~Galactic Love Reporter Gratitude for All That Is~
Gratitude for All That Is
by Caroline, 12-18-11
The 12.12.11 stargate was a major turning point on our journey towards ascension that will undoubtedly affect every aspect of our lives from this day forward. During these past few weeks after 11.11.11, many questions about ourselves and the intent of our spiritual paths are resurfacing as we’re being asked to reconsider who we are, what we want to do with our lives, what our priorities are, and where we want to go from here.
Do we stay in a world of illusion, lies and polarity or do we move into an era of Unity Consciousness and forge ahead towards a world that works for everyone? Most likely if you are reading this, on 12.12.11 you made your decision by declaring your readiness to move forward fully ensouled into the new era.
It takes great courage to leave the old ways behind and embrace our new self in all its entirety. We must be gentle and consider taking baby steps at first in order to allow all that is transpiring within us to happen most naturally. This may mean we’re thrown off the seat of our comfort zones as our old ways of being, feeling and thinking are released. But this is all part of the process in accepting our truth as we move to align ourselves with our new sense of self. If we’re feeling too out of sorts, as our comfort zones are shaken, rattled and rolled, we need to take time for ourselves and find a place of solace, preferably in nature, where we can rest and return to our heart center for consolation and guidance.
Congratulations are in order because as individuals and as a collective, we have taken a major leap forward in our journey towards Ascension. We know there’s no turning back and we’re looking ahead to 2012 with great hope and expectation. With this in mind, a deep sense of gratitude radiates from our hearts as we fine tune our inner knowing and embrace our connection to our God Source and all that is.
In Archangel Michael´s message from December 10th he refers to the meaning of 12.12.11:
“Think of 12.12 as connection day, that the frequencies of the vibrations are finally harmonious enough to really have the sensation, the knowing, the experience, of, yes, I am connected, and I am part of this. And because I am part of this, the immediate connection raises my frequency even higher. I am perceiving differently.
“12.12.11 was also a day to embrace our connection with the Community of Love. The members of this community consist of angels, our star families, ascended masters and teachers who have been waiting for us to realize that WE are also a part of it as well. We are one. We can now feel each other, sense each other´s presence, and communicate like never before.”
We have so much to be thankful for. It is important to acknowledge our gratitude every day, perhaps during meditation and prayer, even if we’re driving down the street in rush-hour traffic. Any time is appropriate to express our gratitude for all the blessings we have received and for all that we’ll receive in the future. We’ve been given precious gifts such as awakening to our inner knowing, being able to feel, receive and perceive the love around us, and to recognize our truths. All of this enables us to move ahead with confidence and courage. We are moving steadily along the path of light, one step at a time, towards Ascension and our new way of being.
We should also express our gratitude for the lessons and experiences we’ve encountered which have enlightened us and commenced our growth and expansion in awakening to our true sense of self. We’re in the process of embracing our true essence.
Let us show gratitude for all that is, and for all that exists in this world and the next because we’re all part of it.
We can feel it, we see it, and we’re living it.
Caroline can be reached at: carolinekane@rocketmail.com and she welcomes your comments.