The God Light

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The God Light


a message from Christina Lunden
Monday, 16 April, 2012
As we ascend into the higher dimensions, we are moving closer to our remembrance of who we are as a piece of God. We start raising our consciousness to be more God-like in our daily lives. In our special Universe, we can understand that we are to allow the free-will choices of anything living, like God has done for us. Non-judgment, compassion and a higher love for ourselves and others play a major role in our 5th Dimensional experience. They are not easy concepts to incorporate into our lives after thousands and thousands of years of seeing life through the ego’s eyes but it is something that our souls are ready to do.

The way to Ascension is through the light. To reach the collective ascension energy, Lightworkers need to be stable in their thoughts, energy and lives. Those souls that are light-filled will ascend to a new experience in these bodies we have now. We will then experience our new lives leaving the ego behind in this dimension.

Our beloved Mother Earth has a natural cycle of renewal yet this is different because we have spiritual changes going on at the same time. This time we are conscious enough of our spiritual connections that we are Mother Earth’s birthing partners. As partners, instead of holding her invisible hand, we allow the flow of light through ourselves which will provide her with anything that she needs. Mother Earth’s contractions are coming closer and closer together now with more intensity. Recently, in a two day period (April 11-12) there were six earthquakes ranging between 6.0 – 8.6 magnitudes. These shifts are affecting people all over the world.

The Angels want to remind us that being the birthing partner does not mean that we are the one that has to feel the pain. The Lightworkers job is to be the support. The partner reminds her to breathe, that she is doing well, that this will all be over soon and that something beautiful and wonderful will be the result. And most of all, the support job is for us to be the light, so when Mother Earth needs some energy, she can use it. She has a right to go through this birthing process and we are here to support her.

If you still feel the effects of these Earth changes, no matter where they occur in the world, you don’t have to. When we were in the 3rd Dimension (until 2003) we had no choice. If we wanted to serve spiritually, this meant the energy flowed through our bodies and auras and then went out into spirit. However now that we are in the 4th Dimensional energy, we do have a choice. The energy that we channel doesn’t come into our bodies or aura, it stays outside of us. The only thing that flows through us is the pure essence of light, which the Angels are calling the God-light. This one change allows us to be more of service for all in this Universe as we are not choosing from our limited knowledge and understanding who needs what, where and when. We just are the light. When we are light filled, the light is shared with all with no judgment of who gets it, when or how much. Anyone can have the light as it is not “ours.” If another person/soul needs the light, they take it. If Mother Earth needs the light, she takes it. They are far better served by having us channel the pure essence of light through our lives, allowing them to take the light as they deem necessary; for only they know what they need.

This God-light is a much more pure light than we have ever been able to access before. Since this is no longer a light limited by our physical expression, there are no more ups and downs for the healer when we do healing sessions. When we healed before, the light we shared went through us physically and therefore could weaken the energy. Now this light energy remains its pure essence before, during and after healings. When flowing this non-judgmental God-light, there are no more emotional or physical feelings for the empathic person / Lightworker / Lightbearer when Earth changes occur. We still receive the spiritual insight that something is going to happen or just happened somewhere, however we are not physically or emotionally affected by it. This allows the Lightworkers to stay balanced in their daily lives while serving at a higher level than ever before.

This message is coming at this time because some of the Lightworkers and the 144,000 need healing in the physical bodies and stability in their emotional bodies. This is hard to have when constantly shifting because of people around us or by Mother Earth’s changes. Being tasked with bringing forth the light for the Ascension of this world into the physical 5th Dimension is not easy. But it is something we are capable of doing. Truly accepting the concepts that come with that dimension into our lives now will bring the healings and stability that we need in order to create the Ascension for everyone. Remember that is what this Ascension is all about; a gift of a new higher life for every soul who wants it. Pray about these concepts and see if it is time to make a change honoring all soul decisions as God does for us. We are ready for this next level of understanding and living. We are ready to have the strong, pure light flowing through us.

Blessings of the God-light,


