~Goodness, Compassion, Love, Light, Peace, Positivity~
This is my mantra. Something to meditate upon, which actually helps train the thoughts to focus on such “better” thought patterns. Things like this on a daily basis can regularly train the brain, and influence DNA even. http://humanworldorder.org/2011/12/12/scientists-prove-dna-can-be-reprogrammed-by-words-and-frequencies/
Our world is what we perceive. If we only align ourselves with positive intentions, that’s all that will happen in our reality. It’s how our energy relates to the universe, through intent. If our intent is of a positive nature, only positive results will incur. It’s very simple, negative thoughts lead to a negative reality! Positive thoughts create a positive reality. In a sense, it is the ability to entrance ourselves properly in a benevolent manner which makes us good people.
All the world is made up of belief. There are endless religions, and endless different ways of looking at things. In truth, all that we perceive is our beliefs. So, what we believe is simply what is. Large beliefs are created when lots of people believe in certain things. This is why things disappear as time moves on, beliefs go away and when all evidence is gone – it simply ceases to exist. Reality is only what we see , so , reality is just that. What we believe is what can alter what we see in our physical realities. Beliefs can take us into divine, glorious worlds of absolute positivity, or hellish underworlds of the negative. Choose Positive. Align yourselves with a positive mantra.
If the whole world started focusing on Goodness, Compassion, Love, Light, Peace, & Positivity – we could expect a sincere shift in global affairs. However, this is not necessary to change your life, or mine. All we need to do, individually is keep our intents positive. Nobody can or should be able to intrude upon this, as we all have our own creational powers.
When our world sees that we are believing in the negative too much, we will stop doing that. We must focus on the positive, for our own collective good. As well, as for the good of our children. In-fact, focusing on the good influences all times and lives, so keep that in mind when considering such factors as reincarnation and the such.
We must start actively pursuing higher ideals, and focus on them. The brain makes everything. It is an impressionable thing, which when trained properly can make a masterly person. It is all up to the intent of the individual! Results always come, and it is always 100% reliable to focus on the positive. Why wait? We are in a tumultuous period. Let’s get rid of the negativity and start focusing on the positive, now! Why, because we all need it. Goodness, Compassion, Love, Light, Peace & Positivity.
As a helpful tool, you can take this image here for yourself. Mantras such like this, including positive images greatly strengthen our resolve to train our minds into positive thinking. We create our reality! Focus on the positive and change the world wherever you are. All neighborhoods on planet earth need this positive shift in consciousness. Start the positive change today!
In the White Light of the Divine
Gregory Matthew von Haesler