Governments Geoengineering Our Oceans With Industrial Waste

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By Dane Wigington
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Though many have now heard of the ongoing atmospheric chemical spraying known as solar radiation management (SRM) and stratospheric aerosol geoengineering (SAG), most are still not familiar with another form of geoengineering, “ocean fertilization“. Yes, the same global powers behind the ongoing atmospheric spraying insanity have also been “fertilizing” our oceans.

For those that are not familiar with ocean fertilization, the term refers to the intentional widespread distribution of massive amounts of bioavailable iron into our already-polluted seas, in order to encourage the creation of plankton blooms that then absorb and thus sequester CO2 from the atmosphere. Like aerosol geoengineering, ocean fertilization is contributing to the increasing “dead zones” around the globe.
