12~12~12 was our Biggest and Most Intense Portal Opening day yet. The New Energy is Now completely Anchored into the Planet, what this also means is that the Eternal Flow is Flowing with the Awakened Ones. With this Completed, it is causing a wave of Energy Much More Intense than Any Energy Wave that has Entered into the Physical Realm thus far. Now, this Energy will push the old energy out and away from the Planet. You can Say that We are Now really Heating things Up and Events are about to get very Interesting indeed . Those of you that have stepped into the New Energy Completely, meaning you are Serving Love ONLY, will begin having more experience's of Effortless Magical Synchronostic Events, Miracles, Overflowing Joy, the Wonder and Magic of the Eternal Flow and All the Gifts Love Gives. For those of you that have made it through this Portal Opening, You will Now Move Forward into Your Destinies, and Receive Your Christmas Presents from Love.
read all: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/message-earth-alliesthe-gra...