God, Mankind and Delta-Consciousness

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God, Mankind and Delta-ConsciousnessBy Steve Chandler

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Richard Dawkins famously once said; “Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence”. Dawkins professes not to believe in God or Gods, nor to have any faith that there is substance to our spiritual world. (That he has forged a career through tales of why he doesn’t believe in something – something he clearly believes in enough to seek to disprove its existence – is a paradox that, due to hubris, eludes the Professor).

God – the existence of, the role of, the power of – has challenged brighter minds than Richard Dawkins over millennia. And simpler minds have poured over scriptures, debated the flight path of birds and made icons out of implements of death, all in the search for meaning as to who and what is ‘God’. Yet the true nature of God remains elusive. Which is a curious thing; for God is of mankind. But in a manner that would shake the Professor to his core.
