HAARP-Chemtrails WMD: Exposing a Spiritual, Mass Mind-Control & Planetary Assault with Alfred

World-Bridger's picture

This is not posted to cause fear, only help give understanding of whats been going on and to show all how important our work is and why it should be of utmost importance in our lives. LOVE in Oneness. <3


I've got the IT

4dangelo3's picture

yes every thing you say is true.But do you realize who is behind this,or the chain of comand?Well this is how it goes to the best of my understandind.The NWO tell there bicth's the "presidents"what they want"control".The president"s tell there goverment's what to do.the government's tell there medea what to say and most people beleave that shit.becouse "well everyone is saying IT.I know that we as the people have to put forth the effert to fix this mess that we have payed in trust by not knowing where our money was going .but now the truth is coming out reather fast thank's to our internet and friends that put there neck's on the chopping block for our future"THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SENDING OUT THE FREQENCY",for us to do this with a little help.IT is the PRIMELAW that will be part of our future that will be amended to our constatution.The PRIME LAW state's that force ,threat of force and fraud is prohibited unless the PRIMELAW is brooken"see mark Hamilton 3000 year old secrit on utube".We can trust that Jill Reed will do the job"make the ammendment".We have time to elect a new president that will not be a NWO banker Bitch.That lady is JILL REED who is running for USA PRESIDENT 2012 I am helping her get there.What she will do for us"THE PEOPLE",is make that amendment with help from our friend"s for ever .So spread the word to every one you know that this is really going down.Ya see,even the people that are spraying the cemtrails are having to do it by force .The PRIMELAW hold's every person acountable for what they have done.GO JILL REED GO JILL REED GO JILLREED.GOD SPEED TO ALL THE PEOPLE.if you would like to get envoled please Gmail me at 4dangelo@gmail.com.Time is running out so don't wast it go to TVP.org and get involed.basicly all you need to do is make sure she is on the ballet in you state .it usaly take's a certon amount of signature's on a pitistion that you can print right of your printer.the have to turned in by a certon date .It is so much fun meating people and telling them what happaning .I my self have over 600 signature in a week.

Chemtrail networks gross

Guest's picture

Chemtrail networks gross disformation spoken by one of the much better than most misinformers. There are quite a few, a few M.P's, a greens party in one country, a Mayor in New Zealand, couldn't see many lines in New Zealand skies, had to visit another country with more planes, bigger cities to be convinced. Interesting who buys in. None of it matters except pilots & others need to be kept safe & many lightworkers were buying into all the disformation made by those functioning on power & abuse making most of it. The airlines are not spraying chemicals to kill off the human race.