you have days where you are tired, feeling maybe a little out-of-sorts. When a low feeling presents itself acknowledge these feelings, explore them, and maybe meditate on them. If you follow a certain Ascended Master, Archangel, God or Goddess express yourself through prayer how you are feeling, allow the words to come forth and be heard. Hearing your own words can create a humbling experience. Read or say aloud I AM Affirmations, reflect through solitude and give yourself the gentle break sometimes you need. Yes we know it can be easier just to allow the temptation to indulge take over when things are going awry, but your journey is provides you many other solutions that don’t have to cause negative outcomes. Have that piece of pie or savor a delicious candy, occasionally if you can purchase something for yourself, surround yourself with laughter from good friends and close family, enjoy nature as she moves all around you, there are many ways that you encounter every day that offer healing. Open your heart dear ones and see from the love that shines from your precious hearts.
Your journey is never a lonely one. Even if you cannot see us, KNOW you are in the company of many celestial beings that love you dearly.
I AM Ascended Master, Serapis Bey through Julie Miller
