Happy Equinox, Dear Sun Family!

MomT's picture

Happy Equinox, Dear Sun Family!  



The shift of the seasons is always one of the greatest blessings of life on this beloved planet. The habits of the birds indicate that the change is at hand. We become aware of a familiar variance of fragrance in the morning air. We always accept the change of the season with joy, whether it indicates that it is time to plant and nurture your garden... or time to harvest and put the garden to bed!


Many of us have found ourselves swallowed in a cocoon during this past cycle since the Solstice, as we have been integrating the tremendous influx of light that bathed the Earth during the most powerful galactic alignments of recent times. Tremendous energy waves are now moving through and across our planet and we see this intensity play out in our personal lives, our communities and throughout our world. Light and dark are seeking to balance and to find that state of equanimity.


This upcoming New Moon ushers in that very special turning of time where the light and the dark harmonize and the resulting reflection offers great clarity, for those who pause to see, and direct connection to the dreams and messages of the Divine Presence. This season's Equinox is perfectly cradled between the New Moon and the Full Moon, creating a powerful two weeks to center and focus as we peer through the veils of time to seek the direction our path is calling us for our next cycle of life.


Whether you are planting a new garden in your life or whether you are harvesting... we honor this great turning of seasons as a celebration of light and a celebration of life! The Equinox gives us a platform of balance from which we can sense right direction if we still ourselves in order to ride the waves of divine flow.


As one group soul, let us shower the Earth with Unity Transmissions of light, balance and harmony this New Moon, and this entire Equinox season. Let us envision our planet bathed in a state of peace and equanimity and transmit frequencies of light to all who are requesting healing, balance and harmony in their lives.


With love and blessings, from our hearts to yours - Happy New Divine YOU!



The Unity Transmissions
New Moon Monday ~ March 11, 2013
Equinox Wednesday ~ March 20, 2013  

With unified meditation, receiving and

transmitting during 4 synchronized times:


Sydney, Australia: 8 pm
Country of India: 8 pm
Paris, France: 8 pm

New York, USA: 9 pm






