Going through the vortex

MomT's picture

20 December 2012 - 10:48pm |  LotusLight

Going through the Vortex with our Divine Twin is an experience that is very difficult to put into words.

      Just before midnight, Australian time, up, up and away we went through this tunnel that is multi-colored
      and wide.    No stopping until reaching the top   ~   and then...........the burst of Light...........

      It IS a very individual journey tailor-made for each soul and their part in this Ascension-Play.

      A personal message is delivered and the feeling of elation and utter 'completion' is felt !
      A new day has dawned and a new view of Life is perceived through the eyes.

      Happiness and Joy abounds.

      All the suffering and hard work has given unlimited rewards.

      Gratitude and Humility and Awe are the feelings this morning while I drink my coffee.

      It is very individual and cannot be compared.............


Namaste  ~  Tara*~

Source: Lightworkers.org

