~Guided Meditation for Heart Flow~

Lia's picture



~Guided Meditation for Heart Flow~



Take a seat in a comfortable position, ensuring that your crown and root chakra are in alignment, sitting over and under one another.

Palms are placed comfortably in ones lap, to open upwards so as to receive and express light.

Imagine a vortex of light ascending from Gaia’s core, grounding and anchoring you to her heart centre. See her heart flow ascend upwards through your root chakra, and fill every cell with her pink, green, golden and silver light. Merge with her, knowing that she is a part of you and you a part of her.

See your crown chakra energy extend up through space and connect with the additional five chakras that lie vertically in a row above your crown. Feel as your whole energy extends up to meet these external chakras, melding and vibrating with them. Discover yourself at each of these ‘star chakras’, knowing that you exist infinitely in the universe through them.

See Gaia’s energy shoot straight up through every chakra energy centre: base (red), navel (orange), solar plexus (yellow), heart (green), thymus (turquoise), throat (blue), third eye (indigo), crown (pearlescent white), and each of the five star chakras. See your very essence explode out into the universe and touch every star, planet, asteroid, atom, and spread out across infinity.

Know that you are a child of the stars and have access to all through the great consciousness. Know that you are a part of the ONE. We are all one within the cosmos.

Let this energy flow through you, fill you and reconnect you to your perfection.
(Let this energy flow in silence for seven minutes)

As you connect with all that is, you are given symbols in the form of holograms; multi-dimensional sacred geometry of light to bring you into your consciousness. Let these symbols in, knowing that they are made of divine love. Know that they hold the sacred codes of healing, love, and light, and when you receive them they will permeate you entirely – past, present and future. All aspects of you brought into the now.

See a golden hologram of ascension and heart-based light floating before you, knowing that by accepting it, you are accepting your path of ascension and the ability to live only in, and from, love.

Accept this golden symbol of light deep into your heart and feel it ‘click’ into place. You have never felt as connected with all, as you do now. You are a being of light, you are present, you are re-formed, you are one.

Feeling this ecstatic bliss and infinite love, send it forth back to Gaia. See her ley-lines (energy meridians) light up as you honour her with your gift of love, See her heal in beautiful, radiant and pure love. Send it out to every person, every creature, every plant, and see this love permeate and blend with every single atom in the solar system. Send this love and light out to infinity knowing that you are a part of everything and knowing that you truly are everything.

See how as a light being of love, all that matters is love; love is the gift that you bring to your soul and that of all creation.

You are a being of light

You are love

You are the essence of 'all that is'

You are divine creation

You are past, present and future all in synchronicity

You are all parts of Great Spirit

You are divinity

You are the creator

You are all powerful

You are the eternal spark

You are ONE

Your are ONE

You are ONE

(sit in this space and silence for twenty minutes)

Slowly bring your focus back to this room, your body, your mind. Slowly slip back into this reality.
Know that you still exist as an infinite being, connected to all that there is

Feel as the energy of Gaia and that of the universe pulses through you and nourishes you at your very core.
Know that you now consciously carry the light internally and outwardly, infusing light and love into everything you contact; the environment, plants, animals, people, inanimate objects, everything.

Just by being you and living your truth, you are lifting the light vibration and consciousness of everything.
Feel the universe at your heart centre, and always work with the pure, divine light and love that exudes infinitely from this soul space.

Know that you are completely protected at each of your energy centre as your are the light. No darkness can exist within you again.
