Happy New Year & Happy Last Year ~ A God & Gabriel Message Channeled By Suzanne Spooner of TAUK

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December 31, 2013   Suzanne Spooner

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God & Gabriel

[Hi God & Gabriel!]

Happy New Year & Happy Last Year! “Time” as you know, is an Earth requirement. Time is most definitely speeding up and is doing this so that you (humanity) and Gaia enter the 5th dimension “on time”. ~ That was a play on words! However “time” is no longer able to be measured as it once was. This is felt now as time-lapses, as instant manifestations, as days and hours seem to vanish into thin air. This is a necessary requirement to help humanity make its jump into the new consciousness.

Imagine no longer wearing a watch. Imagine that all events happen when and how they should for the highest-greatest good of all those involved. Imagine having true faith that all is well and doesn’t need to be kept on schedule.

Would that look like chaos? Perhaps to some. To others it looks like freedom. It feels like truth on an innate level. Give some credit to the cosmos who has perfectly arranged all life without the assistance of a wrist watch.

Yes, time is important on Earth. It has guided you in a purposeful way on this long journey of third dimensional life. The New Earth is well under way. Give thanks that humanity as a whole (conscious, subconscious and otherwise) has given its blessing to move forward. Be more aware now of your feelings and know what you specifically ask for will be coming to you much quicker. This will require you to be mindful of your thoughts. Love full heartedly. Forgive easily. Help others by your example. This is the way life is Now.


Copyright © Suzanne Spooner. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete with the links below.

TAUK Website: www.TAUKsite.com

TAUK Blog: www.tauksuzanne.com

Suzanne’s QHHT Website: www.infinityhealers.com

