GRATITUDE MEDITATION Today, if possible, spend time in nature or at least with a houseplant, if you have no yard or access to nature. Spend several moments caressing a plant or sitting with a tree.
Focus solely on your breathing. On your inhale, breathe in oxygen and the fragrance of the plant. On your exhale, give gratitude to the plant for providing the oxygen that you breathe. Continue with this simple exercise until you are completely relaxed and have worked up a warm feeling of love and gratitude.
Now, visualize someone you are having difficulties with or someone you would like to have a deeper relationship with. On the inbreath, bring that person closer to you, releasing all judgments and negative feelings. On the outbreath, send loving thoughts from your heart to theirs. Continue until you feel a connection of acceptance or love.
With persons you are having great difficulty with, it may take several attempts to get into a state of acceptance. Continue with this practice for as many days as it takes until you can freely send love to them. This is also a good exercise to release negative emotions from past events that were unpleasant. Spending time in Nature is very healing and we encourage you to set aside time to do this on a daily basis. Selamet! Men 6
To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 175 at: https://mayanmessages.wordpress.com/days-170-182/ Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others. Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree